Berube- Test 2 Flashcards
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312582131 | What was a "gunpowder empire", and what made the Mughals, Russians, and Ottomans this type of empire? | Land-based empires gaining new strength from new advances in technology and weaponry, including gunpowder. | 0 | |
312582132 | What is Sikhism? | A blend of Islam and Hinduism. | 1 | |
312582133 | What nation monopolized Indian Ocean trade? | Portugal. | 2 | |
312582134 | What was a common problem of the Muslim Empire from 1450-1750? | Inadequate transportation, communication, and bureaucracies, unruly warrior elites, and the rise of European rivals. | 3 | |
312582135 | What European power established hegemony over Indian Ocean trade in the 16th century? ** | The Dutch and the British. | 4 | |
312582136 | What was decided at the Treaty of Tordesillas? | A line was drawn north and south through the Atlantic, giving Portugal the lands east and Spain the lands west. | 5 | |
312582137 | What ocean became the center of commercial activity in the 16th century? | The Indian Ocean. | 6 | |
312582138 | What nation of people got their beards cut? | Russians; ordered by Peter the Great to look more modernized. | 7 | |
312582139 | When Magellan returned to Spain in 1522, what was symbolized? | Europe's control of the ocean, and the first union of the hemispheres. | 8 | |
312582140 | Why were Portuguese people able to assert control over the Indian Ocean trade? | Weaponry, technology, ships. | 9 | |
312582141 | Why were the Spanish so successful in creating an empire in America? | They had the desire to convert others to Christianity; missionaries. | 10 | |
312582142 | What did humanism emphasize? | The accomplishments, characteristics, and capabilities of humans, not of God. | 11 | |
312582143 | What was the Taj Mahal? | Mosque built by Shah Jahan for his wife. | 12 | |
312582144 | Who was the emperor of the Mughals? | Shah Jahan. | 13 | |
312582145 | Why did the Ming Empire fall in the 16th century? | Climatic change, nomadic invasions, pirates, decline of the Silk Road, inept rulers; overthrown by Manchus in 1644. | 14 | |
312582146 | Why did the Court of Edo practice alternate attendance? | Prevented Daimyos from focusing on building armies back home, and forced them to own expensive second homes. | 15 | |
312582147 | What was the purpose of Zheng He's voyages? | To convince other civilizations that China had regained power and to collect tribute from people that no longer gave it. | 16 | |
312582148 | Why did the Chinese stop their voyages after Zhang He died? | The voyages were no longer financed; the money was needed to protect the empire from nomadic invasions. | 17 | |
312582149 | What differentiated this time period (1450-1750) from the previous? | Trade and the discovery of the Americas. | 18 | |
312582150 | By the end of the time period, what was the similarity between the governments of Britain and France? | They were monarchies that curbed the power of the nobility and built centralized regimes. | 19 | |
312582151 | What was Luther's primary protest against the Church? | Indulgences (payments ensuring eternal salvation). | 20 | |
312582152 | What was Luther's philosophical debate against the Church? | Salvation by faith. | 21 | |
312582153 | What was signaled by the defeat of the Spanish Armada? | They were supposedly "invincible"; marked the beginning of the end of Spanish imperial dreams. | 22 | |
312582154 | Why did Copernicus have more criticism vs. support? | His ideas went against the church. | 23 | |
312582155 | From 1450-1750, how did the balance of power shift? | From other areas of the world to Europe. | 24 | |
312582156 | In what New World areas can labor systems be found? ** | The Caribbean, Mexico, and South America. | 25 | |
312582157 | What group increased their social status in New Spain? | Peninsulares (Europeans born in Spain). | 26 | |
312582158 | What was the Middle Passage? | Trade of African slaves to the New World. | 27 | |
312582159 | What products greatly contributed to the Columbian Exchange? | Potatoes. | 28 | |
312582160 | Why were women more in demand in the Trans-Saharan slave trade? | Harems, or collections of wives filling a household. | 29 | |
312582161 | What product was prevalent in the New World? | Sugar cane. | 30 | |
312582162 | In what part of the world did slave population increase? | North America. | 31 | |
312582163 | Why did Portugal, Spain, France, and Great Britain arrive first in the New World? | They are located on the Atlantic coast. | 32 | |
312582164 | What European "import" wiped out 9/10 of the Native American population in the New World? | Disease. | 33 | |
312582165 | What is mercantilism? | Shaped European colonies; main goal of benefiting the mother country by trading goods to accumulate precious metals. | 34 | |
312582166 | What happened to Native American religion when faced with Catholicism? | They blended easily together. | 35 | |
312582167 | Why were British colonies more literate compared to others? | The British were mostly Protestant- Protestant bible reading increased literacy. | 36 | |
312582168 | What was Portugal's motivation for expanding around Africa and into Asia? | New trade routes and the spice trade. | 37 | |
312582169 | When European missionaries first arrived in Japan, what was Japanese society like? | Fragmented with constant conflict among feudal lords. | 38 | |
312582170 | What was the currency of global exchange between the 16th and 18th centuries? | Silver. | 39 | |
312582171 | How were the Protestant and Catholic reformations alike? | Both drew attention to abuse and corruption of the Church in an attempt for revision; countered one another. | 40 | |
312582172 | Where did 80% of enslaved Africans end up? | Brazil. | 41 | |
312582173 | What west African kingdom resisted involvement in the African slave trade? | Benin. | 42 | |
312582174 | Why did Luther's beliefs threaten the power of the Church? | He argued a new understanding of salvation by faith, causing disagreement. | 43 | |
312582175 | Why were merchants, holy men, and scholars able to spread Islam throughout Asia and the Americas? | They were less threatening. | 44 | |
312582176 | Why was corporation so important to the development of the European Scientific Revolution? | ... | 45 | |
312582177 | How does Enlightenment compare to the Scientific Revolution? | ... | 46 |