ap euro
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41275772 | caravels | small ships sailed by the Portuguese | |
41275773 | Thomas Crowell | Henry VIII's chief minister | |
41275774 | Battle at Bosworth Field | ended War of the Roses | |
41275775 | Louis XI | consolidated France | |
41275776 | Dance of Death | portrayal of bodies during the plague | |
41275777 | Ockham's theory | nominalism | |
41275778 | Anti-semitism | un-acceptance of Jews | |
41275779 | Linear perspective | architecture technique: dimension, depth, illusion | |
41275780 | GOLD, GOD, GLORY | motivation of European explorers | |
41275781 | Alfonso de Alberquerque | Portuguese general | |
41275782 | Boyars | Muscovite military class | |
41275783 | Gabelle | French tax on salt | |
41275784 | 1377 | Pope Gregory brings papacy back to Rome | |
41275785 | Utopia | Sir Thomas More | |
41275786 | Taille | peasant land tax in France | |
41275787 | Girolama Savanarola | Florence heretic | |
41275788 | Laura Cereta | prolific Italian author, humanist and feminist | |
41275789 | Dante Aligheri | Divine Comedy | |
41275790 | Dauphin | heir to French throne | |
41275791 | Hanseatic League | group formed to control Baltic trade of grain and fish | |
41275792 | Joan of Arc | peasant girl who helped Charles VII with Battle of Orleans and crowning of Dauphin at Reims | |
41275793 | Petrarch | Father of humanism + babylonian captivity | |
41275794 | English longbow | used to fight in Medieval Europe | |
41275795 | Trigger of 100 Years' War | dynastic rivalry | |
41275796 | Order of the Garter | class system of chivalry by Edward III | |
41275797 | Moriscos y conversos | Muslim and Jewish converts | |
41275798 | Giovanni Bocaccio | Decameron | |
41275799 | indulgences | sold in Catholic church | |
41275800 | Conciliarism | council in church | |
41275801 | Imitation of Christ | Thomas a Kempis | |
41275802 | Bretheren of Common Life | religious community formed by Goote, Jesus | |
41275803 | Avignon | location of Papacy in France | |
41275804 | Geoffrey Chaucer | Canterbury Tales | |
41275805 | Lollards | mumblers of prayers, followers of Wycliffe | |
41275806 | 1487 | Bartolomeu Diaz | |
41275807 | 1315 | Great Famine | |
41275808 | 1414-1417 | Council of Constance | |
41275809 | 1347-1352 | plague | |
41275810 | 1337-1453 | 100 Years' War | |
41275811 | 1490-1530 | High Renaissance | |
41275812 | 1350-1550 | Renaissance | |
41275813 | 1516 | Concordat of Bologna | |
41275814 | 1066 | Battle of Hastings | |
41275815 | 1429 | Battle of Orleans-France | |
41275816 | 1455-1485 | War of Roses (York and Lacasters**) => Henry Tudor/VII | |
41275817 | 1356 | Golden Bull-Charles IV | |
41275818 | 1090 | Dictatus | |
41275819 | 1438 | Pragmatic Sanction-Gallican church | |
41275820 | 1378 | Urban VI is elected | |
41275821 | 1378-1415 | Great Schism | |
41275822 | 1415 | Battle of Agincourt-English | |
41275823 | 1358 | Jaquerie | |
41275824 | 1454 | Peace of Lodi | |
41275825 | 1508 | League of Cambrai (agaisnt Venice) | |
41275826 | 1346 | Battle of Crecy-English | |
41275827 | Ivan the Terrible IV | Ruled Muscovy and defeated Mongols | |
41275828 | Charles V | HRE empire ruler, against refomation | |
41275829 | Patronage | art financial support | |
41275830 | Humanism | intellectual philosophy, personal freedom | |
41275831 | philology | art of language | |
41275832 | secularism | government apart from church | |
41275833 | Reconquista | reconquer and conquest of Spanish colonies, removed Moors and Jews | |
41275834 | Spanish inquisition | Catholicism in Spain | |
41275835 | Courtier | Baldesar Castiglione | |
41275836 | Rhetoric | art of expression | |
41275837 | 5 powers of Italy | Milan, Venice, Florence, Naples, Papal States | |
