Terms : Hide Images [1]
74237813 | welt | ridge on the body from a blow of a stick or whip | |
74237814 | shroud | a sheet in which a corpse is wrapped | |
74237815 | nostalgia | yearning for the past | |
74237816 | forestall | stop or prevent | |
74237817 | solicitude | attentiveness | |
74237818 | vial | small container for liquids | |
74237819 | misappropriate | use something dishonestly (as in stealing funds) | |
74237820 | lasciviousness | lustfulness | |
74237821 | thug | vicious robber or murderer | |
74237822 | insolvent | broken | |
74237823 | chagrin | distress caused by humiliation or failure | |
74237824 | consternation | dismay and confusion | |
74237825 | alms | charity | |
74237826 | deplorable | very bad | |
74237827 | grievance | reason for distress | |
74237828 | apprehend | understand | |
74237829 | rudiments | basic elements | |
74237830 | collateral | additional and related | |
74237831 | discoursing | talking | |
74237832 | expedient | solution | |
74237833 | encumbrance | burden | |
74237834 | vermin | fleas, flies, rats, etc. | |
74237835 | digressed | wander from the main topic | |
74237836 | emulation | imitation | |
74237837 | parsimony | stinginess | |
74237838 | sustenance | nourishment | |
74237839 | endeavoring | trying | |
74237840 | obligatory | required | |
74237841 | sophomoric | juvenile (often regarded as humor) | |
74237842 | disparage | regard or represent as worthless | |
74237843 | detached | aloof and objective | |
74237844 | squander | waste (in money, time, or opportunity) | |
74237845 | mystique | aura of mystery, awe, power, and sometimes secrecy | |
74237846 | inviolate | safe from injury or violation | |
74237847 | berate | scold angrily | |
74237848 | alter ego | "other self" | |
74237849 | tentative | not certain; hesitant | |
74237850 | swarthy | dark-skinned | |
74237851 | pugnacious | eager to fight | |
74237852 | burly | large and strong | |
74237853 | grimace | expression of disgust or pain | |
74237854 | tirade | a long, angry speech of criticism | |
74237855 | insubordinate | defiant of authority | |
74237856 | indifferent | lacking interest | |
74237857 | coterie | small group of people with shared interests | |
74237858 | transcend | go beyond the limits of | |
74237859 | ramification | consequence of an action | |
74237860 | derogatory | showing criticism or disrespect | |
74237861 | ebullient | cheerful and full of energy | |
74237862 | catharsis | process of releasing strong emotions and thereby providing relief | |
74237863 | unabashed | not embarrassed or upset | |
74237864 | homage | special honor | |
74237865 | tedious | boring | |
74237866 | insular | ignorant of or uninterested in cultures and ideas outside one's own experience | |
74237867 | mores | customs of a community | |
74237868 | provincial | unsophisticated and narrow-minded | |
74237869 | ambivalence | having mixed feelings about someone or something | |
74237870 | feistiness | having energy, excitement, and strong determination | |
74237871 | anomaly | something that deviates from what is expected | |
74237872 | divulge | reveal | |
74237873 | demonstrative | tending to show feelings openly (opposite of impassive) | |
74237874 | acquiesce | accept something reluctantly but without protest | |
74237875 | deja vu | feeling of already having experienced the present situation | |
74237876 | distraught | deeply upset and agitated | |
74237877 | impassive | not feeling of showing emotion (opposite of demonstrative) | |
74237878 | periphery | outer edges of an area or group of people |