Dates for AP Euro
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254464915 | 1413 | Brunelleschi's dome | |
254464916 | 1494 | French invasion of Italy | |
254464917 | 1504 | Michelangelo's David | |
254464918 | 1507 | Leonard's Mona Lisa | |
254464919 | 1513 | Machiavelli's THe Prince | |
254464920 | 1509 | Erasmus' in praise of folly | |
254464922 | 1517 | Luther's 95 THeses | |
254464924 | 1521 | Diet of Worms | |
254464926 | 1534 | Act of Supremacy | |
254464927 | 1545 | council of trent begins | |
254464928 | 1555 | Peace of augsburg | |
254464929 | 1559 | Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion | |
254464930 | 1572 | St. Bartholomew Day Massacre | |
254464931 | 1598 | Edict of Nantes | |
254464932 | 1618 | Defenestration of Prague | |
254464933 | 1618-1648 | 30 years war | |
254464934 | 1648 | Treaty of Westphalia | |
254464935 | 1652 | Bernini's Ecstacy of St. Theresa | |
254464936 | 1492 | Ferdinand and Isabella | |
254464937 | 1553 | Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary) takes throne | |
254464938 | 1558-1603 | Elizabeth 1 rules | |
254464939 | 1588 | Armada | |
254464940 | 1640-1661 | English Civil War / Cromwell's commonwealth | |
254464941 | 1688 | Glorious Revolution | |
254464942 | 1643-1715 | Louis XIV | |
254464943 | 1651 | Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan | |
254464944 | 1682-1725 | Peter the Great | |
254464945 | 1713 | Treaty of Utrecht | |
254464946 | 1543 | Copernicus' On Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres | |
254464947 | 1610 | Galileo's Starry Messenger | |
254464948 | 1637 | Descartes Discourse on Method | |
254464949 | 1687 | Newton's Principia | |
254464950 | 1740 | Fredrick the great takes the throne | |
254464951 | 1748 | Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws | |
254464952 | 1759 | Voltaire's Candide | |
254464953 | 1762 | Rousseau's The Social Contract | |
254464954 | 1764 | Beccaria's On Crime and punishments | |
254464955 | 1769 | Watt's steam engine patented | |
254464956 | 1776 | smith's wealth of Nation | |
254464957 | 1786 | Mozart's Marriage of Figaro | |
254464958 | 1798 | Malthus's Essay on the principle of population | |
255169084 | 1330-1530 | Renaissance | |
255169085 | 1450-1650 | Reformation + Religious Wars | |
255169086 | 1650-1720 | Age of Absolutism |