Terms : Hide Images [1]
120000078 | chusma | mob | |
120000079 | chillar | to yell | |
120000080 | apática | apathetic | |
120000081 | pacífica | pacifist | |
120000082 | emborracharse | to get drunk | |
120000083 | rodear de | to encircle | |
120000084 | porfiar con | to insist | |
120000085 | fiar | sell on credit | |
120000086 | rondar | to wander/ to patrol | |
120000087 | tapia | mud wall | |
120000088 | charlar | to chat | |
120000089 | extrañar | to surprise | |
120000090 | toser | to cough | |
120000091 | trucha | trout | |
120000092 | víspera | the eve of... | |
120000093 | cesta | basket | |
120000094 | dorado | golden | |
120000095 | regatear | to negotiate/ haggle | |
120000096 | asar | to roast/ grill | |
120000097 | jurar | to swear (an oath) | |
120000098 | oler | to smell | |
120000099 | atreverse | to dare/ risk | |
120000100 | ahogarse | to drown | |
120000101 | espina | fish bone | |
120000102 | tragar | to swallow/ eat ravenously | |
120000103 | solloza | sob | |
120000104 | aldea | village | |
120000105 | retrasado | delayed | |
120000106 | afueras | suburbs | |
120000107 | carácter | personality | |
120000108 | áspero | rough | |
120000109 | cadena | chain | |
120000110 | tormenta | storm | |
120000111 | bombilla | light bulb | |
120000113 | envidiar | to envy | |
120000115 | gracioso | attractive | |
120000116 | confiar | to confide in | |
120000117 | torre | tower | |
120000118 | codiciar | to covet | |
120000119 | encargarse de | to be in charge of | |
120000120 | relámpago | lightning | |
120000121 | charco | puddle | |
120000122 | rama | branch | |
120000123 | tronco | trunk of a tree | |
120000124 | desprecio | scorn | |
120000125 | rendija | crack | |
120000126 | al borde | edge | |
120000127 | avergonzar | ashamed | |
120000128 | vaciar | to empty | |
120000129 | llanura | plain | |
120000130 | pecado | sin | |
120000131 | huérfano | orphan | |
120000132 | acudir | produce | |
120000133 | herencia | inheritance | |
120000134 | alcalde | mayor | |
120000135 | hueco | hollow | |
120000136 | oficio | occupation | |
120000137 | espantar | to frighten | |
120000138 | descalzo | barefoot | |
120000139 | meter | to put/ place (tuck in a shirt) | |
120000140 | zurrón | pouch | |
120000141 | desgraciado | unfortunate/ unlucky | |
120000142 | rascar | to scratch | |
120000143 | zagal | youth | |
120000144 | chozo | hut | |
120000145 | barro | mud/ clay | |
120000146 | roble | oak tree | |
120000147 | volver a | to do again | |
120000148 | aplastar | to flatten/ crush | |
120000149 | duelo | mourning (grief) |