AP English 4 Vocab list 2
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50165757 | apiary | place where bees are kept | |
50165758 | aviary | place where birds are kept | |
50165759 | badger | tease, annoy; nag | |
50165760 | halcyon | calm; peaceful | |
50165761 | lionize | treat as highly important | |
50165762 | molt | shed feathers, skin, hair, etc. | |
50165763 | ornithology | study of birds | |
50165764 | parasite | animal, plant, or person living on others | |
50165765 | parrot | repeat mechanically | |
50165766 | scavenger | animal or person removing refuse, decay, etc. | |
50165767 | antidote | remedy for a poison or evil | |
50165768 | astringent | substance that shrinks tissues and checks the flow of blood; stern, severe | |
50165769 | benign | not dangerous; gentle, kindly | |
50165770 | convalesce | recover health after illness; recuperate | |
50165771 | fester | form pus; rankle; rot; putrefy | |
50165772 | hypochondriac | person morbidly anxious about his health, or suffering from imagined illness | |
50165773 | immunity | resistance to a disease; freedom from an obligation | |
50165774 | lesion | injury; hurt | |
50165775 | malignant | threatening to cause death; very evil | |
50165776 | morbid | gruesome; having to do with disease | |
50165777 | pestilential | morally harmful; pertaining to a pestilence | |
50165778 | regimen | set of rules to improve health | |
50165779 | salubrious | healthful | |
50165780 | sebaceous | greasy; secreting fatty matter | |
50165781 | therapeutic | curative | |
50165782 | toxic | poisonous | |
50165783 | unguent | salve; ointment | |
50165784 | virulent | extremely poisonous, deadly, venomous; very bitter | |
50165785 | virus | disease-causing organism too small to be seen through a microscope; corruptive force | |
50165786 | acclaim | welcome with approval; applaud loudly | |
50165787 | encomium | speech or writing of high praise; tribute | |
50165788 | eulogize | praise; extol | |
50165789 | laudable | praiseworthy; commendable | |
50165790 | plaudit | applause; enthusiastic praise | |
50165791 | calumnious | falsely and maliciously accusing; defamatory; slanderous | |
50165792 | derogatory | expressing low esteem; belittling; disparaging | |
50165793 | imputation | insinuation; accusation | |
50165794 | libel | false and defamatory printed or written statement | |
50165795 | malign | speak evil of; vilify; traduce | |
50165796 | slander | false and defamatory spoken statement; calumny | |
50165797 | stigma | mark of disgrace | |
50165798 | stigmatize | brand with a mark of disgrace | |
50165799 | banter | playful teasing; joking; raillery | |
50165800 | caricature | drawing, imitation, or description that ridiculously exaggerates | |
50165801 | droll | odd and laughter-provoking | |
50165802 | facetious | in the habit of joking; said in jest without serious intent | |
50165803 | flippant | treating serious matters lightly | |
50165804 | harlequin | buffoon; clown | |
50165805 | hilarity | noisy; gaiety; mirth; jollity; glee | |
50165806 | irony | sepcies of humor whose intended meaning is the opposite of the words used; state of affairs contrary to what would normally be expected | |
50165807 | jocose | given jesting; playfullly humorous; jocular | |
50165808 | levity | lack of proper seriousness; trifling gaiety; frivolity | |
50165809 | ludicrous | exciting laughter; ridiculous; farcical; absurd | |
50165810 | parady | humorouse imitation of a serious writing | |
50165811 | sarcasm | sneering language intended to hurt a person's feelings |