Revolutionary War Era
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198580360 | boycott | refusal to buy or sell certain products or services in protest | |
198580361 | compromise | an accommodation in which both sides make concessions | |
198580362 | debts | money that an individual, or a country, owes | |
198580363 | dissent | express opposition through action or words | |
198580364 | draft | compulsory military service | |
198580365 | duty | a government tax on imports or exports | |
198580366 | embargo | a government order preventing trade with another country | |
198580367 | grievances | complaints; especially those that the American patriots had against the British and the King. | |
198580368 | inflation | increased prices for goods and services combined with the reduced value of money | |
198580369 | loyalist | an American who remained loyal to the British during this period. | |
198580370 | mercantilism | an economic and political system used by governments to increase its wealth by accumulating precious metals (gold and silver), and exporting more than it imports. | |
198580371 | militia | civilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army | |
198580372 | Minutemen | Member of a militia during the American Revolution who could be ready to fight in sixty seconds | |
198580373 | monopoly | Exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices. | |
198580374 | propaganda | a somewhat negative term for the spreading of ideas designed to sway opinion rather than present information | |
198580375 | regionalism | loyalty to the interests of a particular region | |
198580376 | tariff | Tariff is a tax placed on goods that one nation imports from another. | |
198580377 | tyranny | cruel, unreasonable or arbitrary use of power. |