English 11 AP Vocabulary
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119005202 | appellation | a name or title that identifies. | |
119005203 | diphthong | two vowels or a vowel and a semivowel in a single syllable | |
119005204 | eponym | a person for whom something is named | |
119005205 | linguistics | the study of human speech | |
119005206 | neologism | a newly made-up word or phrase | |
119005207 | parlance | a particular manner of speech | |
119005208 | patois | a nonstandard dialect of a language | |
119005209 | polyglot | consisting of any groups speaking different languages | |
119005210 | solecism | the ungrammatical usage of a word | |
119005211 | vulgar | spoken by the common people; vernacular | |
119005212 | amulet | an object worn to bring luck or protection; charm | |
119005213 | capricious | characterized by unpredictable changes; fickle | |
119005214 | fatalism | the view that all events are determined by fate | |
119005215 | incantation | words spoken as a magic charm or to cast a spell | |
119005216 | propitious | presenting favorable circumstances; advantageous | |
119005217 | providential | seeming to result from divine will; opportune | |
119005218 | quirk | a peculiarity of behavior | |
119005219 | serendipity | the ability to make valuable discoveries by chance | |
119005220 | vagary | an unpredictable idea or action; odd fancy | |
119005221 | vicissitude | a change, usually sudden or unexpected | |
119005222 | continuity | the condition of being without a stop or interruption; an uninterrupted succession or flow | |
119005223 | converge | to approach the same point from different directions; move toward a common conclusion | |
119005224 | crux | the basic or essential feature of something | |
119005225 | initiate | to begin; admit into membership | |
119005226 | pivotal | central or crucial to something | |
119005227 | sequel | something that follows; a result or consequence | |
119005228 | subordinate | one subject to the authority of another; of a lower class or rank | |
119005229 | tangetial | only superficially relevant or related | |
119005230 | terminate | to bring to an end; conclude | |
119005231 | ultimate | last; farthest; greatest possible | |
119005232 | complicity | involvement as an accomplice in a crime or wrongdoing | |
119005233 | deploy | to station (persons or forces) systematically over an area | |
119005234 | explicate | to explain; make meaning clear | |
119005235 | implicate | to involve or connect incriminatingly | |
119005236 | implicit | implied or understood although not directly expressed | |
119005237 | inexplicable | incapable of being explained or interpreted | |
119005238 | plight | a condition or situation of difficulty or adversity | |
119005239 | replica | a copy or reproduction of a work of art | |
119005240 | replicate | to duplicate, copy, or repeat | |
119005241 | supple | readily bent; pliant | |
119005242 | aspersion | a damaging or false statement; the act of slandering | |
119005243 | deprecate | to express disapproval of; belittle | |
119005244 | deride | to laugh at in scorn; mock | |
119005245 | execrable | extremely inferior; hateful | |
119005246 | ostracize | to banish or exclude from a group; shun | |
119005247 | rebuke | to criticize or reprimand sharply; a scolding | |
119005248 | scurrilous | using or expressed in vulgar and abusive language | |
119005249 | spurn | to reject or refuse disdainfully | |
119005250 | vitriolic | bitterly severe; harsh; sharp | |
119005251 | vituperation | sustained and bitter attack or condemnation | |
119005252 | accommodating | willing to help; obliging | |
119005253 | accord | agreement; to be in agreement | |
119005254 | acquiesce | to consent or comply passively or without protest | |
119005255 | adamant | firm and unyielding in purpose or opinion; inflexible | |
119005256 | camaraderie | a spirit of loyalty, mutual trust, and good will between or among friends | |
119005257 | compliance | an act of doing as another wishes or commands; a tendency to yield to others | |
119005258 | propitiate | to prevent or reduce the anger of; soothe | |
119005259 | tractable | easily managed or controlled; docile | |
119005260 | volition | an act of willing, choosing, or deciding; a conscious choice | |
119005261 | willfulness | unreasonable stubbornness; the inclination to impose one's will on others | |
119005262 | auspices | protection or support; patronage | |
119005263 | auspicious | attended by favorable circumstances | |
119005264 | circumspect | heedful of circumstances or consequences; prudent | |
119005265 | despicable | deserving of scorn or contempt; vile | |
119005266 | introspective | self-examining; thinking about one's own thoughts and feelings | |
119005267 | perspicuity | the quality of being clearly expressed; the ability to perceive keenly | |
119005268 | prospective | likely to become or be | |
119005269 | specious | having the ring of truth but actually false | |
119005270 | specter | a phantom; apparition | |
119005271 | spectrum | a broad sequence or range of related qualities, ideas, or activities | |
119005272 | acuity | acuteness of perception; keenness | |
119005273 | consummate | supremely accomplished or skilled | |
119005274 | cunning | skill or adeptness in performance; dexterity | |
119005275 | deft | skillful; adroit | |
