AP English Vocabulary Flashcards
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290782265 | Copious | abundant; large in number or quantity. | 0 | |
290782266 | Nebulous | hazy; vague; confused. | 1 | |
290782267 | Polemical | controversial. | 2 | |
290782268 | Evince | make evident; show clearly. | 3 | |
290782269 | Fervent | having great intensity or spirit; ardent. | 4 | |
290782270 | Ardent | characterized by intense feeling; fervent. | 5 | |
290782271 | Heresy | opinion against church doctrine. | 6 | |
290782272 | Axiomatic | self-evident; obvious. | 7 | |
290782273 | Unremitting | not slacking or stopping. | 8 | |
290782274 | Boisterous | rough; noisy; rowdy. | 9 | |
290782275 | Intemperate | immoderate in indulgence. (alcohol often.) | 10 | |
290782276 | Lineaments | lines on face; distinguishing features. | 11 | |
290782277 | Odious | deserving or causing hatred; offensive. | 12 | |
290782278 | Prodigy | a person having extraordinary talent. | 13 | |
290782279 | Harbinger | herald or omen sent to inform. | 14 | |
290782280 | Accolade | award, honor, ceremony, sword knighting. | 15 | |
290782281 | Vanquish | to conquer or subdue by force. | 16 | |
290782282 | Posthumous | arising or occurring after death. | 17 | |
290782283 | Entourage | an important persons posse. | 18 | |
290782284 | Confutation | to prove false or invalid. | 19 | |
290782285 | Effervescence | give off bubbles or to be bubbly or cheery. | 20 | |
290782286 | Adulation | excessive devotion to somebody. | 21 | |
290782287 | Untrammeled | not hindered or impeded. | 22 | |
290782288 | Transcendent | going beyond ordinary limits. | 23 | |
290782289 | Propagate | to reproduce. | 24 | |
290782290 | Exigency | urgency. | 25 | |
290782291 | Anathema | a hated thing or person. | 26 | |
290782292 | Esoteric | meant for a select few; arcane. | 27 | |
290782293 | Emancipation | the act of being freed. | 28 | |
290782294 | Miscegenation | interracial marriage. | 29 | |
290782295 | Attenuate | to weaken. | 30 | |
290782296 | Expedient | advantageous in your own interests. | 31 | |
290782297 | Ominous | foreboding. | 32 | |
290782298 | Draconian | rigorous; severe; cruel; austere. | 33 | |
290782299 | Imputing | exemption from punishment. | 34 | |
290782300 | Iniquitous | wicked; unjust; sinful. | 35 | |
290782301 | Untenable | not fit for occupation. | 36 | |
290782302 | Obfuscation | to confuse; to make obscure. | 37 | |
290782303 | Depredation | the act of plundering; praying upon. | 38 | |
290782304 | Discomfiture | confusion; embarrassment. | 39 | |
290782305 | Prosaic | commonplace or dull. | 40 | |
290782306 | Schism | division or disunion. | 41 | |
290782307 | Equanimity | mental or emotional stability. | 42 | |
290782308 | Illicit | not legally permitted or authorized. | 43 | |
290782309 | Debauchery | excessive indulgence; intemperate. | 44 | |
290782310 | Benign | pleasant and beneficial in manner. | 45 | |
290782311 | Laudable | praiseworthy. | 46 | |
290782312 | Peccadillo | small sin. | 47 | |
290782313 | Axiom | a self-evident truth that requires no proof. | 48 | |
290782314 | Sine qua non. | essential element. | 49 | |
290782315 | Indelibly | marks that can't be erased. | 50 | |
290782316 | Tacit | implied; silently understood. | 51 | |
290782317 | Insidious | intended to entrap. | 52 | |
290782318 | Pantheon | a tomb or memorial. | 53 | |
290782319 | Amalgamation. | the act of combining. | 54 | |
290782320 | Invidious. | calculated to create ill will. | 55 | |
290782321 | Emendation | a correction or change. | 56 | |
290782322 | Polity | a particular form or system of government . | 57 | |
290782323 | Trope | a literary or rhetorical device. | 58 | |
290782324 | Cogent | to the point relevant; clear. | 59 | |
290782325 | Nullify | to declare legally void. | 60 | |
290782326 | Evocative | bringing about emotion or ideas. | 61 | |
290782327 | Iconography | symbolic representation; image; art. | 62 | |
290782328 | Disavow | to disclaim knowledge or connection. | 63 | |
290782329 | Demonize | to make demon-like. | 64 | |
