Treaties, Important Documents/Gatherings, & Wars
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50285759 | Nintey-five Theses | Posted Oct. 31, 1517 by Martin Luther, intended to spark debate on the issue of indulgences | |
50285760 | The Diet of Worms | 1521 where Holy Roman Emperor Charles V asks Lutgher to recant & declares him an outlaw when he refuses | |
50285761 | Peace of Augsburg | 1555 Gave each German prince the right to determine the religion of his state (Catholicism or Lutheranism) based on "cuius regio, eius religio" (whose religion, his religion) | |
50285762 | Schmalkaldic League | 1531 Religious/military alliance directed against the Catholic Hapsburgs | |
50285763 | Act of Supremacy | 1534 Declared the king to be head of the English church rather than the Pope (created by Henry VIII) | |
50285764 | Six Articles | 1539 Defined the doctrine of the English Church - followed Catholic teaching other than papal supremacy & rejected Protestant beliefs | |
50285765 | 1525 Peasant Revolt (Germany) | Sparked by Luther's ideas | |
50285766 | Council of Trent | 1545 - 1563 (periodically) Called by Pope Paul III to reform the church & secure Protestant reconcilliation | |
50285767 | Elizabethan Settlement | Outward conformity to Church of England & uniformity in ceremonies - but in private ok to be Protestant; created by Queen Elizabeth to promoted peace in England | |
50285768 | Tridentine Decress | Created by the Council of Trent; required bishops to remain in their own dioceses, supressed pluralism & simony, forbade the selling of indulgences; The Tametsi decree (Nov. 1563) required that marriages must be held in front of witnesses, one being a priest | |
50285769 | Union of Utrecht | 1579 The 7 Northern Dutch provinces allied against Spain & led by William of Orange (the Silent) | |
50285771 | Battle of Lepanto | Oct. 1571 - The Turkish defeated by the Spanish/Genoves/Venetian (comanded by Don Juan of Austria) at Gulf of Cornith; fleet organized by Philip II & encouraged Pope Pius V; last great Spanish naval victory | |
50285772 | St. Bartholemew's Day Massacre | Aug. 24, 1572 (midnight) Massacre of Parisian Huguenots signaled by Catherine de Medici | |
50285773 | Thirty Years' War | 1618 - 1648 (Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French Phases) Caused by the exclusion of Calvinists from the Peace of Augsburg; fough primarily in Germany | |
50285774 | Edict of Nantes | 1598 Published by Henry IV (of Navarre) granting Huguenots liberty of conscience/public worship | |
50290014 | Peace of Westphalia | 1648 Ended the Thirty Years War; recognized Dutch Indepence, extended terms of the Peace of Augsburg to Calvinists, weakend the authority of the Holy Roman Empire; turning point in European political, religious, social history | |
50290015 | Treaty of the Pyrenees | 1659 Gave France part of Spanish Netherlands & some territory in Northern Spain | |
50290016 | Treaty of Prague | 1635 Strengthed Hapsburgs & weakened power of German princes | |
50290017 | The Petition of Right | 1628 During reign of Charles I, Parliament states that the king is subject of the law, cannot levy taxes with out consent of Parliament, cannot impose forced loans of his subjects, cannot declare martial law in peacetime, cannot imprison citizens without trial or put troops in private homes - Charles signs as he's desperate for money | |
50290018 | The Fronde | 1648 - 1653 French civil wars resenting the increase power of the monarchy & important players in society feeling ignored | |
50290019 | Results of the Fronde | Goverment must compromise with bureaucrates/social elites; disrupted French economy; traumatized Louis XIV | |
50290020 | Revocation of the Edict of Nantes | 1685 by Louis XIV in an attempt to control religion | |
50290021 | War of Spanish Succession | 1701 - 1713 Caused when Charles II of Spain leaves Spanish empire/crown to Philip of Anjou (Louis XIV of France's grandson) | |
50290022 | Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle | 1668 Awards France several towns along the border of Spanish Netherlands | |
50290023 | Nine Years War | 1688 - 1697 (War of the League of Augsburg) Result of Louis XIV trying to extend French territory to the Rhine | |
