AP English Unit 1 Vocab
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86898983 | fruition (noun) | attainment of anything desired; realization if good results; consummation; fulfillment | |
86898984 | extrude (transitive verb) | force, press or push out; shape by forcing through dies | |
86898985 | gauntlet (noun) | a glove to defend the hand from wounds | |
86898986 | Trilogy (noun) | a series of three dramas or literary works | |
86898987 | Predatory (adjective) | characterized by plundering | |
86898988 | Unassuaged (adjective) | not eased or lessened as heat, pain, or grief | |
86898989 | Natal (adjective) | native; pertaining to one's birth | |
86898990 | Frustrate (transitive verb) | bring to nothing; defeat; nullify | |
86898991 | Translucent (adjective) | shining or glowing through; admitting passage of light | |
86898992 | Predilection (noun) | a prepossession in favor of something; predisposition to choose or like | |
86898993 | Cuisine (noun) | the kitchen or cooking department; style of cooking | |
86898994 | Censure (noun) | judgement involving condemnation; an official reprimand | |
86898995 | Censure (transitive verb) | find fault with; criticize as worthy of blame | |
86898996 | Swarthy (adjective) | being of a dark color or complexion | |
86898997 | Deviate (intransitive verb) | turn aside from a course; to stray as from a standard or topic | |
86898998 | Deviate (transitive verb) | cause to turn from a previous course | |
86898999 | Mercenary (adjective) | serving solely for pay | |
86899000 | Mercenary (noun) | one who acts solely for pray | |
86899001 | Natation (noun) | act or art of swimming | |
86899002 | Unassuming (adjective) | modest or retiring | |
86899003 | Fulminate (intransitive verb) | explode suddenly and violently | |
86899004 | Gazette (noun) | a newspaper; an official journal | |
86899005 | Transmute (transitive verb) | change or alter in form, appearance or nature (especially to a higher form) | |
86899006 | Transmute (intransitive verb) | undergo transformation | |
86899387 | Arch (root) | first; chief; rule; govern | |
86899388 | Anarchy (noun) | absence of a ruler; disorder | |
86899389 | Patriarch (noun) | paternal leader of a family or group | |
86899390 | Matriarch (noun) | woman who rules a family or group | |
86899391 | Hierarchy (noun) | classification by rank | |
86899392 | Archives (noun) | organized body of records of an organization | |
89086647 | Carnal (adjective) | of the body or flesh; opposed to spiritual; specifically sexual | |
89086648 | Restive (adjective) | stubbornly resisting control or guidance, e.g., of a horse; balky; hence, unmanageable; uneasy; fidgeting about | |
89086649 | Disingenuous (adjective) | not frank and candid; also deceptively simple | |
89086650 | Replenish (transitive verb) | stock again, especially after having been emptied | |
89086651 | Equivocate (transitive verb) | use equivocal language, especially with intent to deceive | |
89086652 | Remonstrate (transitive verb) | say or plead in protest or reproof | |
89086653 | Remonstrate (intransitive verb) | present and urge reasons in opposition, as to an act, measure, or any proceedings | |
89086654 | Vestige (noun) | a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something lost or no longer existent; a small, degenerate, or imperfectly developed part or organ which has been more fully developed in an earlier stage or in a past generation | |
89086655 | Repugnance (noun) | extreme dislike or aversion; deep-rooted antagonism; in logic, inconsistency, incompatibility, incongruity (e.g., repugnance between gospel narratives) | |
89086656 | Destitute (adjective) | bereft or not in possession (of something necessary or desirable); lacking; in condition of extreme want | |
89086657 | Repercussion (noun) | a driving back or being driven back; reverberation | |
89086658 | Obnoxious (adjective) | offensive; objectionable | |
89086659 | Verbatim (adverb/adjective) | word for word; in the same words | |
