AP Spanish Modismos (Verbs)
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84402472 | dar a | to face, to look out on | |
84402473 | dar con | to run into | |
84402474 | dar a conocer | to make known | |
84402475 | dar cuerda | to wind | |
84402476 | dar gritos | to shout, to scream | |
84402477 | dar la hora | to strike (the hour) | |
84402478 | dar las gracias | to thank | |
84402479 | dar recuerdos a | to give regards to | |
84402480 | dar un abrazo | to hug | |
84402481 | dar un paseo | to take a walk | |
84402482 | dar un paseo (una vuelta) en coche | to go for a ride | |
84402483 | dar una vuelta | to take a walk | |
84402484 | darse cuenta de (que) | to realize (that) | |
84402485 | darse la mano | to shake hands | |
84402486 | darse prisa | to hurry | |
84402487 | echar (una carta, una tarjeta, etc) | to mail (a letter, a card, etc) | |
84402488 | echar la culpa | to blame | |
84402489 | echar(se) a perder | to spoil, to ruin, to lose its good taste | |
84402490 | echar de menos a alguien | to miss someone | |
84402491 | echarse a reír | to burst out laughing | |
84402492 | estar a punto de | to be about to | |
84402493 | estar al día | to be up to date (current) | |
84402494 | estar bien enterado | to be well-informed | |
84402495 | estar de acuerdo | to agree unanimously | |
84402496 | estar de buen (mal) humor | to be in a good (bad) mood | |
84402497 | estar de moda | to be in style (fashionable) | |
84402498 | estar de pie | to be standing | |
84402499 | estar de vuelta | to be back | |
84402500 | estar enamorado de | to be in love with | |
84402501 | estar harto de | to be fed up with | |
84402502 | estar muerto de hambre | to be starving | |
84402503 | estar muerto de cansancio | to be dead tired | |
84402504 | estar muerto de sueño | to be very sleepy | |
84402505 | estar para + infinitive | to be about to, to be at the point of | |
84402506 | (no) estar para bromas | to (not) be in the mood for jokes | |
84402507 | estar por | to be in favor of | |
84402508 | estar seguro | to be sure | |
84402509 | (no) hacer caso a | to (not) pay attention, to (not) listen to, to ignore | |
84402510 | hacer el papel de | to play the part (role) of | |
84402511 | hacer escala | to make a stop | |
84402512 | hacer hincapié | to emphasize | |
84402513 | hacer la cama | to make the bed | |
84402514 | hacer la maleta | to pack one's suitcase | |
84402515 | hacer pedazos | to smash, to tear into pieces | |
84402516 | hacer un viaje | to take a trip | |
84402517 | hacer una pregunta | to ask a question | |
84402518 | hacer una visita | to pay a visit | |
84402519 | hacerle daño a alguien | to hurt someone | |
84402520 | hacer(le) falta | to lack, to be in need of, to be lacking | |
84402521 | hacer(le) saber | to inform, to let someone know (something) | |
84402522 | hacerse cargo | to take charge of | |
84402523 | hacerse daño | to get hurt, to hurt (oneself) | |
84402524 | hacerse tarde | to get late | |
84402525 | Qué tiempo hace? | What is the weather like? | |
84402526 | Hace buen tiempo. | The weather is good. | |
84402527 | Hace (mucho) calor. | It is (very) hot/warm. | |
84402528 | Hace (mucho) fresco. | It is (very) cool. | |
84402529 | Hace (mucho) frío. | It is (very) cold. | |
84402530 | Hace mal tiempo. | The weather is bad. | |
84402531 | Hace (mucho) sol. | It is (very) sunny. | |
84402532 | Hace (mucho) viento. | It is (very) windy. | |
84402533 | ir al centro | to go downtown | |
84402534 | ir de compras | to go shopping | |
84402535 | ir de tiendas | to go shopping | |
84402536 | llegar a ser | to become (goal achieved over time) | |
84402537 | llegar a tiempo | to be (arrive) on time | |
84402538 | llegar atrasado | to be (arrive) late | |
84408649 | llegar con atraso | to be (arrive) late | |
84408650 | llegar con retraso | to be (arrive) late | |
84408651 | llegar tarde | to be (arrive) late | |
84408652 | llegar temprano | to be (arrive) early | |
84408653 | ponerse de acuerdo | to agree, to come to an agreement | |
84408654 | ponerse de pie | to stand | |
84408655 | ponerse de rodillas | to kneel (down) | |
84408656 | tener... años | to be... years old | |