290782330 | Transient | not lasting enduring or permanent. | 65 | |
290782331 | Usurpation | illegal seizure of a throne. to trespass. | 66 | |
290782332 | Sufferance | capacity to endure suffering. | 67 | |
290782333 | Consanguinity | close relationship; kinship. | 68 | |
290782334 | Depository | a place something is stored. | 69 | |
290782335 | Dissolution | breaking of a bond or relationship. dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure. | 70 | |
290782336 | Perfidy | deliberate breach of faith or trust. | 71 | |
290782337 | Redress | to dress again, correcting error. | 72 | |
290782338 | Magnanimity | having a lofty, generous, and courageous spirit | 73 | |
290782339 | Conjure | to affect, produce, bring. | 74 | |
290782340 | Rectitude | rightness or principle of conduct. | 75 | |
290782341 | Acquiesce | to comply silently. | 76 | |
290782342 | Faction | a group within a larger group. | 77 | |
290782343 | Propensity | a natural tendency. | 78 | |
290782344 | Candid | frank; outspoken and sincere. | 79 | |
290782345 | Aggregate | total; whole; combined; sum; mass. | 80 | |
290782346 | Actuate | motivate; put into action. | 81 | |
290782347 | Zeal | fervor for a person, cause, or object. | 82 | |
290782348 | Desideratum | something wanted or needed; desired | 83 | |
290782349 | Weal | well-being; happiness. | 84 | |
290782350 | Opprobrium | infamy; disgrace. | 85 | |
290782351 | Efficacy | effectiveness. | 86 | |
290782352 | Inducement | something that persuades; an incentive. | 87 | |
290782353 | Factious | divisive; pertaining to faction. | 88 | |
290782354 | Fallible | liable to err. | 89 | |
290782355 | Cabal | a small group of plotters; a group. | 90 | |
290782356 | Impediments | obstacle. | 91 | |
290782357 | Palpable | readily or plainly seen; tangible. | 92 | |
290782358 | Malady | disorder; disease. | 93 | |
290782359 | Infallible | trustworthy; sure; certain. | 94 | |
290782360 | Illustrate | to furnish with drawing; to make clear. | 95 | |
290782361 | Deduction | reasoning from the general to the particular. thesis then examples. | 96 | |
290782362 | Induction | reasoning from detailed facts to general principles. examples then thesis. | 97 | |
290782363 | Sophomoric | intellectually pretentious and conceited, but immature. | 98 | |
290782364 | Specious | apparently good, though lacking real merit. pleasing to the eye, but deceptive. | 99 | |
290782365 | Spurious | not genuine or authentic. | 100 | |
290782366 | Pugnacious | eager to fight; quarrelsome. | 101 | |
290782367 | Philippic | speech or discourse of bitter denunciation. | 102 | |
290782368 | Straw man argument | an argument purposefully oversimplified so it can be easily undermined. | 103 | |
290782369 | Non sequitur | a conclusion that does not follow from the premises; an illogical conclusion. | 104 | |
290782370 | Fallacy | misleading or unsound argument. | 105 | |
290782371 | Jeremiad | a prolonged lamentation. | 106 | |
290782372 | Arduous | difficult. | 107 | |
290782373 | Entreaty | earnest request. | 108 | |
290782374 | Remonstrate | to say or plead in objection or disapproval. | 109 | |
290782375 | Prostrate | to lay flat;l to cast down in humility. | 110 | |
290782376 | Inestimable | incapable of being estimated. | 111 | |
290782377 | Inviolate | undisturbed. | 112 | |
290782378 | Basely | morally low. | 113 | |
290782379 | Subjugation | the act of being under domination. | 114 | |
290782380 | Supplication | entreaty or petition. | 115 | |
290782381 | Extenuate | to represent as less serious. | 116 | |
290782382 | Brethren | fellow members. | 117 | |
290782383 | Temporal | not eternal. | 118 | |
290782384 | Accost | to confront boldly. | 119 | |
290782385 | Extricable | capable of being free. | 120 | |
290782386 | Expiation | the act of making amends. | 121 | |
290782387 | Zenith | high point or state. | 122 | |
290782388 | Conjecture | guess speculation. | 123 | |
290782389 | Venerable | impressive; commanding respect. | 124 | |
