AP Lit Perrine's Sound and Sense Vocabulary
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164894099 | Accent | The same as stress, a syllable given more prominence in pronunciation is said to be accented. | |
164894100 | Allegory | a narrative or description having a second meaning beneath the surface one. | |
164894101 | Alliteration | the repetition at close intervals of the initial consonant sounds of accented syllables or important words | |
164894102 | allusion | a reference, explicit or implicit to something in pervious literature or history. | |
164894103 | anapest | a metrical foot consisting of two unaccented syllables followed by one accented syllable | |
164894078 | Anapestic meter | A meter in which a majority of the feet are anapests. | |
164894079 | Anaphora | repetition of an opening word or phrase in a series of lines | |
164894104 | apostrophe | a figure of speech in which someone absent or dead or something nonhuman is addressed as it were alive and present | |
164894105 | approximate rhyme | A term used for words in a riming pattern that have some kind of sound correspondence but are not perfect rimes. (occur occasionally in patterns where most of the rimes are perfect, and sometimes are used systematically in place of perfect rime) | |
164894106 | assonance | the repetition at close intervals of the vowel sounds of accented syllables or important words | |
164894107 | aubade | a poem about dawn, a morning love song, or a poem about the parting of lovers at dawn | |
164894108 | auditory imagery | imagery describing sounds | |
164894109 | ballad | a fairly short narrative poem written in a songlike stanza form | |
164894110 | blank verse | Unrimed iambic pentameter | |
164894111 | cacophony | a harsh, discordant, unpleasant-sounding choice and arrangement of sounds | |
164894112 | caesura | a natural pause, unmarked by punctuation, introduced by phrasing or syntax of a line | |
164894113 | connotation | what a word suggests beyond its basic definition | |
164894114 | consonance | the repetition at close intervals of the final consonant sounds of accented syllables or important words | |
164894115 | continuous form | The form of a poem in which the lines follow each other without formal grouping, the only breaks being dictated by units of meaning | |
164894080 | Couplet | Two successive lines, usually in the same meter, linked by rhyme. | |
164894116 | dactyl | a metrical foot consisting of one accented syllable followed by two unaccented syllables | |
164894081 | Dactylic meter | A meter in which a majority of the feet are dactyls. | |
164894117 | denotation | the basic deffiniton of a word | |
164894118 | didactic poetry | poetry having as a primary purpose to teach or preach | |
164894119 | dimeter | a metrical line containing two feet | |
164894082 | Double Rhyme | A rhyme in which the repeated vowel is in the second last syllable of the words involved. | |
164894083 | Dramatic Framework | The situation, whether actual or fictional, realistic or fanciful, in which an author places his or her characters in order to express the theme. | |
164894120 | dramatic irony | a device by which the author implies a different meaning from that intended by the speaker in a literary work | |
164894084 | Duple Meter | A meter in which a majority of the feet contain two syllables. Iambic and trochaic are both duple meters. | |
164894121 | end rhyme | rhymes that occur at the ends of lines | |
164894122 | end-stopped line | A line that ends with a natural speech pause, usually marked by punctuation. | |
164894123 | English (Shakespearean) sonnet | a sonnet riming ababcdcdefefgg. Its content or structure ideally parallels the rime scheme, falling into three coordinate quatrains and a concluding couplet; but it is often structured, like the Italian sonnet, into octave and sestet, the principal break in though coming at the end of the eighth line | |
164894124 | euphony | a smooth, pleasant-sounding choice and arrangement of sounds | |
164894125 | extended figure | a figure of speech (usually a metaphor, simile, personification, or apostrophe) sustained or developed thought a considerable number of lines or through a whole poem | |
164894126 | feminine rhyme | a rhyme in which the repeated accented vowel is in either the second or third last syllable of the words involved | |
164894127 | figurative language | language employing figures of speech; language that cannot be taken literally or only literally | |
164894128 | fixed form | Any form of poem in which the length and pattern are prescribed by previous usage or tradition, such as sonnet, limerick, villanelle, haiku, and so on | |
