Princeton Review Vocab 101-111
A list of vocab words for AP English from the Princeton Review.
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122276290 | assertion | a declaration or statement | |
122276291 | cogent | convincing; reasonable | |
122276292 | coherent | logically connected | |
122276293 | cohesive | condition of sticking together | |
122276294 | didactic | intended to instruct | |
122276295 | discourse | verbal expression or exchange; conversation | |
122276296 | eloquence | the ability to speak vividly or persuasively | |
122276297 | fluid | easily flowing | |
122276298 | implication | the act of suggesting or hinting | |
122276299 | lucid | easily understood; clear | |
122276300 | rhetoric | the art of using language effectively and persuasively | |
122276301 | arbiter | a judge who decides a disputed issue | |
122276302 | biased | prejudiced | |
122276303 | exculpate | to free from guilt or blame | |
122276304 | impartial | not in favor of one side or the other, unbiased | |
122276305 | incontrovertible | not able to be denied or disputed | |
122276306 | integrity | trustworthiness; completeness | |
122276307 | objectivity | treating facts without influence from personal feelings or prejudices | |
122276308 | plausible | seemingly valid or acceptable; credible | |
122276309 | substantiated | supported with proof or evidence; verified | |
122276310 | vindicated | freed from blame | |
122276311 | condescending | treating people as weak or inferior | |
122276312 | contemptuous | feeling hatred; scornful | |
122276313 | despotic | exercising absolute power; tyrannical | |
122276314 | disdain | contempt, scorn, to regard or treat with contempt, to look down on | |
122276315 | haughty | arrogant; vainly proud | |
122276316 | imperious | arrogantly domineering or overbearing | |
122276317 | patronizing | treating in a condescending manner | |
122276318 | convoluted | intricate; complex | |
122276319 | cryptic | difficult to comprehend | |
122276320 | futile | have no useful purpose; pointless | |
122276321 | impede | to slow the progress of | |
122276322 | obscure | relatively unknown, to conceal or make indistinct | |
122276323 | quandary | a state of uncertainty or perplexity | |
122276324 | indolent | lazy | |
122276325 | insipid | uninteresting; unchallenging | |
122276326 | lament | express grief for; mourn | |
122276327 | listless | lacking energy | |
122276328 | melancholy | sadness; depression | |
122276329 | torpor | laziness; inactivity; dullness | |
122276330 | alliance | a union of two or more groups | |
122276331 | disparity | inequality in age, rank, or degree; difference | |
122276332 | impinge | hinder; interfere with | |
122276333 | sanction (econ) | an economic or military measure put in place to punish another country | |
122276334 | servile | submissive; like a servant | |
122276335 | suppressed | subdued; kept from being circulated | |
122276336 | embellish | to make beautiful by ornamenting; to decorate | |
122276337 | florid | describing flowery or elaborate speech | |
122276338 | opulent | exhibiting a display of great wealth | |
122276339 | ornate | elaborately decorated | |
122276340 | ostentatious | describing a showy or pretentious display | |
122276341 | poignant | profoundly moving; touching | |
122276342 | ebullience | intense enthusiasm | |
122276343 | effusive | emotionally unrestrained; gushy | |
122276344 | egregious | conspicuously bad or offensive | |
122276345 | flagrant | extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable | |
122276346 | frenetic | wildly excited or active | |
122276347 | gratuitous | given freely; unearned; unwarranted | |
122276348 | superfluous | extra; unnecessary | |
122276349 | alleviate | to ease a pain or burden | |
122276350 | asylum | a place of retreat or security | |
122276351 | auspicious | favorable; promising | |
122276352 | benevolent | well-meaning; generous | |
122276353 | benign | kind and gentle | |
122276354 | mollify | to calm or soothe | |
122276355 | reclamation | the act of making something useful again | |
122276356 | sanction (not econ) | to give official authorization or approval | |
122276357 | dubious | doubtful; of unlikely authenticity | |
122276358 | fabricated | made; concocted to deceive | |
122276359 | hypocrisy | the practice of pretending to be something one is not; insincerity | |
122276360 | slander | false charges and malicious oral statements about someone | |
122276361 | spurious | not genuine | |
122276362 | astute | shrewd; clever | |
122276363 | clandestine | secretive | |
122276364 | coup | a brilliantly executed plan | |
122276365 | disingenuous | not straightforward; crafty | |
122276366 | ruse | a crafty tick | |
122276367 | stratagem | a clever trick used to deceive or outwit | |
122276368 | surreptitiously | done by secretive means | |
122276369 | wary | on guard | |
122276370 | wily | cunning | |
122276371 | ambiguous | open to more than one interpretation | |
122276372 | ambivalent | simultaneously having opposing feelings; uncertain | |
122276373 | apathetic | feeling or showing little emotion | |
122276374 | arbitrary | determined by impulse rather than reason | |
122276375 | capricious | impulsive and unpredictable | |
122276376 | equivocate | to avoid making a definite statement | |
122276377 | indifferent | not caring one way or the other | |
122276378 | spontaneous | unplanned; naturally occurring | |
122276379 | whimsical | subject to erratic behavior; unpredictable | |
122276380 | inconsequential | unimportant | |
122276381 | superficial | concerned only with what is on the surface or obvious; shallow | |
122276382 | tenuous | having little substance or strength; shaky; unsure, weak | |
122276383 | trivial | of little importance or significance | |
122276384 | assiduous | hard-working | |
122276385 | compelling | forceful; urgently demanding attention | |
122276386 | diligent | marked by painstaking effort; hard-working | |
122276387 | dogged | stubbornly persevering | |
122276388 | endure | to put up with; to survive a hardship | |
122276389 | intrepid | courageous; fearless | |
125470843 | dictatorial | domineering; oppressively overbearing |