290782390 | Defunct | no longer in use; extinct. | 125 | |
290782391 | Visage | the face; physiognomy. | 126 | |
290782392 | Awry | turned or twisted to one side. | 127 | |
290782393 | Torpid | slow and apathetic. | 128 | |
290782394 | Erudite | scholarly; learned. | 129 | |
290782395 | Despondency | depression; dejection. | 130 | |
290782396 | Replete | stuffed; filled. | 131 | |
290782397 | Scurrilous | grossly or obscenely abusive. | 132 | |
290782398 | Effluence | something that flows out. | 133 | |
290782399 | Ethereal | light airy; delicate; heavenly. | 134 | |
290782400 | Malevolence | being of malice; hatred; ill will. | 135 | |
290782401 | Despotic | autocratic; tyrannical. | 136 | |
290782402 | Foliage | leaves or plants. | 137 | |
290782403 | Abode | home or house. | 138 | |
290782404 | Ethos | ethical appeal; credibility. | 139 | |
290782405 | Pathos | emotional appeal. | 140 | |
290782406 | Logos | logical appeal. | 141 | |
290782407 | Syllogism | a three-part deductive argument in which a conclusion is based on a major premise and a minor premise ("All men are mortal; Socrates is a man; therefore, Socrates is mortal.") | 142 | |
290782408 | Mordant | witty and bitingly sarcastic | 143 | |
290782409 | Canard | false or groundless rumor. | 144 | |
290782410 | Reciprocal | mutual; felt in return. | 145 | |
290782411 | Integral | necessary to the whole. | 146 | |
290782412 | Callow | immature or inexperienced. | 147 | |
290782413 | Timorous | full of fear; timid. | 148 | |
290782414 | Epoch | a particular period of time marked by distinctive features. | 149 | |
290782415 | Austere | sever; uncompromising; strict; grave. | 150 | |
290782416 | Explicate | to make plain or clear. | 151 | |
290782417 | Languorous | characterized by sluggishness; slothy. | 152 | |
290782418 | Onerous | burdensome; oppressive; having obligations or responsibilities. | 153 | |
290782419 | Portent | an indication or omen of something about to happen. | 154 | |
290782420 | Tangible | Palpable. | 155 | |
290782421 | Brevity | short brief, but informative. | 156 | |
290782422 | Germane | closely or significantly related; relevant. | 157 | |
290782423 | Ponderous | of great weight; heavy, awkward. | 158 | |
290782424 | Cursory | going rapidly over something without noticing details; hasty; superficial. | 159 | |
290782425 | Archaic | marked with characteristic of ab earlier period, primitive, ancient. | 160 | |
290782426 | Discern | recognize, comprehend; to distinguish mentally. | 161 | |
290782427 | Devoid | not possessing, destitute. | 162 | |
290782428 | Puerile | pertaining to childhood; childish; callow. | 163 | |
290782429 | Irremediable | beyond repair. | 164 | |
290782430 | Garrulous | excessively talkative; loquacious. | 165 | |
290782431 | Girth | the circumference of anything. | 166 | |
290782432 | Surrogate | a person appointed to act for another. | 167 | |
290782433 | Chagrin | a feeling of vexation marked by humiliation. | 168 | |
290782434 | Complacency | a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, unaware of potential danger; smug satisfaction. | 169 | |
290782435 | Canonical | pertaining to a clergy rule of law. | 170 | |
290782436 | Insouciant | carefree. | 171 | |
290782437 | Traction | the adhesive friction of two surfaces. | 172 | |
290782438 | Loquacious | garrulous; talkative; chattering. | 173 | |
290782439 | Throng | a group of people or objects crowded together. | 174 | |
290782440 | Edifice | a large building; a large or complex system. | 175 | |
290782441 | Sepulchers | a tomb. | 176 | |
290782442 | Congenial | agreeable; suitable; or pleasing in nature. | 177 | |
290782443 | Auspicious | promising success. | 178 | |
290782444 | Physiognomy | face, visage. | 179 | |
290782445 | Augured | prophet; soothsayer. | 180 | |
290782446 | Theocracy | government based on religion. | 181 | |
290782447 | Rotundity | the condition of roundness. | 182 | |
290782448 | Repute | estimation in the view of others; public respect; good name. | 183 | |
290782449 | Malefactress | a women who violates the law; Hester Prynne. | 184 | |
