Sadler-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level H 8
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50625073 | aberration | n) a departure from what is proper, right and expected; a lapse from sound judgement. deviation, anomally. | |
50625074 | ad hoc | adj) for this special purpose, improvised; adv) with respect to this. makeshift. [long-standing, permanent] | |
50625075 | bane | n) the source or cause of fatal injury, death, destruction, or ruin; death; poison. spoiler, bete noire. [blessing, comfort, solace] | |
50625076 | bathos | n)grossly insincere or exaggerated sentimentally; intrusion of commonplace into elevated. mush, schmaltz, mawkishness. | |
50625077 | cantankerous | adj) ill-tempered or quarelsome; difficut to get along with. cranky, peevish, ornery. [genial, sweet-tempered] | |
50625078 | casuistry | n) the determination of right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscienve by the app. of general ethical principles; specious argument. sophistry, quibbling. | |
50625079 | de facto | adj) actually existing or in effect, though not legally required or sanctioned; adv) in reality, actuality. in actuality. [de jure, by right] | |
50625080 | depredation | n) the act of preying upon or plundering. looting, pillage. | |
50625081 | empathy | n) a sympathetic understand of or indentification of feelings/thoughts/attitudes of someone. compassion. [insensitivity, detachment] | |
50625082 | harbinger | n) a forerunner, herald; v) to herald the approach of. precursor. [aftermath] | |
50625083 | hedonism | n) the belief that the attainment of pleasure is life's chief aim; devotion to or pursuit of pleasure. sensuality, sybaritism. [self-denial, puritanism] | |
50625084 | lackluster | adj) lacking brilliance or vitality, dull. flat, insipid. [brilliant, dazzling] | |
50625085 | malcontent | adj) discontented with or in open defiance of prevailing conditions; n) such a person. dissatisfied, disgruntled. [contented, complacent, smug] | |
50625086 | mellifluous | adj) flowing sweetly or smoothly, honeyed. euphonious, musical. [shrill, harsh] | |
50625087 | nepotism | n) undue favoritism to or excessive patronage of one's relatives. | |
50625088 | pander | v) to cater to or provide satisfaction for the low tastes or vices or others; n) a person who does this. indulge. | |
50625089 | peccadillo | n) a minor sin or offense; a trifling fault or shortcoming. indiscretion. [felony, atrocity] | |
50625090 | piece de resistance | n) the principal dish of a meal, principal event, incident, item; an outstanding accomplishment. centerpiece, chef d'oeuvre. [preliminary, hors d'oeuvre] | |
50625091 | remand | v) to send or order back; in law, to send back to jail. remit, return. [forward to, send on, release] | |
50625092 | syndrome | n) a group of symptoms or signs that collectively characterize or indicate a disease etc. complex, pattern. |