AP world history ch 6 Flashcards
rise of totalitarianism
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317731194 | Leauge of Nations | Woodrow Wilson's proposed plan for peace. an organization of all nations in which everyone would have a voice to prevent conflicts in the future | 0 | |
317731195 | Little entente | alliance of Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Romania against a bitter Hungary | 1 | |
317731196 | Ruhr Valley | Resource rich area in Germany that was taken over by France while Germany could not pay off debt | 2 | |
317731197 | Dawes Plan | American loans money to Germany and fracnce moves out of valley. loan humiliates germans | 3 | |
317731198 | Maginot Line | Line of defense built by France to protect against German invasion. Stretched from Belgium to Switzerland. | 4 | |
317731199 | Treaty of Locarno | France and Germany agreed not to make war and to respect borders of France and Belgium. Germany admitted to League of Nations | 5 | |
317731200 | kellogg-briand pact | Agreement in Europe and American to not use "war as a national policy" | 6 | |
317731201 | Great depression | a period of time in America and Europe when the economy collapsed in most nations. the aftermath of WWI lead to this | 7 | |
317731202 | Weimar Republic | weak democratic government in germany after WWI. although it managed to get germany out of the war, ,ost germans opposed it | 8 | |
317731203 | Reichstag | Seated Germany's lower house of Parlimrent, it burned in 1933 and Hitler blamed it on the communist, this event led to Hitler becoming the absolute dictator in Germany. | 9 | |
317731204 | social democrats | Socialism based on majority rule | 10 | |
317731205 | collective bargaining | right of unions to negotiate with management for workers as a group | 11 | |
317731206 | defict spending | spending more than your income, usually by government, causing greater debt | 12 | |
317731207 | Totalitarianism | the practice of a government and/or a leader who aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens in a way that fulfills a particular goal | 13 | |
317731208 | fascism | a type of totalitarianism in which the government wants to "purify" the people and create a perfect society | 14 | |
317731209 | Blackshirts | members of Mussolini's fascist group, used to control the people | 15 | |
317731210 | New Economic Policy | a form of modified capitalism in Russia went war communism failed. allowed peasants and retailers to keep a portion of their profits | 16 | |
317731211 | Politburo | committee in russia that created the communist policies. | 17 | |
317731212 | Five-Year plans | Stalin's plans to rapidly industrialize ussia through the production of steel, electricity, and machinery | 18 | |
317731213 | Collectivization | elimination of private farms; governments owned, peasants worked | 19 | |
317731214 | Great Purge/Great Terror | Stalin's purification of russia. he killed all those who opposed him, or seemly opposed him, or sent them to the gulag | 20 | |
317731215 | kulaks | rich peasants who hoarded grain when the government collected food | 21 | |
317731216 | Cheka | Stalin's secret police force who suppressed any who seemingly opposed Stalin in any way. | 22 | |
317731217 | Nazi party | or NSDAP, the single political party under Hitler's rule. | 23 | |
317731218 | "Triumph of the Will" | a Nazi propaganda film of the strength of the Nazi party at a Nuremberg rally | 24 | |
317731219 | Mein Kampf | 'My Struggle' by hitler, later became the basic book of nazi goals and ideology, reflected obsession | 25 | |
317731220 | lebensraum | Hitler's expansionist theory based on a drive to acquire "living space" for the German people | 26 | |
317731221 | Enabling act | gave Hitler the power to eliminate the Reichstag and pass laws on his own will | 27 | |
317731222 | Schulz-staffeln | (SS) Hitler's secret police for that monitored the people and arrested anyone who opposed Hitler or the Nazis | 28 | |
317731223 | Nuremberg Laws | laws that placed many restrictions against the Jews including Non-Jew marriage, separate schools, etc | 29 | |
317731224 | Kristallnacht | "night of broken glass." Goebbles requested that the storm troopers be let loose to persecute the Jews. they smashed all the windows of Jewish houses and shops, and even raided some | 30 | |
318801255 | Concentration camps | Camps in which emenies of Hitler and the Nazi party were held. the conditions were inhumane and captives usually died sooner or later | 31 | |
318801256 | Hitler Youth | Nazi programs for adolesences in Germany. these programs, for boys and girls, thought them their respective gender roles in Germany | 32 | |
318801257 | Chinese Communist Party | communist group in China that combined with the KMT | 33 | |
318801258 | Shanghai Massacre | killing of thousand of Chinese Communists in April 1927 by the nationalists headed by Chiang Kai-shek | 34 | |
318801259 | People's Liberation Army | Chinese Communist army. administered much of country under People's Republic of China. | 35 | |
318801260 | the Long March | Mao's march with his followers away from the Chinese national party | 36 | |
318801261 | "Cult of the body" | Nazi belief that the Aryan body was perfect the way God created it and should not be tainted by piercings, tatoos, etc. | 37 | |
319670120 | Dadaism | an artform with no solid basis. accepts senselessness and reject all previous artforms | 38 | |
319670121 | modernism | art that focused on the current world and advancements | 39 | |
319670122 | Lost Generation | Group of writers in 1920s who shared the belief that they were lost in a greedy, materialistic world that lacked moral values and often choose to flee to Europe | 40 | |
319670123 | existentialism | belief that people can only hold themselves back from their full potential | 41 | |
319670124 | stream-of-consciousness | a form of literature in whichb the characters' thoughts are revealed through soliloquies | 42 | |
319697538 | Salvador Dali | famous surrealist artist from Spain, painted "melting clocks" | 43 | |
319697539 | Franz Kafka | German surrealist author | 44 | |
319697540 | T.S Elliot | American Poet exiled to England. wtoe Influential poem "the waste land" | 45 | |
319697541 | Franklin Delano Roosevelt | 32nd president of the US, only one to be elected four times, was in office through great depression and WWII | 46 | |
319697542 | John Maynard Keynes | British economist who argued that for a nation to recovery fully from a depression, the government had to spend money to encourage investment and consumption | 47 | |
319697543 | Paul von Hindenburg | President of Weimar republic. appointed Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 | 48 | |
319697544 | Benito Mussolini | Ruler of Italy after WWI, first ever fascist leader | 49 | |
319697545 | V.I. Lenin | Follower of Marxism, founder of communism. leader of Bolshevik revolution and leader of communist Russia | 50 | |
319697546 | Adolf Hitler | Nazi Party leader and Fuhrer of Germany. Fascist leader who oppressed all opposition | 51 | |
319697547 | Josef Stalin | Leader of Russia after Lenin's death. Ruled strictly using fear as a motive, supported Lenin's NEP and Five-Year plans | 52 | |
319697548 | Leon Trotsky | follower of Lenin, but opposer of Stalin when Russia chose new leadership. he believed NEP was too capitalistic. Stalin exiled him when he came to power | 53 | |
319697549 | Francisco Franco | Leader of Spainish army and eventually Fascist leader of Spain | 54 | |
319697550 | Heinrich Himmler | Leader of German SS and Gestapo. oversaw procession of the Jewish genocide | 55 | |
319697551 | Sun Yat-Sen | revolutionary who sought to overthrow the government and make China a republic | 56 | |
319697552 | Chiang Kai-Shek | nationalist Chinese leader who become a military dictator after succeeding Sun Yat-Sen. wanted to stop Mao's Communist revolution | 57 | |
319697553 | Mao Zedong | leader of Communist party in China and supported the peasants | 58 |