290782450 | Autumnal | past maturity or middle life; the autumn of life. | 185 | |
290782451 | Abashed | ashamed or embarassed. | 186 | |
290782452 | Sumptuary | pertaining to or regulating expenditure, often for religious or moral reasons, usually relating to clothing or food. | 187 | |
290782453 | Evanescent | vanishing, fleeting. | 188 | |
290782454 | Ignominy | disgrace or dishonor. | 189 | |
290782455 | Iniquity | gross injustice or wickedness. | 190 | |
290782456 | Ignominious | marked by disgrace. | 191 | |
290782457 | Spurn | to reject with disdain. | 192 | |
290782458 | Pillory | a wooden instrument of punishment on a post with holes for the neck and hands. to punish by putting in a pillory. a wooden platform for punishment. | 193 | |
290782459 | Contumely | insulting actions or words. (adverb noun) | 194 | |
290782460 | Phantasmagoric | fantastic; dream-like; deceptive appearance. | 195 | |
290782461 | Heterogeneous | different in kind; mixed. | 196 | |
290782462 | Sojourn | a temporary stay. | 197 | |
290782463 | Sagacity | wisdom. | 198 | |
290782464 | Eccentricity | oddity or peculiarity. | 199 | |
290782465 | Lurid | gruesome, horrible, revolting. | 200 | |
290782466 | Peremptory | leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal. | 201 | |
290782467 | Tempestuous | turbulent; stormy. | 202 | |
290782468 | Delude | to mislead the mind or judgement of; to deceive. | 203 | |
290782469 | Feign | to represent fictitiously; to fake. | 204 | |
290782470 | Besmirch | to tarnish; soil. | 205 | |
290782471 | Connote | to signify or suggest. | 206 | |
290782472 | Denote | to mean literally. | 207 | |
290782473 | Retribution | requital according to merits. | 208 | |
290782474 | Plebeian | the common people; proles. | 209 | |
290782475 | Commiseration | to feel or express sorrow or sympathy or pity. | 210 | |
290782476 | Acentric | not centered. | 211 | |
290782477 | Ingenuity | inventiveness or cleverness. | 212 | |
290782478 | Penitence | regret for wrongdoing or sin. | 213 | |
290782479 | Exhort | to urge or advise; caution. | 214 | |
290782480 | Repugnance | being offensive and distasteful. | 215 | |
290782481 | Succor | help, relief, and assistance. | 216 | |
290782482 | Callous | made hard; insensitive; unsympathetic. | 217 | |
290782483 | Piety | reference for God. | 218 | |
290782484 | Contumaciously | stubbornly perverse or rebellious. | 219 | |
290782485 | Sanctify | to make holy | 220 | |
290782486 | Averred | to allege as a fact, assert with confidence. | 221 | |
290782487 | Potent | powerful, mighty. | 222 | |
290782488 | Dexterity | skill with the hands. | 223 | |
290782489 | Imbued | impregnated or inspired. | 224 | |
290782490 | Mutability | subject to change. | 225 | |
290782491 | Prolific | producing offspring with great frequency. | 226 | |
290782492 | Caprice | a sudden unpredictable charge. | 227 | |
290782493 | Placid | pleasantly calm or peaceful. | 228 | |
290782494 | Dearth | inadequate supply; scarcity. | 229 | |
290782495 | Paternity | state of being a father. | 230 | |
290782496 | Intrinsic | belonging to by nature. | 231 | |
290782497 | Pallid | pale deficient in color. | 232 | |
290782498 | Panoply | impressive array. | 233 | |
290782499 | Cabalistic | mystic; occult. | 234 | |
290782500 | Requital | return; reward; repayment; punishment in return. | 235 | |
290782501 | Tremulous | timid. | 236 | |
290782502 | Adduce | to bring forward as evidence. | 237 | |
290782503 | Tithe | tax for the church. | 238 | |
290782504 | Aspiration | aim, ambition, longing. | 239 | |
290782505 | Parable | short story with moral lesson. | 240 | |
290782506 | Contagion | something infectious or contagious. | 241 | |
290782507 | Consign | exchange; hand over. | 242 | |
290782508 | Pharmacopeia | a book of drugs. | 243 | |
290782509 | Parochial | narrowly restricted in outlook or scope. school related to religion. | 244 | |
290782510 | Propound | to offer for consideration. | 245 | |
290782511 | Celibacy | abstention from sex. | 246 | |
