APSP U6 vocab.
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14415727 | la agencia de alquiler de automoviles | car rental agency | |
14415728 | el anuncio | ad | |
14415729 | el campo | field | |
14415730 | el conocimiento | knowledge | |
14415731 | la licencia para manejar | driver's license | |
14415732 | la matricula | registration | |
14415733 | el precio | price | |
14415734 | el principiante | beginner | |
14415735 | el seguro | insurance | |
14415736 | aprovechar | to take advantage of | |
14415737 | demorar | to take (time) | |
14415738 | fijarse | to notice | |
14415739 | gastar | to spend | |
14415740 | prepararse | to get ready | |
14415741 | asegurado | insured | |
14415742 | costarricense | Costa Rican | |
14415743 | descapotable | convertible | |
14415744 | malo | mean | |
14415745 | tonto | silly | |
14415746 | valido | accepted | |
14415747 | a eso de | at about | |
14415748 | a tiempo | on time | |
14415749 | al fin | finally | |
14415750 | cualquiera que sea | whatever it may be | |
14415751 | de cambio mecanicos | standard shift | |
14415752 | de dos puertas | two door | |
14415753 | fuera | out | |
14415754 | sacar seguro | to take out insurance | |
14415755 | todavia | yet, still | |
14415756 | el acumulador | battery | |
14415757 | arrancar | to start (a motor) | |
14415758 | la camioneta | van | |
14415759 | la chapa | license plate | |
14415760 | la placa | license plate | |
14415761 | chocar | to collide | |
14415762 | el club automovilistico | auto club | |
14415763 | el freno | brake | |
14415764 | funcionar | to work | |
14415765 | el gato | jack | |
14415766 | la goma pinchada | flat tire | |
14415767 | la grua | tow truck | |
14415768 | el remolcador | tow truck | |
14415769 | la llanta | tire | |
14415770 | remolcar | to tow | |
14415771 | el semaforo | traffic light | |
14415772 | el taller de mecanica | repair shop |