164894129 | foot | The basic unit used in the scansions or measurement of verse. A foot usually contains one accented syllable and one or two unaccented syllables, but the monosyllabic foot, the spondaic foot, and the dipodic foot are all modifications of this principle. | |
164894130 | form | The external pattern or shape of a poem, describable without reference to its content, as continuous form, stanzaic form, fixed form (and other varieties), free verse, and syllabic verse | |
164894131 | free verse | Nonmetrical verse. Poetry written in free verse is arranged in lines, may be more or less rhythmical, but has no fixed metrical pattern or expectation | |
164894132 | gustatory imagery | imagery describing gut feelings | |
164894133 | haiku | a three-line poem, conceived of fixed lines that are 5, 7, 5 syllables respectively, generally concerned with nature and a single image | |
164894134 | heptameter | a metrical line containing seven feet | |
164894135 | hexameter | a metrical line containing six feet | |
164894086 | Hyperbole (Overstatement) | A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used in the service of truth. | |
164894136 | iamb | a metrical foot consisting of one unaccented syllable followed by one accented syllable | |
164894137 | imagery | the representation of language through sense experience | |
164894138 | implied metaphor | that in which the literal term is implied and the figurative term named | |
164894139 | Internal rhyme | A rhyme in which one or both of the rime-words occur within the line | |
164894140 | irony | a situation or use of language involving some kind of incongruity or discrepancy | |
164894141 | irony of situation | a situation in which there is an incongruity between actual circumstances and those that would seem appropriate or between what is anticipated and what actually comes to pass | |
164894142 | Italian (Petrachan) Sonnet | A sonnet consisting of an octave riming abbaabba and of a sestet using any arrangement of two or three additional rhymes, such as cdcdcd or cdecde | |
164894143 | kinesthetic imagery | movement, physical tension | |
164894144 | limerick | A fixed form consisting of five lines of anapestic meter, the first two trimeter, the next two dimeter, the last line trimeter, riming aabba; used exclusively for humorous or nonsense verse | |
164894145 | masculine rhyme | a rhyme in which the repeated accented bowel sound is in the final syllable of the words involved | |
164894146 | metaphor | a figure of speech in which an implicit comparison is made between two things essentially unlike. No like or as. Implied. figure of speech broadly any way of saying something other than the ordinary way, more narrowly a way of saying one thing or meaning another | |
164894147 | meter | Regularized rhythm; an arrangement of language in which the accents occur at apparently equal intervals in time | |
164894148 | metonymy | a figure of speech in which some significant aspect or detail of an experience is used to represent the whole experience (the use of something closely related for the thing actually meant | |
164894149 | monometer | a metrical line containing one foot | |
164894150 | monosyllabic foot | a foot consisting of a single accented syllable | |
164894151 | named metaphor | in which the literal term is named and figurative term implied | |
164894152 | octameter | a metrical line containing eight feet | |
164894087 | Octave | 1.) An 8 line stanza 2.) The first 8 lines of a sonnet, especially one structure in the manner of an Italian sonnet. | |
164894153 | olfactory imagery | imagery describing smells | |
164894154 | onomatopoeia | The use of words that supposedly mimic their meaning in their sound | |
164894155 | organic imagery | inside of you imagery, internal sensation, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sickness | |
164894156 | overstatement (hyperbole) | a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used in the service of truth | |
164894088 | Oxymoron | A compact paradox in which two successive words seemingly contradict each other. | |
164894157 | paradox | a statement or situation containing apparently contradictory or incompatible elements | |
164894158 | paraphrase | a restatement of the content of a poem designed to make its prose meaning as clear as possible | |
164894159 | pentameter | a metrical line containing five feet | |
164894160 | personification | a figure of speech in which human attributes are given to an animal, an object, or a concept | |
164894161 | poetry | a literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm | |
164894162 | prose | non metrical language; the opposite of verse | |
164894163 | prose meaning | the part of poem's total meaning that can be separated out and expressed through paraphrase | |