290782512 | Vilified | slandered, defamed. | 247 | |
290782513 | Sanctity | holiness. | 248 | |
290782514 | Stupefied | to be put into a stupor. | 249 | |
290782515 | Solace | comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble. | 250 | |
290782516 | Penitential | pertaining to repentance. | 251 | |
290782517 | Tenacious | stubborn, persistent, determined. | 252 | |
290782518 | Mirth | gaiety or jollity; amusement or laughter. | 253 | |
290782519 | Recompense | to repay or reward. | 254 | |
290782520 | Antiquity | ancientness. | 255 | |
290782521 | Dement | to make mad or indane. | 256 | |
290782522 | Palliate | to alleviate or mitigate. | 257 | |
290782523 | Somniferous | bring or inducing sleep. | 258 | |
290782524 | Rapture | a state of elated bliss. | 259 | |
290782525 | Riotous | characterized by riot. | 260 | |
290782526 | Comport | to bear or conduct oneself; to behave. | 261 | |
290782527 | Vile | wretchedly bad. | 262 | |
290782528 | Disingenuous | lacking sincerity. | 263 | |
290782529 | Latent | present but not visible. | 264 | |
290782530 | Forlorn | desolate; hopeless, miserable; abandoned. | 265 | |
290782531 | Apocryphal | of doubtful authenticity. | 266 | |
290782532 | Omnipresent | everywhere. | 267 | |
290782533 | Omnipotent | all powerful. | 268 | |
290782534 | Omniscience | all knowing. | 269 | |
290782535 | Avowal | a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something. | 270 | |
290782536 | Scourge | a whip; to whip; something bad. | 271 | |
290782537 | Somnambulism | sleepwalking. | 272 | |
290782538 | Pall | cloth for coffin; a coffin. | 273 | |
290782539 | Effusive | extravagantly demonstrative. | 274 | |
290782540 | Augment | enlarge or increase. | 275 | |
290782541 | Inchoate | in an initial stage; not fully formed | 276 | |
290782542 | Corollary | an inference that follows directly from the proof of another proposition; a practical consequence that follows naturally. | 277 | |
290782543 | Amalgam | a combination or blend of diverse things. | 278 | |
290782544 | Bequeath | to give or pass on as an inheritance. | 279 | |
290782545 | Leviathan | something very large; giant sea creature in the Bible. | 280 | |
290782546 | Plutocrat | someone who exercises power by virtue of wealth. | 281 | |
290782547 | Autocrat | a cruel and oppressive dictator. | 282 | |
290782548 | Lethargy | lack of energy; sluggishness. | 283 | |
290782549 | Uncouth | uncultured; crude. | 284 | |
290782550 | Veneration | religious zeal. | 285 | |
290782551 | Accretion | something contributing to growth or increase. | 286 | |
290782552 | Malign | speak unfavorably about. | 287 | |
290782553 | Ephemeral | short-lived. | 288 | |
290782554 | Misnomer | an unsuitable or misleading name. | 289 | |
290782555 | Arbiter | judge. | 290 | |
290782556 | Purview | the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated. | 291 | |
290782557 | Nugatory | of no real value. | 292 | |
290782558 | Imperious | overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing. | 293 | |
290782559 | Benevolent | generous in providing aid to others. | 294 | |
290782560 | Solicitude | a feeling of excessive concern. | 295 | |
290782561 | Condescension | a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient. | 296 | |
290782562 | Incognito | disguised. | 297 | |
290782563 | Pretense | false claim. | 298 | |
290782564 | Sublime | inspiring awe. | 299 | |
290782565 | Patrimony | an inheritance coming by right of birth. | 300 | |
290782566 | Bilious | peevish or irritable; sickeningly unpleasant. | 301 | |
290782567 | Judicious | proceeding from good sense or judgment. | 302 | |
290782568 | Degenerate | become worse; deteriorate. | 303 | |
290782569 | Swinish | resembling swine. | 304 | |
290782570 | Unregenerate | hopelessly bad; persisting in holding obstinately to old ideas or habits | 305 | |
290782571 | Pander | play up to another's desires and weaknesses. | 306 | |
290782572 | Tenuous | having little substance or significance; thin. | 307 | |