41275838 | Milk parents | took care of newborns in wealthy families | |
41275839 | Signori | government in Florence, one person rule | |
41275840 | dowry | what father gave to son-in-law's family for daughter | |
41275841 | Florence | banking and wool | |
41275842 | Medici family | power of Florence, signori, patronage | |
41275843 | Prince Henry the Navigator | Portuguese, sailing school, navigation | |
41275844 | The Prince | Machiavelli | |
41275845 | Columbian Exchange | transfer of plants, animals, goods and microbes between Europeans and Native Americans | |
41275846 | astrolabe | tool for navigation **stars | |
41275847 | Amsterdam | trading port in Holland | |
41275848 | Lisbon | major trading capital | |
41275849 | Antwerp | replaced Lisbon | |
41275850 | Conquistadores | conquerers of Spain | |
41275851 | Ferdinand Magellan | Portuguese mariner attempted to get to Spice Islands | |
41275852 | 1494 | Treaty of Tordesillas-Portual got east of Indies and land west of Cape Verde, Spain got the rest | |
41275853 | 1559 | Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis-ended Hapsburg-Valois Wars | |
41275854 | 1455 | printing press | |
41275855 | 1545-1563 | Council of Trent-addressed church disorders | |
41275856 | 1408 | Council of Pisa - 3 popes | |
41275857 | 1498 | Vasco da Gama rounds Cape of Good Hope | |
41275858 | disorders of the church | simony, nepotism, pluralism | |
41275859 | benefices | sale of church offices-->pluralism | |
41275860 | Cardinal Francisco Jimenez | Polyglot bible | |
41275861 | Martin Luther | 95 Theses | |
41275862 | Fuggers | bankers | |
41275863 | Pope Leo X | excommunticated Luther, challenged theses, promoted indulgences | |
41275864 | Archbishop Albert | chosen to distribute indulgences | |
41275865 | Frederick III | prince of Saxony, hid Luther, collected relics | |
41275866 | Johann Tetzel | Dominican friar chosen to preach benefits of indulgences | |
41275867 | 1521 | Diet at Worms | |
41275868 | Ulrich Zwingli | brought reformation to Zurich | |
41275869 | Priesthood of all believers | doctrine of New testament | |
41275870 | transubstantiation | process of bread and wine becoming the body and blood of Christ | |
41275871 | consubstantiation | bread and wine placed next to the body and blood of Christ | |
41275872 | 1525 | 12 Aritcles-Peasants in Germany | |
41275873 | 1555 | Peace of Augsburg-price would decide religion for his people | |
41275874 | Predestination | Calvinist doctrine | |
41275875 | Genevan consistory | group by John Calvin | |
41275876 | Michael Servetus | Spanish theologian, humanist, protestant | |
41275877 | Anabaptists | re-baptism as an adult | |
41275878 | Huguenots | term given to protestants | |
41275879 | William Tyndale | reformer | |
41275880 | Henry VIII | king of England catholic | |
41275881 | 1553 | Act in Restraint and Appeals-Thomas Crowell-king handle religious affairs not pope | |
41275882 | John Knox | Presbyterian church | |
41275883 | Tridentine Decrees | Council of Trent | |
41275884 | Ursulin Order | group of Catholic church-girls help sick and needy | |
41275885 | 1536 | Pilgrimmage of Grace-in York, against breakage of England from Rome | |
41275886 | Divine Right of Kings | monarch rules b/c he was chosen by God | |
41275887 | 1598 | True Law of Free monarchies-James I | |
41275888 | Jean Bodin | writer believed in Divine right | |
41275889 | Royal councils | advised the king | |
41275890 | Cardinal Richelieu | chief minister for Louis XIII, 1622 | |
41275891 | Parlement of Paris | main state court in France | |
41275892 | Indendents | officials of French Monarchy | |
41275893 | Passive obedience | doctrine of church of England-going against crown=a big problem | |
41275894 | Paulette | tax given to those in office | |
