AP Human Unit 1
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48357045 | Sequent Occupance | Study of sequence of different ehtnicities occupying an area over periods of time | |
48357046 | Cultural landscape | fashioning of a natural landscape by a culure group | |
48357047 | Built landscape | represented by those features and patterns reflecting human occupation and use of natureal resources | |
48357048 | Arithmetic density | The total number of people divided by total land area | |
48357049 | physiological density | the number of people per unit of ann area of arable land | |
48357050 | hearth | region from which innovative ideas originate | |
48357051 | relocation diffusion | the spread of a feature or trend through bodily movement of people from one place to another | |
48357052 | Expansion diffusion | the spead of a trend or feature among people from one area to another in a snowball process | |
48357053 | hierarchial diffusion | the spread of diffusion of a trend or feature from one individual or node of authority to other people of places | |
48357054 | contagious diffusion | the rapid, widespread diffusion of a trend or feature thoughout a population | |
48357055 | stimulus diffusion | The spread of an underlying principle, even though a specific characteristic is rejected. | |
48357056 | Absolute direction | Direction of a place in refrence to a map including the entirity of Earth's Surface | |
48357057 | Relative Direction | up down backwards forward | |
48357058 | dispersed | the spreading of people or things over a wide area | |
48357059 | scattered | seperation in different directions | |
48357060 | cclustered | situated close to each other | |
48357061 | agglomerated | clustered together but not organized.(suburbs) | |
48357062 | Absolute distance | the length of a path in the space extending from one point to another | |
48357063 | relative distance | distance relative to a specific refrence point, visually in one motion | |
48357064 | environmental determinism | late 19th century and early 20th century approach to the study of geography that argued that the general laws sought by human geographers could be found in physical sciences. Geography was therefore the study of how the physical environment caused human activities | |
48357065 | absolute location | a point on the earth's surface expressed by a coordinate system | |
48357066 | relative location | location at a placee in raltion to another place | |
48357067 | site | physical characteristics of a place | |
48357068 | situation | location of a place relative to others | |
48357069 | topology | the study of places' names | |
48357070 | linear pattern | points that form a straight line | |
48357071 | centralized pattern | locations are clustered and concentrated around a particular place | |
48357072 | random patterns | have no pattern | |
48357073 | natural landscape | one that is unaffected by human activity | |
48357074 | possibilism | theory that physical environment may set limits on human actions but people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives | |
48357075 | formal region | an area in which everyone shares in one or more distinctive characteristics | |
48357076 | Uniform Region | territory with one or more features present throughout and absent or unimportant elsewhere | |
48357077 | Funcional region | an area organized around a node or focal point | |
48357078 | vernacular (perceptional) region | an area that people beleve to exist as part of their cultural identity | |
48357079 | distance decay | the effect of distance on a cultural or spatial interactions | |
48357080 | friction of distance | notion that distance usually requres some amount of effort to overcome | |
48357081 | time space compression | process that seems to accelerate the experience of time and reduce the significance of distance during a historical moment | |
48357082 | Distortion | alteration of the appearance of something | |
48357083 | GPS | determines percise position using sattellites | |
48357084 | Thematic maps | shows particular theme |