290782573 | Putative | generally regarded as such; reputed; hypothesized, inferred; assumed. | 308 | |
290782574 | Mortify | cause to feel shame; hold within limits and control. | 309 | |
290782575 | Enamored | Fond of; feeling love towards. | 310 | |
290782576 | Vitiate | corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality. | 311 | |
290782577 | Sinecure | a position requiring little or no work; an easy job. | 312 | |
290782578 | Extrinsic | not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside. | 313 | |
290782579 | Frugal | thrifty. | 314 | |
290782580 | Antithesis | exact opposite. | 315 | |
290782581 | Antithetical | sharply contrasted in character or purpose. | 316 | |
290782582 | Nadir | lowest point. | 317 | |
290782583 | Firmament | the sky, the heavens. | 318 | |
290782584 | Anomaly | abnormality. | 319 | |
290782585 | Malleable | capable of being shaped. | 320 | |
290782586 | Panegyrics | speech or writing that honors a person or thing; praise. | 321 | |
290782587 | Demagogue | A leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power. | 322 | |
290782588 | Incongruous | lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness. | 323 | |
290782589 | Congruous | harmonious. | 324 | |
290782590 | Savant | scholar. | 325 | |
290782591 | Polymath | a person with knowledge of many subjects. | 326 | |
290782592 | Prodigious | enormous. | 327 | |
290782593 | Meliorate | to make better. | 328 | |
290782594 | Protean | changeable. | 329 | |
290782595 | Voracious | excessively greedy and grasping. | 330 | |
290782596 | Acute | extremely sharp or intense. | 331 | |
290782597 | Surreptitious | conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods. | 332 | |
290782598 | Oscillations | vibrations. | 333 | |
290782599 | Capacious | spacious. | 334 | |
290782600 | Pedantic | showing off learning; bookish. | 335 | |
290782601 | Precocious | talented beyond one's age. | 336 | |
290782602 | Intractable | stubborn. | 337 | |
290782603 | Squalor | sordid dirtiness. | 338 | |
290782604 | Phalanx | a compact or close-knit body of people, animals, or things. | 339 | |
290782605 | Mélange | a mixture; a hodgepodge. | 340 | |
290782606 | Luminous | giving off light. | 341 | |
290782607 | Innate | existing from birth, inborn. | 342 | |
290782608 | Excoriate | appearing or developing early, express strong disapproval of. | 343 | |
290782609 | Unsavory | not pleasing in odor or taste; distasteful. | 344 | |
290782610 | Bulwark | protective fence or wall. | 345 | |
290782611 | Expatriate | expel from a country. | 346 | |
290782612 | Insuperable | incapable of being overcome. | 347 | |
290782613 | Aesthetic | pertaining to beauty. | 348 | |
290782614 | Aesthete | one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature. | 349 | |
290782615 | Transience | the attribute of being brief or fleeting; effusive. | 350 | |
290782616 | Pathology | study of disease. | 351 | |
290782617 | Obdurate | stubborn, unyielding, | 352 | |
290782618 | Impervious | incapable of being affected. | 353 | |
290782619 | Quixotic | idealistic but impractical. | 354 | |
290782620 | Capricious | impulsive and unpredictable. | 355 | |
290782621 | Frigid | extremely cold. | 356 | |
290782622 | Disseminate | to scatter or spread widely. | 357 | |
290782623 | Duplicitous | deliberately deceptive. | 358 | |
290782624 | Squabble | a quarrel about petty points. | 359 | |
290782625 | Tepid | lukewarm. | 360 | |
290782626 | Disdain | reject with contempt; spurn. | 361 | |
290782627 | Strictures | conditions or rules. | 362 | |
290782628 | Emphatic | forceful and definite in expression or action. | 363 | |
290782629 | Hedonism | devotion to pleasure. | 364 | |
290782630 | Rapacious | excessively greedy and grasping. | 365 | |
290782631 | Inordinate | beyond normal limits. | 366 | |
290782632 | Concubine | mistress. | 367 | |
290782633 | Diffident | lacking self-confidence. | 368 | |
290782634 | Ornate | elaborately decorated. | 369 | |
290782635 | Denigrate | to attack the reputation of; to speak ill of. | 370 | |
