Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems: Quiz 1
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199671026 | a-, an- | no; lacking; none | |
199671027 | ab- | away from; out from | |
199671028 | ac- | to; toward | |
199671029 | -aceus; -aceous | of or pertaining to | |
199671030 | acou- | hearing | |
199671031 | acr-; acro- | extreme; peak | |
199671032 | ad- | to; toward | |
199671033 | adeno- | gland | |
199671034 | agri- | field, soil | |
199671035 | -al | having character of | |
199671036 | alb- | white | |
199671037 | -algia | pain | |
199671038 | alto- | high | |
199671039 | ameb- | change; alternation | |
199671040 | amphibi- | leading a double life | |
199671041 | ampho-; amb- | both | |
199671042 | an- | not; without | |
199671043 | ana- | up | |
199671044 | andro- | masculine; man | |
199671045 | anemo- | wind | |
199671046 | angio- | vessel | |
199671047 | ante- | before; ahead of time | |
199671048 | antero- | front | |
199671049 | antho- | flower | |
199671050 | anti- | against | |
199671051 | anthropo- | man | |
199671052 | ap- | to; toward | |
199671053 | aqu- | water | |
199671054 | archaeo- | primitive; ancient | |
199671055 | arthro- | joint | |
199671056 | aster-; astr- | stars | |
199671057 | -ate | used in forming verbs from nouns | |
199671058 | -ation | used in forming nouns from verbs | |
199671059 | atom- | vapor | |
199671060 | audi- | hear | |
199671061 | auto- | self | |
199671062 | bactr- | stick; club | |
199671063 | barb- | beard | |
199671064 | baro- | weight | |
199671065 | bath- | depth; height | |
199671066 | bene- | well; good | |
199671067 | bi- | two; twice; double | |
199671068 | bio-; bi- | life; living | |
199671069 | -blast | sprout; germ | |
199671070 | brachi- | having arms | |
199671071 | branchi- | having fins | |
199671072 | brev- | short | |
199671073 | bronch- | windpipe | |
199671074 | calor- | heat | |
199671075 | carb- | coal; carbon | |
199671076 | cardi- | heart | |
199671077 | carn- | meat | |
199671078 | carp- | fruit | |
199671079 | carpal- | wrist | |
199671080 | caud- | tail |