84408657 | tener buena (mala) cara | to look good (bad) | |
84408658 | tener (mucha) calma | to be (very) calm | |
84408659 | tener (mucho) calor | to be/feel (very) hot | |
84408660 | tener (muchos) celos (de) | to be (very) jealous (of) | |
84408661 | tener (mucho) cuidado | to be (very) careful | |
84408662 | tener deseos de | to feel like, to have an urge to | |
84408663 | tener dolor de (garganta, cabeza, etc) | to have a (sore throat, headache, etc) | |
84408664 | tener en cuenta | to take into account | |
84408665 | tener (mucha) envidia (de) | to be (very) envious (of) | |
84408666 | tener (mucho) éxito | to be (very) successful | |
84408667 | tener (mucho) frío | to be/feel very cold | |
84408668 | tener ganas de | to feel like, to have an urge to | |
84408669 | tener (mucha) hambre | to be (very) hungry | |
84408670 | tener la culpa (de) | to be blamed (for), to be one's fault | |
84408671 | tener la palabra | to have the floor | |
84408672 | tener (mucha) lástima de | to feel (very) sorry for | |
84408673 | tener lugar | to take place | |
84408674 | tener (mucho) miedo (de) | to be (very much) afraid (of) | |
84408675 | tener mucho gusto en | to be pleased to | |
84408676 | tener presente | to keep in mind, to take into account | |
84408677 | tener (mucha) prisa | to be in a (big) hurry | |
84408678 | tener que + infinitive | to have to | |
84408679 | tener que ver con | to have to do with | |
84408680 | (no) tener razón | to be right (wrong) | |
84408681 | tener (mucha) sed | to be (very) thirsty | |
84408682 | tener (mucho) sueño | to be (very) sleepy | |
84408683 | tener (mucho) suerte | to be (very) lucky | |
84408684 | tener (mucha) vergüenza (de) | to be (very much) ashamed (of) | |
84408685 | andar mal (de salud, de dinero, etc) | to be (sick, broke, etc) | |
84408686 | aprender de memoria | to memorize, to learn by heart | |
84408687 | caerle bien (mal) a alguien | to make a good (bad) impression on someone | |
84408688 | caerse muerto | to drop dead | |
84408689 | cambiar de idea | to change one's mind | |
84408690 | contar con | to rely on | |
84408691 | costarle trabajo | to be difficult for someone | |
84408692 | creer que sí (no) | to (not) think so | |
84408693 | cumplir... años | to turn... years old | |
84408694 | deberse a | to be due to | |
84500439 | decir (muchos) disparates | to talk nonsense | |
84500440 | decir que sí (no) | to say yes (no) | |
84500441 | dejar caer | to drop | |
84500442 | dormir a pierna suelta | to sleep like a log (soundly) | |
84500443 | ganarse la vida | to earn a living | |
84500444 | llamar a la puerta | to knock on the door | |
84500445 | llevar a cabo | to carry out, to accomplish | |
84500446 | llevarse bien (mal) con | to (not) get along with | |
84500447 | mantener el interés | to hold one's interest | |
84500448 | morirse de risa | to die laughing | |
84500449 | no servir para nada | to be good for nothing | |
84500450 | pagar al contado (en efectivo) | to pay cash | |
84500451 | pasar lista | to call the roll | |
84500452 | pasarlo bien (mal) | to have a good (bad) time | |
84500453 | pedir prestado | to borrow | |
84500454 | perder el tiempo | to waste one's time | |
84500455 | ponerse de acuerdo | to agree | |
84500456 | ponerse de pie | to stand (up) | |
84500457 | portarse bien/mal | to behave/misbehave | |
84500458 | prestar atención | to pay attention | |
84500459 | quedar(le) bien (mal) | to look good (bad) (on somebody) | |
84500460 | querer decir | to mean | |
84500461 | saber a | to taste like | |
84500462 | sacar una nota | to get a grade (on a paper or assignment) | |
84500463 | sacar una foto(grafía) | to take a picture | |
84500464 | sentarle bien | to agree with one, to suit one | |
84500465 | ser aficionado a | to be fan of, to be fond of | |
84500466 | ser hora de | to be time to | |
84500467 | tocarle a uno | to be one's turn | |
84500468 | tomar el sol | to sunbathe | |
84500469 | tomarle el pelo a alguien | to pull someone's leg, to fool (someone) | |
84500470 | valer la pena | to be worthwhile, to be worth the trouble | |
84500471 | volverse loco | to go crazy |