119005276 | endowment | a natural gift or quality | |
119005277 | facile | done with little effort or difficulty | |
119005278 | incompetent | not capable; not properly or well qualified | |
119005279 | inept | awkward or clumsy | |
119005280 | proficient | performing in an art, skill, or branch of learning with expert correctness | |
119005281 | propensity | an innate inclination; a tendency | |
119005282 | beseech | to address an earnest request to; implore | |
119005283 | blandishment | the act of coaxing by flattery | |
119005284 | cajole | to coax gently and persistently | |
119005285 | elicit | to bring out; evoke | |
119005286 | enjoin | to direct with authority | |
119005287 | exigent | urgent; requiring prompt action | |
119005288 | imperious | arrogantly domineering or overbearing | |
119005289 | injunction | a command, directive, or order | |
119005290 | mendicant | a beggar | |
119005291 | query | a question or inquiry | |
119005292 | ambivalence | the simultaneous existence of conflicting feelings or thoughts; uncertainty | |
119005293 | avail | use, benefit, or advantage; to be of use or advantage to | |
119005294 | equivalent | equal in quantity, meaning, or value | |
119005295 | evaluation | the act of judging the value or worth of; appraisal | |
119005296 | evince | to show or exhibit; demonstrate clearly | |
119005297 | invalid | being without foundation in fact, truth, or law | |
119005298 | invaluable | indispensable; priceless | |
119005299 | prevail | to be greater in strength or influence; be or become effective | |
119005300 | valedictory | bidding farewell | |
119005301 | vanquish | to defeat in battle or competition; overcome or subdue | |
119005302 | abound | to be great in number or amount; be fully supplied or filled | |
119005303 | amplitude | greatness of size; fullness; breadth or range | |
119005304 | augment | to make greater in size, extent, or quantity; become greater | |
119005305 | brevity | briefness of duration; concise expression | |
119005306 | commensurate | of the same size, extent, or duration; corresponding in size or degree | |
119005307 | diminish | to make smaller or less; detract form the authority or prestige of | |
119005308 | infinitesimal | immeasurably tiny | |
119005309 | modicum | a small amount or quantity | |
119005310 | prodigious | impressively great in size, force, or extent; extraordinary | |
119005311 | quota | a proportional share; a maximum or fixed number or amount | |
119005312 | abdicate | to relinquish formally | |
119005313 | abnegate | to deny to oneself; renounce | |
119005314 | absolve | to pronounce clear of blame or guilt | |
119005315 | catharsis | a purifying cleansing or release of tension | |
119005316 | countermand | to cancel or reverse | |
119005317 | recant | to make a formal retraction or disavowal of | |
119005318 | recoup | to receive an equivalent for; make up for | |
119005319 | renunciation | the act of giving something up | |
119005320 | rescind | to make void; repeal or annul | |
119005321 | waive | to relinquish or give up voluntarily | |
119005322 | adjure | to command solemnly, as under oath | |
119005323 | affidavit | written statement sworn before an official | |
119005324 | confidant | a person to whom secrets are confided | |
119005325 | conjure | to produce as if by magic | |
119005326 | fealty | the loyalty of a vassal to his feudal lord | |
119005327 | fiancé | a man engaged to be married | |
119005328 | fidelity | faithfulness to obligations or duties | |
119005329 | infidel | one who does not accept a particular faith | |
119005330 | jurisdiction | authority, power, or control | |
119005331 | perjure | to give false testimony under oath | |
119005332 | affect | to have an influence on | |
119005333 | avenge | to take revenge or get satisfaction for | |
119005334 | disinterested | free of bias or self-interest | |
119005335 | effect | something brought about by cause or agent | |
119005336 | imply | to say or express indirectly | |
119005337 | infer | to conclude from evidence; deduce | |
119005338 | precede | to come before in time | |
119005339 | proceed | to go forward or onward | |
119005340 | revenge | vengeance; retaliation | |
119005341 | uninterested | not paying attention; indifferent | |
119005342 | culminate | to reach the highest point or degree | |
119005343 | eclipse | to obscure or overshadow the importance of | |
119005344 | epitome | the typical or perfect example of an entire class or type | |
119005345 | impeccable | without flaw; perfect | |
119005346 | inimitable | impossible to imitate or copy | |
119005347 | optimum | most favorable or advantageous; best | |
119005348 | peerless | without equal; unmatched | |
119005349 | quintessence | the most complete instance | |
119005350 | sublime | not to be excelled; supreme | |
119005351 | zenith | the highest point; peak | |
119005352 | arboreal | pertaining to or resembling a tree | |
119005353 | burgeon | to put forth new buds, leaves, or branches | |
119005354 | deciduous | losing foliage after the growing season | |
119005355 | fauna | animals of a certain region, period, or environment | |
119005356 | flora | plants of a certain region, period, or environment | |
119005357 | germination | the process of beginning to grow | |
119005358 | horticultural | of the art of cultivation | |
