Barron's La familia
Barron's Vocab Lists, Oral Practice and Situations
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59051436 | los antepasados | ancestors | |
59051437 | la ascendencia | origin, line of ancestors | |
59051438 | los bisabuelos | great-grandparents | |
59051439 | la costumbre | custom | |
59051440 | acostumbrarse | to become accustomed | |
59051441 | la familia extensa | extended family | |
59051442 | la genealogista | genealogist | |
59051443 | la hazaña | deed, feat, adventure | |
59051444 | el hogar | home | |
59051445 | la madrastra | stepmother | |
59051446 | el padrastro | stepfather | |
59051447 | la madurez | maturity | |
59051448 | madurar | to mature | |
59051449 | el mecedor | rocking chair | |
59051450 | mecer | to rock | |
59051451 | el nene | baby | |
59051452 | la niñez | childhood | |
59051453 | la nuera | daughter-in-law | |
59051454 | el yerno | son-in-law | |
59051455 | el orgullo | pride | |
59051456 | los parientes | relatives | |
59051457 | el relato | story | |
59051458 | los suegros | in-laws | |
59051459 | los tatarabuelos | great-great-grandparents | |
59051460 | la vejez | old age | |
59051461 | envejecerse | to grow old | |
59051462 | acabar de | to have just (done something) | |
59051463 | apreciar | to appreciate | |
59051464 | el aprecio | esteem | |
59051465 | aprovechar | to take advantage | |
59051466 | conmemorar | to commemorate | |
59051467 | la conmemoración | memorial | |
59051468 | consistir en | to consist of | |
59051469 | criar | To raise (children) | |
59051470 | ejercer | to exert, exercise | |
59051471 | el ejercicio | exercise | |
59051472 | entretener | to entertain | |
59051473 | el entretenimiento | entertainment | |
59051474 | estrechar las relaciones | to become closer | |
59051475 | estrecho | close | |
59051476 | hacer el papel | to play the role | |
59051477 | llevarse bien | to get along well | |
59051478 | realizar | to perform, to accomplish | |
59051479 | regalar | to give a gift | |
59051480 | reunir | to get together | |
59051481 | la reunión | meeting | |
59051482 | vincular | to link | |
59051483 | el vínculo | link, connection, bond | |
59051484 | a medida que | as, at the same time as, while | |
59051485 | a menudo | often | |
59051486 | en adelante | forward | |
59051487 | predilecto | favorite |