AP World History Fall Final Exam Review Flashcards
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268800152 | what are the characteristics of civilization | Settled Agriculture Cities Complex government Complex religion Economic specialization Social hierarchy Technology, art and architecture | 0 | |
268800153 | Sumerians created Euclidean geometry. | false | 1 | |
268800154 | Indo-Europeans came in successive waves, disrupted the civilizations of the Middle East and Egypt, and introduced the use of iron. | true | 2 | |
268800155 | Which early river valley failed to last long and produce the basis for continuing civilization? | Indus River Valley/ Harappan | 3 | |
268800156 | Which early river valley civilization produced the most continuous civilization? | Huang He | 4 | |
268800157 | The Aryans rapidly assimilated the Harappan agricultural technique including massive irrigation projects, but rejected all else. | false | 5 | |
268800158 | There are no archaeological remains associated with Xia. | true | 6 | |
268800159 | Which produced warriors ruled by strong kings who built an extensive empire? | Shang | 7 | |
268800160 | During the Zhou there was a migration that brought agricultural regions of the Yangtze river valley into Chinese hands. | true | 8 | |
268800161 | The reason the Americas had limited pastoral nomadism is because there was not enough grazing land for domestic animals. | false | 9 | |
268800162 | Violence-prone nomadic cultures dominated by warlike males | courage cultures | 10 | |
268800163 | What type of people have monopolized both transport and trade along the routes from classical through post-classical times? | nomads | 11 | |
268800164 | Nomadic dynasties went through a cycle of three generation s that became progressively weaker. What historical figure came up with this statement? | Ibn Khaldun | 12 | |
268800165 | Confucius was a religious teacher similar to the Jewish prophets and Buddha. | False | 13 | |
268800166 | Confucius was a social philosopher obsessed with the need for order and harmony. | true | 14 | |
268800167 | Who said humans should retreat from society and seek oneness with nature? | laozi | 15 | |
268800168 | Which philosophy emphasizes the major objective of the ruler is to enhance and strengthen the state? | legalists | 16 | |
268800169 | During which dynasty did calligraphy become popular? | the han | 17 | |
268800170 | Greek culture was influenced by the Aryans. | false | 18 | |
268800171 | The Chinese forms of political organization were generally less centralized than those of Greek civilization. | false | 19 | |
268800172 | The Chinese were unable to develop sophisticated philosophical systems of thought. | false | 20 | |
268800173 | The Greeks were unable to develop sophisticated philosophical systems of thought. | false | 21 | |
268800174 | The Greek forms of political organization were generally less centralized than those of Chinese civilization. | true | 22 | |
268800175 | In Greek civilization, women were considered full equals of males, despite the patriarchal nature of the household. | false | 23 | |
268800176 | Women in the pre-imperial period in India enjoyed great freedom within the household, but were unable to hold any occupations outside of it. | false | 24 | |
268800177 | Emerged during the Mesoamerican Classic period in tropical lowlands of Mexico and Guatemala? | maya | 25 | |
268800178 | What was the most famous of the Indian cultures of southwestern North america? | anasazi | 26 | |
268800179 | What was the dominant religion of Axum after 350 C.E.? | christianity | 27 | |
268800180 | Which group helped both Indian and Roman civilizations decline? | Huns | 28 | |
268800181 | What grew out of the Roman Empire - continued its culture? | Byzantine Empire | 29 | |
268800182 | What group of peoples were resopnsible for the conquest of Kievan Russia in 1236? | mongols | 30 | |
268800183 | The post-classical period in wEstern history between the fall of the Roman Empire and the fifteenth century is referred to as the ... | middle ages | 31 | |
268800184 | What was the technological innovation that aided the Byzantine Empire in withstanding the Muslim siege of Constantinople in 717 C.E.? | greek fire | 32 | |
272286163 | Rome abandoned monumental architecture almost entirely for buildings of smaller scale. | false | 33 | |
272286164 | Rome abandoned the Greek designs and introduced less ornate, more functional architectural designs. | false | 34 | |
272286165 | Rome made engineering advances that allowed construction of building of greater size | true | 35 | |
272286166 | Roman architecture was entirely Italian in origin and owed nothing to Greek influence. | false | 36 | |
272286167 | Chinese social organization offered limited opportunities for social advancement through the university and examination system | true | 37 | |
272286168 | Mediterranean social organization emphasized aristocracy but recognized the importance of acquired wealth. | true | 38 | |
272286169 | Of the three classical civilizations, Chinese social organization offered the least opportunity for mobility. | false india | 39 | |
272286170 | India's caste system offered some opportunity for mobility in the sense that the status of entire castes occasionally rose and fell in the social order. | true | 40 | |
272286171 | Which religion had the least impact on successive civilization? | greco-roman religion | 41 | |
272286172 | Women were clearly subordinate to men, yet enjoyed greater occupational opportunities until the last centuries B.C. | india | 42 | |
272286173 | Monks offered miraculous tales of Buddha's life, equated Nirvana with heaven, and stressed the salvationist qualities of the new religion. | true | 43 | |
272286174 | The Roman economy depended on a steady supply of slave labor. | true | 44 | |
272286175 | Rome's fall split the unity of the Mediterranean lands that had been won through Persian culture and then the Roman Empire. | false | 45 | |
272286176 | Women in pre-Islamic bedouin culture: | enjoyed greater freedom and higher status that those of the Byzantine and Russian Empires. | 46 | |
273004995 | Pastoralism | the animal branch of agriculture. | 47 | |
273004996 | Shifting Cultivation | a form of subsistence agriculture in which people shift activity from one field to another. | 48 | |
273004997 | Courage Cultures | males form a society based on honor and physical courage. | 49 | |
273004998 | Ibn Khalduln's Theory | an attempt to determine the credibility of historical sources. | 50 | |
273004999 | Gilgamesh | a fictional character and hero from Ancient Summer. | 51 | |
273005000 | Iliad | epic poem by the Greek writer Homer about the Trojan War. | 52 | |
273005001 | Odyssey | the sequel to the Iliad in which the Greek hero Odysseus makes his journey home. | 53 | |
273005002 | Analects | collection of moral and social teachings of Confucius. | 54 | |
273005003 | Aeneid | an epic written by Virgil, tells the adventures of Aeneas after the Trojan War, provides an illustrious historical background for Roman Empire. | 55 | |
273005004 | Bishops | ordained or consecrated members of the Christian clergy entrusted with positions of authority and oversight. | 56 | |
273005005 | Vedas | large body of texts from ancient India written in Vedic Sanskrit and contains the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. | 57 | |
273005006 | Ayllus | extended family political units of the Incas. | 58 | |
273005007 | Yellow Turbans | revolted against the Han. | 59 | |
273005008 | Sufis | Muslims who represent the mystical dimension of Islam; seek direct experience of Allah. | 60 | |
273005009 | Sahel | eco climatic and biogeographic zone of transition between the Sahara dessert in the north and the Sardinian savannas in the south. | 61 | |
273005010 | Griots | story tellers in west Africa that perpetuates the oral traditions of a family or village. | 62 | |
273005011 | Ethnocentrism | tendency to believe that ones ethnic or cultural group is centrally important and that all other groups are measured in relation to ones own. | 63 |