164894089 | Quatrain | 1.) A 4 line stanza. 2.) A 4 line division of a sonnet marked off by its rhyme scheme. | |
164894164 | refrain | A repeated word, phrase, line, or group of lines, normally at some fixed position in a poem written in stanzaic form | |
164894165 | Rhetorical poetry | poetry using artificially eloquent language, that is, language too high-flown for its occasion and unfaithful to the full complexity of human experience | |
164894166 | rhythm | Any wavelike recurrence of motion or sound | |
164894167 | rhyme | the repetition of the accented vowel sound and all succeeding sounds in important or importantly positioned words. | |
164894168 | run-on line | A line which has no natural speech pause at its end, allowing the sense to flow uninterruptedly into the succeeding line | |
164894090 | Sarcasm | Bitter or cutting speech; speech intended by its speaker to give pain to the person addressed. | |
164894170 | satire | a kind of literature that ridicules human folly or vice with the purpose of brining about reform or of keeping others from falling into a similar folly or vice | |
164894171 | scansion | the process of measuring verse, marking accented and unaccented syllables, dividing lines int o feet, identifying the metrical pattern, noting significant variation from the pattern | |
164894172 | Sentimentality | poetry aimed primarily at stimulating the emotions rather than at communicating experience honestly and freshly | |
164894173 | simile | a figure of speech in which an explicit comparison is made between two things essentially unlike. the comparison is made by using words such as like or as, than, similar too | |
164894174 | sonnet | A fixed form of fourteen lines, normally iambic pentameter, with a rime scheme conforming to or approximating one of two main types - the Italian or the English | |
164894175 | spondee | a metrical foot consisting of two syllables equally or almost equally accented | |
164894176 | stanza | A group of lines whose metrical patern (and usually its rime scheme as well) is repeated throughout a poem | |
164894177 | stanzaic form | The form taken by a poem when it is written in a series of units having the same number of lines and usually other characteristics in common, such as metrical pattern or rhyme scheme | |
164894178 | structure | The internal organization of a poem's content | |
164894091 | Substitution | In metrical verse, the replacement of the expected metrical foot by a different one. | |
164894179 | symbol | a figure of speech in which something (object, person, situation, or action) means more than what it is. a symbol may be read literally and metaphorically | |
164894092 | Synecdoche | A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole. In this book it is subsumed under the term Metonymy. | |
164894093 | Synesthesia | Presentation of one sense experience in terms usually associated with another sensation. | |
164894180 | tactile imagery | imagery describing feeling something (like with your hands) | |
164894094 | Tercet | A 3 line stanza. | |
164894095 | Terza rima | An interlocking rhyme scheme with the pattern aba bcb cdc, etc. | |
164894181 | tetrameter | a metrical line containing four feet | |
164894182 | theme | the central theme of a literary work | |
164894183 | tone | the writer's or speaker's attitude toward his subject, his audience, or himself | |
164894184 | total meaning | the total experience communicated by a poem, it includes all those dimensions of experience by which a poem communicates sensuous, emotional imaginative and intellectual and it can be communicated in no other words than those of the poem itself | |
164894185 | trimeter | a metrical line containing three feet | |
164894186 | trochee | a metrical foot consisting of one accented syllable followed by one unaccented syllable | |
164894096 | Triple Meter | A meter in which a majority of the feet contain three syllables. Anapestic and dactylic are both triple meters. | |
164894097 | Truncation | In metric verse, the omission of an unaccented syllable at either end of a line. | |
164894187 | understatement | a figure of speech that consists of saying less than one means, or of saying what one means with less force than the occasion warrants | |
164894188 | verbal irony | a figure of speech in which what is meant is the opposite of what is said | |
164894189 | verse | Metrical language; the opposite of prose | |
164894098 | Villanelle | A nineteen-line fixed form consisting of five tercets rhymed aba and a concluding quatrain rhymed abaa, with lines 1 and 3 of the first tercent serving as rerains in an alternating pattern through line 15 and then repeated as lines 18 and 19. |