290782636 | Scrupulous | characterized by extreme care and great effort. | 371 | |
290782637 | Arcane | known or understood by only a few. | 372 | |
290782638 | Screed | a long piece of writing. | 373 | |
290782639 | Laconic | brief and to the point; brevity. | 374 | |
290782640 | Sonorous | full and loud and deep. | 375 | |
290782641 | Seminal | containing seeds of later development. | 376 | |
290782642 | Acrimonious | marked by strong resentment or cynicism. | 377 | |
290782643 | Consummate | perfect and complete in every respect. | 378 | |
290782644 | Facade | a deceptive outward appearance. | 379 | |
290782645 | Credulous | gullible. | 380 | |
290782646 | Rueful | regretful. | 381 | |
290782647 | Grifter | a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud. | 382 | |
290782648 | Accrue | grow by addition. | 383 | |
290782649 | Consensus | general agreement. | 384 | |
290782650 | Contention | the act of competing as for profit or a prize. | 385 | |
290782651 | Aficionado | fan. | 386 | |
290782652 | Obviate | prevent the occurrence of. | 387 | |
290782653 | Labyrinth | maze. | 388 | |
290782654 | Precipice | a very steep cliff. | 389 | |
290782655 | Purport | intention, purpose. | 390 | |
290782656 | Derisive | abusing vocally. | 391 | |
290782657 | Rankle | to cause anger, irritation, or bitterness. | 392 | |
290782658 | Propinquity | the property of being close together. | 393 | |
290782659 | Bane | something causes misery or death. | 394 | |
290782660 | Blight | anything that destroys, prevents growth, or causes devaluation. | 395 | |
290782661 | Verdure | green foliage. | 396 | |
290782662 | Sedulous | diligent. | 397 | |
290782663 | Malignant | extremely malevolent or malicious. | 398 | |
290782664 | Deleterious | harmful. | 399 | |
290782665 | Nuptial | of or relating to a wedding. | 400 | |
290782666 | Dexterity | adroitness in using the hands. | 401 | |
290782667 | Precocity | exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age. | 402 | |
290782668 | Enigma | puzzle; mystery. | 403 | |
290782669 | Asperity | harshness of manner. | 404 | |
290782670 | Scintillating | sparkling, twinkling, exceptionally brilliant. | 405 | |
290782671 | Scrofula | tuberculosis. | 406 | |
290782672 | Nigh | near. | 407 | |
290782673 | Reverence | profound respect. | 408 | |
290782674 | Sentinel | a guard. | 409 | |
290782675 | Intricate | complicated. | 410 | |
290782676 | Extenuation | to act in such a way as to cause an offense to seem less serious. | 411 | |
290782677 | Citadel | fortress. | 412 | |
290782678 | Quaff | to drink in large quantities; to gulp. | 413 | |
290782679 | Choleric | easily moved to anger. | 414 | |
290782680 | Vicissitude | a passing from one thing to another, change of luck. | 415 | |
290782681 | Irrefragable | indisputable. | 416 | |
290782682 | Rapturous | filled with great joy; ecstatic. | 417 | |
290782683 | Ludicrous | ridiculous, laughable, absurd. | 418 | |
290782684 | Potency | the state of being potent. | 419 | |
290782685 | Potentate | monarch or ruler with great power. | 420 | |
290782686 | Duplicity | treachery, deceitfulness; guile. | 421 | |
290782687 | Metropolis | large dense city. | 422 | |
290782688 | Languor | inactivity. | 423 | |
290782689 | Audacious | disposed to venture or take risks. | 424 | |
290782690 | Mien | dignified manner or conduct. | 425 | |
290782691 | Consternation | fear resulting from the awareness of danger. | 426 | |
290782692 | Indefatigable | tireless. | 427 | |
290782693 | Melancholy | characterized by or causing or expressing sadness. | 428 | |
290782694 | Boorish | rude. | 429 | |
290782695 | Languid | lacking energy. | 430 | |
290782696 | Erratic | liable to sudden unpredictable change. | 431 | |
290782697 | Vivacity | characterized by high spirits and animation. | 432 | |
290782698 | Apotheosized | raised to a spiritual or god-like state. | 433 | |
290782699 | Clerical | priestly. | 434 | |
290782700 | Guile | treacherous, cunning, deceit; duplicity. | 435 | |
290782701 | Scruple | hesitate on moral grounds. | 436 |