English 9 Final Vocabulary [Not for Pre-AP]
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181133148 | Austere | Sternness | |
181133149 | Connotation | The way a word makes you feel. | |
181133150 | Contemporary | Modern | |
181133151 | Denotation | The dictionary meaning of a word | |
181133152 | Diction | word choice | |
181133153 | Ellipses | Three periods showing that words have been taken out. | |
181133154 | Irony | incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs | |
181133155 | Obstreperous | noisy; loud | |
181133156 | Persona | The personality the author takes on when writing. | |
181133157 | Personification | Inanimate object with Human characteristics | |
181133158 | clad | dressed | |
181133159 | garish | tastelessly gaudy | |
181133160 | discreet | modesty | |
181133161 | taut | tightly stretched | |
181133162 | infallible | never wrong | |
181133163 | succinct | brief and to the point | |
181133164 | encumbered | weighed down | |
181133165 | elucidate | to make clear | |
181133166 | amiable | friendly | |
181133167 | tedious | boring | |
181133168 | evoked | called forth | |
181133169 | exodus | to leave | |
181133170 | impudent | Sassy | |
181133171 | indicted | formally accused or charged | |
181133172 | pauper | an extremely poor person | |
181133173 | acquit | Found not guilty | |
181133174 | cynical | To belittle or make fun of someone | |
181133175 | ruefully | regretfully | |
181133176 | devout | devoted to religion | |
181133177 | hypocrites | people who pretend to be something they are not | |
181133178 | recluse | someone who stays away from society | |
181133179 | reprimand | scold | |
181133180 | Pious | devoutly religious | |
181133181 | Tartly | sharply | |
181133182 | Contemptuous | scornful | |
181133183 | Vehemently | intense force or emotion | |
181133184 | Auspicious | favorable | |
181133185 | Passe | out of fashion | |
181133186 | Melancholy | Gloomy state of mind | |
181133187 | Viscous | having the properties of glue | |
181133188 | Benign | A gentle disposition | |
181133189 | Placid | Calm | |
181133190 | Ensuing | following immediately and as a result of what went before | |
181133191 | Ramshackle | in deplorable condition | |
181133192 | Tarnished | corroded, discolored | |
181133193 | Palate | upper part of mouth | |
181133194 | Innate | present at birth | |
181133195 | Impaired | diminished in usefulness | |
181133196 | Candid | Openly straightforward | |
181133197 | Connived | secretly cooperated or agreed to | |
181133198 | Chattles | slaves | |
181133199 | Sojourn | a temporary stay | |
181133200 | ethical | acting with accepted social behavior | |
181133201 | prowness | superior skill or ability | |
181133202 | caricature | a exaggerated comic of a person | |
181133203 | libel | Saying something to make someone else look bad | |
181133204 | tarried | Delay | |
181133205 | articulate | expressing yourself easily | |
181133206 | ethics | Morals | |
181133207 | countenance | Your face | |
181133208 | Nemisis | enemy | |
181133209 | Veri- | Truth | |
181133210 | Motif | A recurring theme, subject or idea | |
181133211 | Prose | writing that is not poetry, drama, or song | |
181133212 | Advocate | A person who stands up for something |