AP lang week 7
Terms : Hide Images [1]
39259430 | Crass | crude, coarse | |
39259431 | putrid | rotting | |
39259432 | ogle | look at or stare flirtatiously | |
39259433 | serried | packed close | |
39259434 | gainsay | deny | |
39259435 | oblivion | total forgetfulness | |
39259436 | consummate | perfect and complete in every respect | |
39259437 | fractious | easily irritated or annoyed | |
39259438 | euphony | any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds | |
39259439 | transcend | surpass | |
39259440 | querulous | constantly complaining | |
39259441 | cumbrous | difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight | |
39259442 | daunt | cause to lose courage | |
39259443 | censure | blame, official rebuke | |
39259444 | obdurate | stubborn | |
39259445 | wastrel | spendthrift | |
39259446 | obsolete | outdated | |
39259447 | deride | treat or speak of with contempt | |
39259448 | celibate | an unmarried person who has taken a religious vow of chastity | |
39259449 | miscreant | a person without moral scruples; villain | |
39259450 | mephitic | of noxious stench from atmospheric pollution | |
39259451 | garland | flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes | |
39259452 | decorum | propriety in manners and conduct | |
39259453 | perspicuous | (of language) transparently clear | |
39259454 | stagnant | not growing or changing | |
39259455 | conjecture | reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence | |
39259456 | rebut | prove to be false or incorrect | |
39259457 | platitude | excessive, a trite or obvious remark | |
39259458 | inordinate | beyond normal limits | |
39259459 | censor | forbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper) | |
39259460 | disparate | fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind | |
39259461 | pivotal | being of crucial importance | |
39259462 | tautological | repetition of same sense in different words | |
39259463 | distraught | deeply agitated especially from emotion | |
39259464 | inundate | fill or cover completely, usually with water | |
39259465 | scintillate | to sparkle; to twinkle; to sparkle intellectually | |
39259466 | hoodwink | conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end | |
39259467 | seemly | according with custom or propriety | |
39259468 | deplore | to feel or express regret or disapproval | |
39259469 | reprove | to find fault with, scold, rebuke | |
39259470 | wily | marked by skill in deception | |
39259471 | saccharine | overly sweet | |
39259472 | feckless | not fit to assume responsibility | |
39259473 | fallacy | a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning | |
39259474 | curtail | place restrictions on | |
39259475 | salient | having a quality that thrusts itself into attention | |
39259476 | martinet | someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms | |
39259477 | provocative | serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate | |
39259478 | proscribe | command against | |
39259479 | presentiment | a feeling of evil to come | |
39260926 | volatile | liable to lead to sudden change or violence | |
39260927 | emolument | compensation received by virtue of holding an office or having employment (usually in the form of wages or fees) | |
39260928 | temerity | fearless daring | |
39260929 | peripheral | on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary | |
39260930 | ostensible | appearing as such but not necessarily so | |
39260931 | disparage | express a negative opinion of | |
39260932 | charlatan | n. an impostor, a quack; someone who pretends to have knowledge or skills that he doesn't really possess | |
39260933 | virulent | extremely poisonous or injurious | |
39260934 | impugn | attack as false or wrong | |
39260935 | condolence | an expression of sympathy with another's grief |