chinese ap
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139840357 | 愛不釋手 | to be too fond of something to part with it: to fondle admiringly | |
139840358 | 愛憎分明 | to be clear about whom or what to love or hate | |
139840359 | 安然無恙 | to be in a good situation without any problem, usually pertaining to health | |
139840360 | 按部就班 | follow conventional procedures; in accordance with the prescribed order | |
139840361 | 半途而廢 | to give up halfway; to leave something unfinished | |
139840362 | 本末倒置 | to reverse the primary and secondary tasks | |
139840363 | 必可不少 | absolutely necessary | |
139840364 | 變化無常 | irregular; capricious | |
139840365 | 別具一格 | to have a unique style; describes literature, art and architecture | |
139840366 | 不言而喻 | obvious | |
139986788 | 不約而同 | a coincidence; taking the same action without prior consultation | |
139986789 | 不知所措 | Not knowing what to do; refers to an awkward or confusing situation | |
139986790 | 參差不齊 | non-uniformity; non-staandard | |
139986791 | 成千上萬 | ; a massive amount | |
139986792 | 寸步不離 | very close; inseparable; usually refers to two or more people | |
139986793 | 大吃一驚 | be greatly surprised | |
139986794 | 大海撈針 | ; hard to find; like finding a needle in a haystack | |
139986795 | 大失所望 | extremely disappointing | |
139986796 | 大同小異 | similar in essential aspects, different in minor details | |
139986797 | 丟三落四 | to be forgetful | |
139986798 | 獨一無二 | unlike any others; to be unique; one of a kind | |
139986799 | 豐富多彩 | diverse | |
139986800 | 風和日麗 | ;gentle breeze and beautiful sun; describes the weather | |
139986801 | 各抒己見 | a discussion where everyone has equal say | |
139986802 | 和藹可親 | friendly and amicable; usually refers to an elderly person | |
139986803 | 記憶猶新 | to remain fresh is one's memory; remember vividly | |
139986804 | 今非昔比 | to see improvement in the present compared to the past; can be a fact or an opinion | |
139986805 | 口是心非 | saying something that one does not mean | |
139986806 | 力不從心 | describes one whose abilities or skills are not adequate to fulfill one's desires | |
139986807 | 兩全其美 | to the satisfaction of both parties | |
139986808 | 亂七八糟 | : in a mess, in terrible disorder | |
139986809 | 馬到成功 | - Everything will successful | |
139986810 | 無精打采 | to be listless or apathetic | |
139986811 | 美中不足 | having only one small flaw | |
139986812 | 面目一新 | to change for the better | |
139986813 | 千差萬別 | unlike any other; different | |
139986814 | 千言萬語 | having much to say | |
139986815 | 人山人海 | Huge crowds of people | |
139986816 | 日新月異 | to change very quickly | |
139986817 | 十拿九穩 | very likely to happen; success within reach | |
139986818 | 十全十美 | ; to be completely perfect; flawless | |
139986819 | 事倍功半 | ; to achieve success with little effort | |
139986820 | 數一數二 | one of the best; outstanding | |
139986821 | 討價還價 | bargain; haggle over a price | |
139986822 | 同舟共濟 | to get through a time of difficulty by settle one's difference and working together | |
139986823 | 無價之寶 | an object that is priceless or an asset; can also refer to abstract things | |
139986824 | 心直口快 | . frank; outspoken | |
139986825 | 自食其果 | suffer the consequences of one's own doing; to reap what one sows | |
139986826 | 一見鍾情 | to fall in love at first sight | |
139986827 | 走馬看花 | ; to give a quick glance | |
153226947 | 狼吞虎嚥 | to eat very quickly and ravenously | |
153226948 | 四通八達 | connected to all parts of the world |