AP Spanish Triángulo Capítulo III El Medio Ambiente
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109335747 | el ciclón | cyclone | |
109335748 | el sismo | earthquake | |
109335749 | el terremoto | earthquake | |
109335750 | la tormenta | storm | |
109335751 | el temblor | tremor | |
109335752 | las gotas de lluvia | drops of rain | |
109335753 | los estruendos | roars | |
109335754 | lluvioso/a | rainy | |
109335755 | los relámpagos | lightning | |
109335756 | relampaguear | to lightning | |
109335757 | soplar | to blow | |
109335758 | el trueno | thunder | |
109335759 | tronar | to thunder | |
109335760 | el granizo | hail | |
109335761 | helado/a | ice cream | |
109335762 | helar | to hail | |
109335763 | el hielo | ice | |
109335764 | nevar | to snow | |
109335765 | nevoso/a | snowy | |
109335766 | la nieve | snow | |
109335767 | el bochorno | hot or stifling atmosphere | |
109335768 | las sequías | drought | |
109335769 | el sol | sun | |
109335770 | soleado/a | sunny | |
109335771 | tibio/a | tepid | |
109335772 | la bruma | mist/haze | |
109335773 | despejado/a | clear | |
109335774 | estrellado/a | starry | |
109335775 | la estrella | star | |
109335776 | la niebla | fog | |
109335777 | la nube | cloud | |
109335778 | nuboso/a | cloudy | |
109335779 | llovar a cántaros | to rain buckets | |
109335780 | darle la lata | to be a bother | |
109335781 | doler | to hurt | |
109335782 | hace mal tiempo | to have a bad time | |
109335783 | camada | litter of animals | |
109335784 | soler | to be in the habit | |
109335785 | advertir | to warn, to inform | |
109335786 | divisar | to distinguish, to discern | |
109335787 | pelado | bald | |
109335788 | peludo | hairy | |
109335789 | las crías | offspring | |
109335790 | los corderos | lamb | |
109335791 | los potros | colt | |
109335792 | el abrelatas | can-opener | |
109335793 | el agua | water | |
109335794 | potable | drinkable | |
109335795 | el alambre | wire | |
109335796 | la alfombra | rug | |
109335797 | la cuerda | rope | |
109335798 | la linterna | flashlight, lantern | |
109335799 | la mochila | bookbag | |
109335800 | la olla | pot | |
109335801 | el horno portátil | portable oven | |
109335802 | el paraguas | umbrellas | |
109335803 | la red | net | |
109335804 | la tienda | tent | |
109335805 | la cabaña | cabin | |
109335806 | la cordillera | mountain range | |
109335807 | los cañones | canyon | |
109335808 | los desiertos | desert | |
109335809 | los parques | parks | |
109335810 | acampar | to camp | |
109335811 | atar la hamaca | to tie the hammock | |
109335812 | afilar un cuchillo | to sharpen a knife | |
109335813 | dar una caminata | to go on a walk | |
109335814 | escalar | to climb | |
109335815 | esquiar | to ski | |
109335816 | montar a caballo | to ride a horse | |
109335817 | prender la leña | to tend to the wood | |
109335818 | cometas | comets | |
109335819 | estrellas | stars | |
109335820 | cielo | sky | |
109335821 | planetas | planets | |
109335822 | el barranco | ravine | |
109335823 | la colina | hill | |
109335824 | el valle | valley | |
109335825 | el volcán | volcano | |
109335826 | las alrededores | surroundings | |
109335827 | el bosque | forest | |
109335828 | la isla | island | |
109335829 | la península | peninsula | |
109335830 | la piedra | stone | |
109335831 | la selva | jungle | |
109335832 | el suelo | floor | |
109335833 | la zona | zone | |
109335834 | la cascada | waterfall | |
109335835 | la charca | puddle | |
109335836 | la fuente | fountain | |
109335837 | el lago | lake | |
109335838 | el mar | sea | |
109335839 | la playa | beach | |
109335840 | la ría | estuary | |
109335841 | el río | river | |
109335842 | cueva | cave | |
109335843 | nido | nest | |
109335844 | colmena | beehive | |
109335845 | cebadero | suet holder | |
109335846 | cuero | leather | |
109335847 | pata | leg of an animal | |
109335848 | lana | wool | |
109335849 | piel | skin | |
109335850 | entorno | to leave half-open | |
109335851 | cosecha | harvest | |
109335852 | huerto | orchard | |
109335853 | siembra | sowing | |
109335854 | guarecer | to protect | |
109335855 | amparar | to help | |
109335856 | ordeñar | to arrange | |
109335857 | refugiar | to shelter | |
109335858 | el campesino | peasant | |
109335859 | el alpinista | mountain climber, hiker | |
109335860 | el bañista | bather | |
109335861 | el cazador | hunter | |
109335862 | el ecologista | ecologist | |
109335863 | el ecólogo | ecologist | |
109335864 | el florista | florist | |
109335865 | el geógrafo | geographer | |
109335866 | el guardabosques | forester | |
109335867 | el leñador | woodcutter | |
109335868 | el meteorólogo | meteorology | |
109335869 | el naturalista | naturalist | |
109335870 | el zoólogo | zoologist | |
109335871 | el cabrita | kid, baby goat | |
109335872 | terco | stubborn | |
109335873 | brincar | to jump/hop | |
109335874 | el ciervo | male deer | |
109335875 | la corza | deer | |
109335876 | manso | gentle | |
109335877 | correr | to run | |
109335878 | la foca | seal | |
109335879 | macho | male | |
109335880 | nadar | to swim | |
109335881 | la vaca | cow | |
109335882 | hembra | female | |
109335883 | mugir | to moo | |
109335884 | el oso | bear | |
109335885 | silvestre | wild | |
109335886 | morder | to bite | |
109335887 | el zorro | fox | |
109335888 | astuto | sharp | |
109335889 | cazar | to hunt | |
109335890 | el caimán | caiman (reptile) | |
109335891 | reptil | reptile | |
109335892 | arrastrarse | to crawl, to drag |