119005359 | lichen | plants consisting of a fungus and certain algae | |
119005360 | sylvan | abounding in trees; wooded | |
119005361 | verdant | green with vegetation | |
119005362 | a cappella | without musical accompaniment | |
119005363 | aria | an elaborate vocal piece sung by a single voice | |
119005364 | cadence | balanced, rhythmic beat of poetry, dance, or music | |
119005365 | crescendo | a gradual increase, especially in volume | |
119005366 | dissonance | a harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds | |
119005367 | libretto | the text of an opera or other dramatic musical work | |
119005368 | motif | repeated significant phrase that identifies an idea | |
119005369 | octave | the musical interval of eight full tones | |
119005370 | sonata | an instrumental musical composition | |
119005371 | staccato | in music, cut short crisply; disconnected | |
119005372 | accountable | required to answer for one's actions | |
119005373 | commitment | emotional or intellectual obligation | |
119005374 | default | failure to fulfill an obligation | |
119005375 | feckless | careless; irresponsible | |
119005376 | incumbent | imposed as an obligation or duty | |
119005377 | liability | condition of being legally responsible | |
119005378 | mandatory | required; compulsory | |
119005379 | negligence | lack of proper care or attention | |
119005380 | onerous | troublesome; oppresive | |
119005381 | remiss | lax in attending to duty | |
119005382 | accrue | to increase or grow; accumulate | |
119005383 | audit | to examine, verify, or correct | |
119005384 | cartel | a combination of independent businesses | |
119005385 | collateral | property pledged to secure a loan | |
119005386 | commodity | an article of trade that can be transported | |
119005387 | conglomerate | a corporation | |
119005388 | liquidate | to settle the affairs of; pay off | |
119005389 | lucrative | profitable; producing wealth | |
119005390 | recompense | payment made in return for something done | |
119005391 | security | written evidence of ownership | |
119005392 | abstruse | difficult to understand | |
119005393 | acumen | quickness and accuracy of judgement | |
119005394 | ascertain | to discover through examination | |
119005395 | cerebral | characterized by reason rather than emotion | |
119005396 | faculty | any of the powers possessed by the human mind | |
119005397 | relative | having pertinence or relevance | |
119005398 | ruminate | to meditate at length; ponder | |
119005399 | surmise | to conclude without sufficient evidence | |
119005400 | tenet | opinion, doctrine, or principle held as being true | |
119005401 | theoretical | of conclusions reached through logic | |
119005402 | apocryphal | of doubtful authorship or authenticity | |
119005403 | bona fide | done or made in good faith; sincere | |
119005404 | candor | frankness of expression | |
119005405 | cant | insincerely pious language | |
119005406 | charlatan | a person who pretends to possess skill | |
119005407 | chicanery | deception by trickery | |
119005408 | feign | to give a false appearance of | |
119005409 | insidious | spreading harmfully in a subtle mannder | |
119005410 | rectitude | moral uprightness; righteousness | |
119005411 | veritable | unquestionable; true | |
119005412 | adulterate | to make impure or inferior by adding extraneous, unusual, or improper ingredients | |
119005413 | bane | a cause of death, destruction, or ruin | |
119005414 | boon | something beneficial that is bestowed; blessing | |
119005415 | exorcise | to expel an evil spirit | |
119005416 | inimical | injurious; unfriendly | |
119005417 | panacea | a remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties | |
119005418 | pernicious | tending to cause death or serious injury; deadly | |
119005419 | salutary | designed to effect an improvement; remedial | |
119005420 | toxic | poisonous; harmful | |
119005421 | vitiate | to impair the value or quality of | |
119005422 | contingent | dependent upon conditions not yet established; likely | |
119005423 | eventuality | a possible event; possibility | |
119005424 | feasible | capable of being accomplished; suitable; plausible | |
119005425 | implausible | not valid, likely, or acceptable; difficult to believe | |
119005426 | inconceivable | incapable of being imagined or comprehended | |
119005427 | perchance | perhaps; possibly | |
119005428 | preposterous | contrary to nature or common sense; absurd | |
119005429 | presumably | by reasonable assumption; probably; likely | |
119005430 | proclivity | a natural inclination or tendency | |
119005431 | prone | tending; inclined; lying face downward | |
119005432 | evolve | to develop or achieve gradually; devise | |
119005433 | immutable | not subject or susceptible to change | |
119005434 | inveterate | firmly established by having existed for a long time; fixed in habit, custom, or practice | |
119005435 | malleable | capable of being altered or influenced | |
119005436 | metamorphosis | a marked change in appearance, character, or function | |
119005437 | modulate | to regulate, adjust, or adapt to a certain proportion; soften | |
119005438 | protean | readily taking on a different shape, form, or character | |
119005439 | sporadic | occurring at irregular intervals; having no pattern or order | |
