Danforth Groups 1-15 Vocabulary
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43923750 | amorphous | shapeless | |
43923751 | incubus | a monster or demon | |
43923752 | inculcate | to learn or teach by repetition | |
43923753 | exiguous | scanty, small, or insufficient | |
43923754 | incumbent | obligated or required | |
43923755 | exotic | strangely fascinating or foreign | |
43923756 | mundane | ordinary, dull, or uninspired | |
43923757 | munificent | generous or lavish | |
43923758 | mutability | inconsistency | |
43923759 | hypercritical | quick to find fault | |
43923760 | debacle | a complete disaster or total failure | |
43923761 | debility | a physical weakness | |
43923762 | debonair | smooth or suave | |
43923763 | couch | to express carefully or appropriately | |
43923764 | covert | secret, undercover, or clandestine | |
43923765 | cower | to shrink in fear | |
43923766 | decadence | moral decline | |
43923767 | decimate | to destroy or wipe out a large number of | |
43923768 | euphony | a pleasant sound or harmony | |
43923769 | evanescent | brief or short-lived | |
43923770 | travesty | a ridiculous or absurd imitation | |
43923771 | terse | direct or to the point | |
43923772 | treatise | a long formal work | |
43923773 | subsidiary | a company owned by a larger company | |
43923774 | substantiate | to prove true, to verify, or to confirm | |
43923775 | impunity | freedom or exemption from punishment | |
43923776 | stint | a period of association or employment | |
43923777 | stippling | an arrangement of dots | |
43923778 | tenuous | weak, insubstantial, or flimsy | |
43923779 | emaciated | sickly thin, extremely thin | |
43923780 | tenure | a period of association | |
43923781 | stringent | harsh, rigid, or severe | |
43923782 | stupor | a state of surprise or awe | |
43923783 | subservient | submissive or inferior | |
43923784 | impasse | a deadlock or stalemate | |
43923785 | impeccable | perfect or flawless | |
43923786 | impecunious | poor or bankrupt | |
43923787 | translucent | clear or transparent | |
43923788 | therapeutic | healing or curing | |
43923789 | titular | honorary or symbolic | |
43923790 | teem | to overflow | |
43923791 | temporal | worldy or secular | |
43923792 | temporize | to update or modernize | |
43923793 | tenable | believable or defendable | |
43923794 | tortuous | twisting or winding | |
43923795 | transcend | to rise above or exceed | |
43923796 | transient | temporary, short-lived, or brief | |
43923797 | improvise | to make up off hand | |
43923798 | allegation | an unproved assertion | |
43923799 | tenet | a major or important belief | |
43923800 | commiserate | to express sympathy or sorrow for | |
43923801 | allay | to calm or soothe or to make less severe | |
43923802 | ineffable | indescribable or unable to be put into words | |
43923803 | fetid | foul smelling or stinking | |
43923804 | iridescent | bright colored or shiny | |
43923805 | primordial | of the earliest ages | |
43923806 | apathetic | indifferent or unconcerned | |
43923807 | agglomeration | a mass, group, or cluster | |
43923808 | sequester | to seclude or isolate | |
43923809 | licentious | without moral restraint | |
43923810 | strident | shrill or grating | |
43923811 | immutable | unable to be changed | |
43923812 | impalpable | abstract | |
43923813 | importune | to beg or plead | |
43923814 | impregnable | unconquerable, secure, and unyielding | |
43923815 | improvident | wasteful or reckless | |
43923816 | superficial | shallow, lacking depth, and lacking insight | |
43923817 | superfluous | unnecessary or not needed | |
43923818 | supernumerary | an extra of something | |
43923819 | supple | limber or compliant | |
43923820 | tawdry | cheap and showy | |
43923821 | effulgence | brightness | |
43923822 | egregious | obvious, noticable, or flagrant | |
43923823 | elicit | to draw out | |
43923824 | topography | (the study of) surface features | |
43923825 | torpor | a state of dullness | |
43923826 | elucidation | clarification | |
43923827 | dally | to waste time | |
43923828 | cryptic | mysterious or puzzling | |
43923829 | amity | friendship | |
43923830 | emissary | a representative | |
43923831 | emit | to give off or put out | |
43923832 | emollient | a softener | |
43923833 | emolument | payment or compensation | |
43923834 | tacit | implied or understood | |
43923835 | taciturn | reserved | |
43923836 | tactile | pertaining to touch | |
43923837 | tangible | concrete | |
43923838 | tantamount | the same as | |
43923839 | taut | tight or tense | |
43923840 | surreptitious | secretive | |
43923841 | swath | a clear path or strip | |
43923842 | impute | to credit or to assign to | |
43923843 | sycophant | a flatterer | |
43923844 | emancipation | the act of setting free | |
43923845 | embellish | to exaggerate | |
43923846 | emboss | to adorn or decorate | |
43923847 | efficacious | effective or productive | |
43923848 | effigy | an image of someone or something that is disliked | |
43923849 | eminent | noteworthy or outstanding | |
43923850 | crass | vulgar or crude | |
43923851 | craven | cowardly | |
43923852 | excerpt | a short passage or selection | |
43923853 | exigency | an emergency | |
43923854 | excoriate | to criticize harshly or severely | |
43923855 | cumbersome | difficult to handle | |
43923856 | cupidity | extreme selfishness | |
43923857 | cursory | careless or hasty | |
43923858 | cynic | one who is negative | |
43923859 | hypothetical | theoretical or possible | |
43923860 | dastardly | cowardly or evil | |
43923861 | infirm | weak, feeble, or sick | |
43923862 | ingenious | brilliant, clever, or resourceful | |
43923863 | inherent | naturally possessed | |
43923864 | inhibition | something that restrains or blocks | |
43923865 | inimical | unfriendly or hostile | |
43923866 | inimitable | unique or matchless | |
43923867 | innate | instinctive or possessed at birth | |
43923868 | innocuous | harmless or innocent | |
43923869 | dearth | a scarce supply | |
43923870 | contemn | to hate, despise, or scorn | |
43923871 | contentious | quarrelsome or argumentative | |
43923872 | contiguous | touching or joining | |
43923873 | contingent | dependent on; a group or delegation | |
43923874 | contrite | apologetic, sorry, or repentant | |
43923875 | contumacy | defiance | |
43923876 | conversant | familiar with or knowledgeable about | |
43923877 | convivial | friendly or sociable | |
43923878 | copious | full, abundant, or plentiful | |
43923879 | incorrigible | irredeemable | |
43923880 | deft | agile, skillful, or dexterous | |
43923881 | degradation | deterioration | |
43923882 | deign | to lower one's self or condescend | |
43923883 | delectable | delicious or good-tasting | |
43923884 | demagogue | a rabble-rouser | |
43923885 | demeanor | outward behavior or conduct | |
43923886 | demure | shy or modest | |
43923887 | denote | to signify, indicate, or suggest | |
43923888 | depraved | evil, wicked, or immoral | |
43923889 | deprecatory | mocking or insulting | |
43923890 | indefatigable | tireless | |
43923891 | expedient | quick and easy | |
43923892 | explicit | exact or specific | |
43923893 | execrable | revolting, disgusting, or abominable | |
43923894 | credible | believable | |
43923895 | credulous | gullible or overly-trusting | |
43923896 | criterion | a standard or measurement | |
43923897 | console | to comfort or cheer up | |
43923898 | misconstrue | to misinterpret or misunderstand | |
43923899 | subside | to lessen or decrease |