41275895 | Millones | consuming tax | |
41275896 | Impositions | mandatory tax on luxuries | |
41275897 | ship money | tax on port towns for emergencies | |
41275898 | 1647 | revolt in Palermo-b/c of tax, crops, etc. not effective | |
41275899 | John Milton | Tenure of Kings in Magistrates, justice | |
41275900 | Fronde | revolt against Louis XIV government | |
41275901 | Cardinal Mazarin | Italy. adviser to Anne of Austria, regent for Louis XIV. added more tax. | |
41275902 | 1628 | Petition of Right-against Charles I by Parliament | |
41275903 | 1640-1660 | Long Parliament | |
41275904 | 1653 | Instrument of government-Cromwell given title Lord Protector, Rump dismissed | |
41275905 | Glorious Revolution 1668 | result of Catholicism reinfusing into England and gov't. Puritans upset | |
41275906 | 1689 | Declaration of Rights-laid down laws of constitutional monrchy, secured Parliament and property, more tolerance | |
41275907 | John Locke | 2 treatises on Civil government | |
41275908 | 1689 | Toleration Act | |
41275909 | Junkers | nobles of Prussia and Germany | |
41275910 | Frederick William | Great elector, took left over lands from 30 Years' war. prince, took advantage of absolutism | |
41275911 | Peter I | westernized Russia | |
41275912 | 1709 | Battle of Povalta: Peter vs Charles XII. Russia wins and becomes more dominant in Baltic | |
41275913 | Raison d'etat | reason of state: state before people | |
41275914 | 1558 | Elizabeth takes throne | |
41275915 | 1648 | Treaty of Westphalia | |
41275916 | 1618 | Defenestration of Prague | |
41275917 | 1517 | 95 Theses | |
41275918 | 1603 | James I takes throne | |
41275919 | 1707 | Act of Union | |
41275920 | 1649-1660 | Interegnum: period between kings | |
41275921 | 1653-1658 | Protectorate | |
41275922 | 1660 | Restoration in England: Charles II takes throne | |
41275923 | 1625 | Charles I takes throne (James I dies) | |
41275924 | 1649 | Charles I beheaded | |
41275925 | Puritanism | not worshipping religious objects, minimalist sect | |
41275926 | 1651 | Navigation acts: Cromwell, English assault Dutch trade | |
41275927 | 1637 | Bishops wars | |
41275928 | 1603 Stewart line | James I - Charles I - Charles II - Cromwell - Charles II - James II - William and Mary | |
41275929 | tonnage and poundage | amt of money kings gets depending on how much goods sold (by weight) limited | |
41275930 | Parliament | House of Commons(gentry), House of Lords(hereditary and led military) | |
41275931 | 1643-1715 | Louis XIV rules | |
41275932 | 1598 | Edict of Nantes-Huguenots toleration | |
41275933 | Bishop Bossuet | all power comes from God. royal power is absolute but not arbitrary | |
41275934 | 1682 | 4 articles(Louis XIV) authority of holy see is limited to spiritual. church coucil decisions superior to pope. gallican custims independent of Rome. pope not infallible, except of universal church | |
41275935 | 1665 | Jean-Baptiste Colbert issued Control general(body is nerve center of money management), helps Louis. creates merchant marine, mercantilism, self sufficiency, infrastructure, abolished domestic tariff | |
41275936 | 1610 | Henry IV killed by fanatic | |
41275937 | Gallicanism | Pragmatic sanction and Concordat of Bologna | |
41275938 | Clement V | moved papacy to Avignon | |
41275939 | Bruneschelli | dome | |
41275940 | Ghiberti | gates of Paradise | |
41275941 | 1603 | death of Elizabeth | |
41275942 | 1588 | defeat of Spanish armada-English | |
41275943 | 1534 | Act of Supremecy | |
41275944 | 1527 | Sack of Rome-Charles V | |
41275945 | 1530 | confession of Augsburg (Lutheranism) | |
41275946 | Mercantilism | bullionism and favorable balance of trade | |
41275947 | 1453 | Fall of Constantinople-ended Byzantine empire | |
41275948 | 1642-1651 | English civil war |