AP Lang Lexicon 1 and 2
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279897041 | aberrant | a. departing from the right, normal, or usual course. b. deviating from the ordinary, usual or normal type; exceptional; abnormal | |
279897042 | aesthetic | a. pertaining to a sense of the beautiful b. having a love of beauty c. pertaining to, involving or concerned with pure emotion and senstation | |
279897043 | anthropomorphism | the representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits | |
279897044 | ascetic | one who practices rigid self-denial, esp. as an act of religious devotion | |
279897045 | capricious | determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason | |
279897046 | chauvinism | fanatical devotion | |
279897047 | dialectic | of, pertaining to, or of the nature of logical argumentation; logical argumentation | |
279897048 | dogmatism | arrogant, stubborn assertion of opinion or belief | |
279897049 | elude | escape, either physically or mentally | |
279897050 | abstruse | difficult to penetrate | |
279897051 | ambivalence | mixed feelings or emotions | |
279897052 | aphorism | a concise statement of a truth or principle | |
279897053 | axiom | self-evident truth requiring no proof | |
279897054 | caustic | harsh or corrosive in tone | |
279897055 | covenant | (Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return, a written agreement between two or more people | |
279897056 | disseminate | to scatter or spread widely | |
279897057 | egalitarian | a person who believes in the equality of all people | |
279897058 | empiricism | (philosophy) the doctrine that knowledge derives from experience | |
279897059 | epistemology | study of knowledge | |
279897060 | esoteric | confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle | |
279897061 | etymology | the study of the sources and development of words | |
279897062 | immanent | inherent, remaining within | |
279897063 | lexicon | dictionary | |
279897064 | obfuscate | make obscure or unclear | |
279897065 | penchant | a strong attraction or inclination | |
279897066 | platitude | a trite or obvious remark | |
279897067 | pragmatism | (philosophy) the doctrine that practical consequences are the criteria of knowledge and meaning and value | |
279897068 | eschew | avoid and stay away from deliberately | |
279897069 | ethereal | heavenly, light, or celestial | |
279897070 | iconoclast | someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions | |
279897071 | imminent | likely to occur at any moment | |
279897072 | metaphysics | the philosophical study of being and knowing | |
279897073 | paradigm | an example or model | |
279897074 | peripatetic | a person who walks from place to place, a follower of Aristotle | |
279897075 | polemicist | one skilled in argument and in refuting attacks | |
279897076 | primordial | having existed from the beginning | |
279897077 | proliferate | grow rapidly | |
279897078 | rhetoric | study of the technique and rules for using language effectively (especially in public speaking); loud and confused empty talk | |
279897079 | stoic | a member of the ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno; seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain | |
279897080 | ubiquitous | present or existing everywhere | |
279897081 | proselytize | convert to another faith or religion | |
279897082 | sentient | aware; conscious; able to perceive | |
279897083 | tenet | an opinion, belief, or principle held to be true | |
279897084 | utilitarianism | idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people | |
279897085 | aboriginal | having existed from the beginning | |
279897086 | altruism | the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others | |
279897087 | apostrophe | address to an absent or imaginary person; a punctuation mark used to indicate possession or the omission of letters or numbers | |
279897088 | archetype | an original model on which something is patterned | |
279897089 | charlatan | a fraud | |
279897090 | corollary | a direct or natural result or consequence | |
279897091 | euphemism | an inoffensive expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive | |
279897092 | extirpate | to root out or destroy completely | |
279897093 | harbinger | a person or thing that signals the approach of another | |
279897094 | imbue | to inspire or influence; to saturate | |
279897095 | imperative | some duty that is essential and urgent; requiring action or attention | |
279897096 | inexorable | impossible to stop or prevent | |
279897097 | jargon | a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves) that is difficult for others to understand | |
279897098 | palliate | to make a disease or its symptoms less severe without removing the cause | |
279897099 | postulate | suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief; nominate or elect; a thing suggested or assumed as true as the basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief | |
279897100 | puerile | displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity | |
279897101 | sordid | meanly avaricious and mercenary; unethical or dishonest | |
279897102 | tenable | based on sound reasoning or evidence | |
279897103 | wanton | deliberate and unprovoked (of a cruel action), promiscuous or sexually immodest | |
279897104 | aggregate | the whole amount; to gather in a mass, sum, or whole | |
279897105 | ameliorate | to make better | |
279897106 | arcane | known or understood by only a few | |
279897107 | assuage | to make an unpleasant feeling less intense | |
279897108 | chicane | an artificial narrowing or turn on a road or racecourse | |
279897109 | dexterous | demonstrating skill, especially with hands | |
279897110 | exalt | praise, glorify, or honor | |
279897111 | fervent | characterized by intense emotion; hot, burning or glowing | |
279897112 | ignominy | public shame, disgrace, or dishonor | |
279897113 | immutable | unchangeable | |
279897114 | indelible | not able to be erased or removed; memorable | |
279897115 | intrepid | very brave, fearless, unshakable | |
279897116 | macabre | grisly, gruesome; horrible, distressing; having death as a subject | |
279897117 | pedagogy | the method and practice of teaching | |
279897118 | perennial | lasting an indefinitely long time | |
279897119 | propagate | to spread and promote | |
279897120 | semantic | referring to the relationships between words and meanings | |
279897121 | tacit | unspoken, silent; implied, inferred | |
279897122 | unequivocal | leaving no doubt | |
279897123 | zealot | a fervent and even militant proponent of something |