A.P. vocabulary 4-6 Review
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48061601 | Aggrandize | to increase in greatness, power, or wealth | |
48061602 | Aura | that which surrounds (as an atmosphere) | |
48061603 | Erudite | scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic | |
48061604 | Gossamer | thin, light, delicate | |
48061605 | Inscrutable | incapable of being understood | |
48061606 | Irrevocable | incapable of being changed or called back | |
48061607 | Querulous | peevish, complaining, fretful | |
48061608 | Repudiate | to disown, reject, or deny the validity of | |
48061609 | Resilient | able to return to an original shape or form | |
48061610 | Reverberate | to re-echo, resound | |
48061611 | Sedulous | persistent, showing industry and determination | |
48061612 | Amnesty | a general pardon for an offense against a government | |
48061613 | Axiomatic | self-evident, expressing a universally accepted principle or rule | |
48061614 | Caveat | a warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding or discourage behavior | |
48061615 | Extricate | to free from entaglements or difficulties | |
48061616 | Flout | to mock, treat with contempt | |
48061617 | Precept | a rule of conduct or action | |
48061618 | Scathing | bitterly severe, withering | |
48061619 | Soporific | funeral, typical of the tomb | |
48061620 | Transient | lsating only a short time, fleeting | |
48061621 | Vapid | dull, uninteresting, tiresome | |
48061622 | Aspersion | a damaging or derogatory statement | |
48061623 | Brusque | abrupt, blunt, with no formalities | |
48061624 | Castigate | to punish severely | |
48061625 | Demagogue | a leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power | |
48061626 | Ennui | weariness and dissatisfaction from lack of occupation or interest, boredom | |
48061627 | Heinous | very wicked, offensive, hateful | |
48061628 | Immutable | not subject to change, constant | |
48061629 | Megalomania | a delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth, talent | |
48061630 | Surreptitious | stealthily, secret | |
48061631 | Transgress | to go beyond a limit or boundary | |
48061632 | Transmute | to change from one nature, substance, or form to another | |
48061633 | Vicarious | performed, suffered, or otherwise experienced by one person in place of another |