rhetorical vocab 4
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38771483 | deus ex machina | as in Greek theater, the employment of any artificial device or gimmick that the author uses to solve a difficult situation | |
38771484 | diction | the selection of words in oral or written discourse | |
38771485 | Dionysian | as distinguished from Apollonian, refers to sensual, pleasure-seeking qualities of man and nature | |
38771486 | dramatic irony | An inconsistancy, known by the audience or reader, between a character's perception of a situation, and the truth of the situation | |
38771487 | dramatic monologue | a type of poem or prose piece in which the speak gives an account of a dramatic moment in his/her life and, in doing so, reveals his/her character | |
38771488 | elegy | a poem or piece of prose lamenting or meditating on the death of a person or pet | |
38771489 | ellipsis (elliptical) | Three period (...) indicating the omission of words. A sentence with elliptical structure omits something in the second half, usually the verb in a subject-verb-object sentence, as in "May was hot and June the same." The verb 'was' is omitted from "June was the same" | |
38771490 | empathy | A feeling of association or identification with an object; experiencing its sensations and responding with similar feelings | |
38771491 | epic | A narrative poem, often quite long, that tells the adventure of a hero important to his nation or race | |
38771492 | epigram | The ingenious, witty, thoughtful, provocative statement |