119005440 | transmute | to change from one form, nature, or state to another | |
119005441 | volatile | changeable; fickle; explosive | |
119005442 | adhere | to stick together | |
119005443 | aggregate | gathered together into a mass; total | |
119005444 | dissimulate | to disguise under a feigned appearanc | |
119005445 | egregious | outstandingly bad | |
119005446 | ensemble | a group of people or parts that contribute to a single effect | |
119005447 | facsimile | an exact copy | |
119005448 | gregarious | enjoying the company of others | |
119005449 | inherent | existing as an essential, natural part or characteristic | |
119005450 | segregate | to isolate from the main group | |
119005451 | semblance | an outward appearance | |
119005452 | affront | to insult intentionally | |
119005453 | altercation | a noisy quarrel | |
119005454 | antagonist | one who opposes or competes with another | |
119005455 | bellicose | warlike in manner or temperament | |
119005456 | breach | a breaking up or disruption of friendly relations; estrangement | |
119005457 | contentious | quarrelsome | |
119005458 | dissension | a difference of opinion, especially one that leads to strife | |
119005459 | rancor | bitter, long-lasting resentment; ill will | |
119005460 | retribution | something given or demanded in repayment | |
119005461 | schism | a separation into factions | |
119005462 | arbitration | the process by which parties in a dispute submit their differences to the judgement of an impartial person or group | |
119005463 | attaché | a member of the staff or a diplomatic office in a foreign country | |
119005464 | consulate | the premises occupied by a government official who represents his or her government's interests in a foreign city | |
119005465 | covenant | a binding agreement between two or more parties; contract | |
119005466 | discretion | cautious reserve in speech or behavior; freedom to act or judge on one's own | |
119005467 | emissary | an agent who represents the interests of a person, group, or nation | |
119005468 | entente | an agreement between two or more powers for cooperative action | |
119005469 | Machiavellian | pertaining to the theory that craft and deceit are justified in pursuing and maintaining political power | |
119005470 | protocol | ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats and heads of state | |
119005471 | status quo | to existing condition or state of affairs | |
119005472 | abrogate | to abolish or annul by authority; cancel | |
119005473 | acquisition | the act or process of gaining possession; something gained, especially an addition to an established category or group | |
119005474 | conquistador | a conqueror, especially one of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the sixteenth century | |
119005475 | inquisitive | eager to learn; curious; unduly curious; prying | |
119005476 | perquisite | a benefit or payment received in addition to a regular salary | |
119005477 | presage | to indicate or warn in advance | |
119005478 | quest | the act of seeking or pursuing something | |
119005479 | requisite | required; essential | |
119005480 | sagacity | keenness of perception, soundness of judgement, and wisdom | |
119005481 | surrogate | someone or something that takes the place of another; substitute | |
119005482 | abeyance | the condition of being temporarily set aside; suspension | |
119005483 | abstemious | sparing, especially in the use of food and drink; moderate; temperate; restricted to bare necessities; very plain | |
119005484 | circuitous | being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course; indirect; not being forthright in language or action | |
119005485 | circumvent | to avoid by or as if passing around; to overcome or get the better of by artful maneuvering; outwit | |
119005486 | elude | to escape from, as by artfulness, cunning, or daring; to escape the understanding of; baffle | |
119005487 | evasion | the act of escaping or avoiding by cleverness or deceit; dodging; a means of evading; a trick or excuse used to avoid something | |
119005488 | eschew | to avoid habitually, especially on moral or practical grounds; shun; abstain from | |
119005489 | malinger | to pretend to be ill or injured in order to avoid or work | |
119005490 | oblique | indirect; not straightforward; devious, misleading or dishonest | |
119005491 | shirk | to neglect, put off, or avoid discharging (a duty, obligation, or responsibility) | |
119005492 | banal | lacking in freshness or originality | |
119005493 | emulate | to try to equal to excel, especially through imitation | |
119005494 | mimicry | a close copying or imitation of the speech, expression, or gesture of another; close resemblance | |
119005495 | platitude | a trite remark or statement | |
119005496 | prototype | an original type, form, or instance that serves as a model for later stages; an early or typical example | |
119005497 | recapitulate | to repeat in concise form | |
119005498 | redundant | exceeding what is necessary; repeating the same idea | |
119005499 | rendition | an interpretation of a musical score or dramatic piece | |
119005500 | sham | something false that is supposed to be genuine; fake | |
119005501 | simulation | the taking on of the appearance, form, or sound of something else; an imitation |