Cammarata AP SAT Words 1-60
Words 1-60 on Princeton Review SAT words
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256328676 | candid | completely honest; frank | |
256328677 | conjecture | guesswork | |
256328678 | didactic | instructive | |
256328679 | effusive | overflowing | |
256328680 | euphemism | vague term substituting for a harsh, blunt, or offensive term. being "nice" | |
256328681 | extrapolate | to estimate by extending known information | |
256328682 | incoherent | lacking cohesion or connection | |
256328683 | insinuate | to imply stealthily | |
256328684 | loquacious | very talkative | |
256328685 | lucid | clear | |
256328686 | rhetoric | using language effectively and persuasively | |
256328687 | acumen | keenness of judgment or insight | |
256328688 | adroit | dexterous | |
256328689 | ascertain | to find out through experimentation | |
256328690 | astute | clever | |
256328691 | circumspect | discreet, careful | |
256328692 | disseminate | to scatter widely | |
256328693 | erudition | extensive learning | |
256328694 | pedantic | excessively concerned with book learning and formal rules | |
256328695 | perspicacious | clear-sighted | |
256328696 | pragmatic | practical | |
256328697 | precocious | exhibiting unusually early intellectual aptitude or maturity | |
256328698 | prolific | very productive | |
256328699 | prospectus | formal proposal | |
256328700 | rudimentary | basic, elementary | |
256328701 | abstruse | difficult to understand | |
256328702 | callous | unfeeling | |
256328703 | convoluted | complex | |
256328704 | disaffected | having lost faith; discontent | |
256328705 | enigma | a puzzle | |
256328706 | inscrutable | impossible to understand | |
256328707 | reticent | reserved | |
256328708 | staid | unemotional; serious | |
256328709 | arcane | understood by only a few | |
256328710 | assimilate | to make similar | |
256328711 | autonomy | independence | |
256328712 | cosmopolitan | worldly | |
256328713 | derivative (n) | something that comes from another source | |
256328714 | esoteric | intended for or understood by only a small group | |
256328715 | gaffe | a clumsy social error | |
256328716 | idiosyncrasy | characteristic peculiar to an individual or group | |
256328717 | insular | isolated | |
256328718 | orthodox | traditional | |
256328719 | potentate | monarch | |
256328720 | castigate | to scold | |
256328721 | censure | to issue official blame | |
256328722 | denounce | to condemn openly | |
256328723 | reclusive | seeking or preferring isolation | |
256328724 | relinquish | to give up | |
256328725 | renounce | to give up (title) | |
256328726 | vituperative | marked by harshly abusive criticism | |
256328727 | circumscribe | to draw a circle around; to restrict | |
256328728 | contiguous | touching | |
256328729 | conciliatory | appeasing | |
256328730 | credible | plausible | |
256328731 | exonerate | to free from blame | |
256328732 | incontrovertible | indisputable | |
256328733 | indict | to officially charge with a crime | |
256328734 | litigious | prone to engage in lawsuits | |
256328735 | partisan (adj) | devotion to a specific party or group |