89086660 | Entice (transitive verb) | draw on exciting hope or desire; allure; attract; tempt; seduce | |
89086661 | Acclaim (transitive verb) | applaud; declare or proclaim by acclamation; shout; call out loudly, as acclaim my joy | |
89086662 | Turbulence (noun) | a situation or event characterization by tumult | |
89086663 | Execrable (adjective) | detestable; very bad; abominable | |
89086664 | Carousal (noun) | a jovial feast or festival; a riotous drinking party | |
89086665 | Remiss (adjective) | negligent; careless; showing neglect or inattention | |
89086666 | Dilate (transitive verb) | enlarge or extend in size or bulk | |
89086667 | Venturous (adjective) | courting danger; ready to meet risks; daring; bold | |
89086668 | Anthrop (root) | human being | |
89086669 | Philanthropy (noun) | the act of helping people by aid or donations | |
89086670 | Misanthropy (noun) | hatred of human kind | |
89086671 | Anthropology (noun) | scientific study of the origin, cultural development and behavior of humans | |
89086672 | Anthropomorphism (noun) | the ascribing of human characteristics to animals | |
89086673 | Anthropocentric (adjective) | regarding humankind as the center of the universe | |
89091425 | Ostentatious (adjective) | characterized by or fond of unnecessary display | |
89091426 | Tacit (adjective) | unspoken; silent, but implied | |
89091427 | Rectify (transitive verb) | amend; correct; set right | |
89091428 | Ulterior (adjective) | intentionally kept concealed | |
89091429 | Artisan (noun) | a craftsman; a person manually skilled in making a particular product | |
89091430 | Distend (transitive verb) | enlarge or swell from internal pressure | |
89091431 | Distend (intransitive verb) | become extended or swollen | |
89091432 | Banal (adjective) | uninteresting or lifeless; commonplace; lacking originality | |
89091433 | Palliate (transitive verb) | cause a mistake or offense to appear less serious; cover up excuses | |
89091434 | Supercilious (adjective) | haughtily disdainful or contemptuous | |
89091435 | Raucous (adjective) | hoarse; disagreeably harsh | |
89091436 | Protagonist (noun) | leading character in a play or novel | |
89091437 | Ludicrous (adjective) | amusingly ridiculous | |
89091438 | Intrepid (adjective) | fearless | |
89091439 | Impromptu (adjective) | made or done without previous preparation | |
89091440 | Transient (adjective) | passing especially quickly into and out of existence; temporary | |
89091441 | Chivalrous (adjective) | marked by honor, generosity, and courtesy, especially toward women | |
89091442 | Ascertain (transitive verb) | determine; find out with certainty | |
89091443 | Diurnal (adjective) | daily; happening each day | |
89091444 | Pandemonium (noun) | the abode of all demons; wild uproar, confusion | |
89091445 | Surreptitious (adjective) | secret and unauthorized | |
89091446 | Cid, Cis (root) | cut; kill | |
89091447 | Incision (noun) | a cut; a gash | |
89091448 | Concise (adjective) | succinct; saying much in a few words | |
89091449 | Excision (noun) | act of cutting out or removing | |
89091450 | Homicide (noun) | murder | |
89091451 | Incisor (noun) | tooth for cutting food; one of eight front teeth in humans | |
89096664 | Eulogistic (adjective) | relating to a speech of writing in high praise of someone or something | |
89096665 | Repudiate (transitive verb) | disown; refuse to have anything to do with; reject as untrue or unjust | |
89096666 | Carnivorous (adjective) | feeding on animal tissue | |
89096667 | Vehement (adjective) | marked by strong feeling; forcibly expressed | |
89096668 | Devout (adjective) | expression devotion, generally to religious practices; sincere; warmly devoted | |
89096669 | Repellent (adjective) | serving or tending to drive away; arousing disgust | |
89096670 | Ennui (noun) | a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction; boredom | |
