B-7 (el gobierno y la política)
B-7 vocabulario de AP Spanish
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22790554 | alcalde | mayor | |
22790555 | anarquista | anarchist | |
22790556 | asesor | advisor | |
22790557 | ayuntamiento | municipal gov't, city hall | |
22790558 | cámara | legislative chamber | |
22790559 | campaña | election campaign | |
22790560 | candidato | candidate | |
22790561 | censura | censorship | |
22790562 | comunista | communist | |
22790563 | concejal | city council member | |
22790564 | conservador | conservative | |
22790565 | constitución | constitution | |
22790566 | debate | debate | |
22790567 | declaración de la renta | income tax filing | |
22790568 | decreto | decree | |
22790569 | democracia | democracy | |
22790570 | diputado | congressman | |
22790571 | dictador | dictator | |
22790572 | dictadura | dictatorship | |
22790573 | dimitir | to resign | |
22790574 | elecciones | election (voting) | |
22790575 | embajada | embassy | |
22790576 | embajador | ambassador | |
22790577 | enmienda | ammendment | |
22790578 | encuestra | survey | |
22790579 | escándalo | scandal | |
22790580 | frontera | border | |
22790581 | golpe de estado | coup d' état | |
22790582 | hacienda | treasury | |
22790583 | impuesto | tax | |
22790584 | eslogan | slogan | |
22790585 | liberal | liberal | |
22790586 | libertad | liberty | |
22790587 | manifestación | protest demonstration | |
22790588 | ministro | head of gov't dept. | |
22790640 | monarquía | monarchy | |
22790641 | partido | political party | |
22790642 | portavoz | spokesman | |
22790643 | referéndum | referendum | |
22790644 | rueda de prensa | press conference | |
22790645 | senador | senator | |
22790646 | socialista | socialist | |
22790647 | urna | ballot box, voting booth | |
22790648 | rey | king | |
22790649 | reina | queen | |
22790650 | votar | to vote | |
22790651 | derechos humanos | human rights |