50296689 | Peace of Utrecht | 1713 Ended war of Spanish succession & begins balance of power principle | |
50296690 | Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle | 1748 Attempted to restore the balance of power | |
50296691 | Seven Years War | 1756 - 1763 Began when Prussia invaded Saxony | |
50296692 | Treaty of Paris 1763 | Feb. 1763 British gain French Canada and land between Appalachian Mts. & Mississippi, & establish dominance in India | |
50296693 | Treaty of Paris 1783 | Sept. 1783 Britain formally recognizes independence of 13 colonies & ceededs Tobago & Senegal to France, and Florida & Minorca to Spain | |
50296694 | "The Social Contract" | 1762 by Rousseau promoting the general will that sovereignty resides with the people | |
50296695 | Navigation Acts | Series of laws enacted to give Britian a monoply on trade with the colonies | |
50296696 | Tennis Court Oath | June 20, 1789 National Assembly swears not to disband until a new constitution is written | |
50296697 | Civil Constitution of the Clergy | July 12, 1790 Bishops/priests to be elected by the people & clergy required to swar an oath of allegiance | |
50296698 | Concordat of 1801 | Napoleon's reconcilles Pope Pius VII with the French state & Catholic church; French gov. has authority to nominate bishops, Catholics gain religion of majority of French & gain part of the Papal states | |
50296699 | Battle of Trafalagar | Oct. 21, 1805 Lord Nelson's British feet defeat the French & eliminate French naval power | |
50296700 | Treaties of Tilsit | Ended War of the Third Coallition; Prussia lost 1/2 its territory, Russia gains power, Napoleon's brothers recgonized as rulers of Naples, Hollland, & Westphalia | |
50296701 | Continental System | To prevent Britain from trading with the European continent thus destroying British economy, created by Napoleon | |
50296702 | Peninsular War | 1807 - 1814 Napoleon's attempt to make Spain a French satellite; drained French finances & first real opposition to Napoleon - sparked other opposition throughout Europe | |
50296703 | 100 Days | March 20, 1814 Napoleon escapes from Elba at reinstates his rule | |
50296704 | Battle of Waterloo | June 18, 1815 Britian, Russia, Prussia, Austria defeat Napoleon & exile him to island of St. Helena | |
50296705 | Congress of Vienna | Sept 1814 - June 1815 Great powers of Europe meet to decide the fate of France & how to redraw Europe after Napoleon | |
50296706 | First Treaty of Paris 1814 | May 1814 France reduced to 1792 size, but regains colonies & is exempt from paying compensation for Napoleon | |
50296707 | Second Treaty of Paris 1815 | Sept. 1815 France reduced to 1790 borders, required to pay 700 million francs to the allies, and accepts military occupation for 5 years | |
50296708 | Quadruple Alliance | Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia | |
50296709 | Holy Alliance | Austria, Prussia, Russia | |
50296710 | Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle | 1818 Quadruple Alliance memmbers decide France should be freed of occupation; France joins Quadruple alliance & becomes Quintuple Alliance; Castleragh rejects Alexander's proposal that great powers support exisisting governments in Europe | |
50296711 | Congress of Troppau | 1820 Create the Protocal of Troppau where Russia, Prussia, & Austria assert the rights to intervene in other countries to oppose revolutions (Britain objects) | |
50296712 | Congress of Laibach | 1821 Austria authorized to suppress revolt in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies | |
50296713 | Congress of Verona | 1822 (Last congress) France is authorized to intervene in Spain; Britain objects & withdraws from the Quintuple Alliance | |
50296714 | Treaty of London 1827 | Britain, France, Russia demand the Ottoman Empire recognize Greek independence & agree to use force (if necessary) to end the fighting | |
50296715 | Treaty of Adrianople | 1829 Danubian provinces & Serbia gain autonomy from Turks; Russia gains territory on the Danube River & the Caucasus; Turks agree to let Britain, Russia, France determine fate of Greece | |
50296716 | Treaty of London 1830 | 1830 Great Britain, Russia, France, recgnize Greek independence! |