89096671 | Verdant (adjective) | green with growing plants; unripe in experience or judgment | |
89096672 | Carrion (noun) | dead and decaying flesh | |
89096673 | Carte Blanche (noun) | full discretionary power; power of free decision, choice, judgement | |
89096674 | Diminution (noun) | the act, process, or an instance of diminishing | |
89096675 | Remedial (adjective) | intended to remedy or to improve | |
89096676 | Venerate (transitive verb) | regard with reverential respect or with worshipful admiration | |
89096677 | Defer (transitive verb) | put off; delay; delegate to another | |
89096678 | Defer (intransitive verb) | submit; yield (as to another's wishes, opinion, or governance) | |
89096679 | Adage (noun) | a saying, often in metaphorical form, that embodies a common observation | |
89096680 | Ensue (intransitive verb) | come after time or as a result; follow | |
89096681 | Zenith (noun) | the highest point; the cumulation point | |
89096682 | Hypothetical (adjective) | assumed; depending on supposition | |
89096683 | Superficial (adjective) | concerned only with the obvious or apparent; without substance | |
89096684 | Disparage (transitive verb) | lower in esteem; belittle; speak slightly about | |
89096685 | Cred (root) | believe; trust | |
89096686 | Incredible (adjective) | hard to believe | |
89096687 | Credential (noun) | something that recommends confidence in one | |
89096688 | Credence (noun) | belief; faith; trust | |
89096689 | Credulous (adjective) | gullible; too easily deceived | |
89096690 | Creditable (adjective) | praiseworthy; commendable | |
89101115 | Preeminent (adjective) | above others; prominent; superior | |
89101116 | Unbridled (adjective) | unrestrained; violent | |
89101117 | Nauseous (adjective) | sickening; affecting or affected with extreme disgust | |
89101118 | Fulsome (adjective) | offensively excessive or insincere; exceeding in bounds of good taste | |
89101119 | Tremor (noun) | a trembling (from disease or weakness); a feeling of uncertainty or anxiety | |
89101120 | Functionary (noun) | one charged with the performance of a specific function | |
89101121 | Prefatory (adjective) | located in front; preliminary; relating to or constituting a preface | |
89101122 | Uncanny (adjective) | seeming to have a supernatural character or origin; eerie; dangerous | |
89101123 | Nave (noun) | the main body of a church; the hub of a wheel | |
89101124 | Baffle (transitive verb) | check or defeat by confusing or puzzling; frustrate the efforts of; check or break the flow of | |
89101125 | Exhilarating (noun) | feeling or state of being excited, stimulated, invigorated | |
89101126 | Rasping (adjective) | grating; scraping; raucous | |
89101127 | Proponent (noun) | one who argues in favor of something; one who makes a proposal | |
89101128 | Redundant (adjective) | exceeding what is necessary or normal; containing something excessive | |
89101129 | Desultory (adjective) | marked by lack of a definite plan; aimless; without order or rational connection | |
89101130 | Meringue (noun) | a delicate mixture of beaten egg white and powdered sugar, used as an icing or made into small cakes that are quickly browned | |
89101131 | Unwitting (adjective) | not knowing; unaware; unintentional | |
89101132 | Bludgeon (noun) | a short clublike weapon with one end loaded or thicker than the other | |
89101133 | Bludgeon (transitive verb) | hit with heavy impact; overcome by aggressive argument | |
89101134 | Toady (noun) | one who flatters in the hope of gaining favors (a toadeater) | |
89101135 | Mete (transitive verb) | assign by measure; allot | |
89101136 | Fid (root) | trusty; faith; faithful | |
89101137 | Fidelity (noun) | loyalty; faithfulness; allegiance | |
89101138 | Perfidy (noun) | treachery; betrayal; disloyalty | |
89101139 | Diffident (adjective) | shy; lacking in self-condfidence | |
89101140 | Fiduciary (adjective) | holding in trust (money or estate) | |
89101141 | Affidavit (noun) | written statement sworn to be true |