!AP Euro Unit 2
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224967130 | Avignon Papacy | "Babylonian Captivity", since 1307 the papacy lived in exile in France, greatly damaging the papacy | |
224967131 | The Great Schism | Conflicting French and Italian popes forcing the nations of Europe to choose sides, 3 popes | |
224967132 | The Conciliar Movement | A reform movement which stated that the authority of spiritual matters was held with the church itself, rather than the pope | |
224967133 | Jan Hus | Translated the Bible into Czech and was burned at the stake for being a heretic | |
224967134 | John Wycliffe | Translated Bible from Latin to English and caused a major religious uprising | |
224967135 | The Modern Devotion | Religious movement to rediscover pious practices, opposing clergy | |
224967136 | Erasmus | Wished to combine classical and Christian ideals | |
224967137 | Pluralism | The holding of multiple church offices | |
224967138 | Simony | The buying and selling of high church offices | |
224967139 | Nepotism | The granting of offices to relatives | |
224967140 | Absenteeism | Not residing in one's spiritual domain because one held multiple positions | |
224967141 | Luther | Questioned not only the practices of the church but condemned it for teaching wrongly | |
224967142 | Indulgences | The belief that a believer could remove all sins that a relative had commit to reduce the time in purgatory, sold to earn enough to beautify Rome | |
224967143 | 95 Theses | A condemnation of indulgences | |
224967144 | Johann Tetzel | Seller of indulgences authorized by the church | |
224967145 | Papal Bull | Issued by Leo X ordering Martin Luther's works be burned and Luther recant or be excommunicated. Luther publicly burns the letter. | |
224967146 | Charles V | Elected emperor and received Spain, the Netherlands, Austria and Italy, very powerful | |
224967147 | Francis I | French king of the Valois dynasty, sacked by Pope | |
224967148 | Diet of Worms | Conference where Luther presented his views to Charles V and was banned from the church | |
224967149 | Luther's Three Solas | Sola Scriptura- only Christian authority is Bible Sola Fide- salvation comes from faith alone Sola Gratia- salvation comes by the free gift of God's grace | |
224967150 | The Peasants' War | "Peasants' revolt", the product of longstanding economic grievances and the new religious ideas | |
224967151 | Diet of Speyer | The emperor agreed that each German territory was free to enforce the Edict of Worms (1521) against Luther | |
224967152 | Diet of Augsburg | Assembly of Protestant and Catholic representatives to address growing religious division | |
224967153 | Lutheran Confession of Augsburg | A moderate statement of Protestant beliefs that had been spurned by the Emperor at the Diet of Worms | |
224967154 | Schmakaldic League | A powerful defensive alliance formed by German protestant lands as they prepared for war against the emperor | |
224967155 | Peace of Augsburg | It improved the compromise formula Culus Regio, Elus Regillo ("Whose rule, his religious") to divide the Empire between Lutheran and Catholic areas | |
224967156 | Calvin | Christian humanist who set up his reform movement in Switzerland and provided a boost for the reformation | |
224967157 | Zwingli | Claimed to preach a reformed message prior to Luther and established a reform movement more radical in style in Zurich | |
224967158 | Miguel Servetus | Executed in 1553 in Geneva at the encouragement of John Calvin for "blasphemies against the Holy Trinity" | |
224967159 | Predestination | Doctrine at center of Calvin's faith, seeming to deny the existence of human free will | |
224967160 | Institutes of Christian Religion | Calvin's great theological work, describing predestination as a doctrine only for mature Christians | |
224967161 | Anabaptists | Believed membership in a Christian community was an adult choice | |
224967162 | Münster | German city transformed into an Old Testament Theocracy | |
224967163 | Henry VIII | Tolerated little opposition to Catholic Faith, "Defender of Faith", penned a response to Luther's attack of sacraments | |
224967164 | Catherine of Aragon | Married Henry VIII, had many miscarriages and Henry, receiving no male heir, divorced her | |
224967165 | Anne Bolyn | One of Catherine's lady's in waiting Henry took a fancy to her and broke away from the Catholic church just to divorce Catherine, but in the end, she was beheaded | |
224967166 | Cranmer and Cromwell | Political and religious advisors to King Henry VIII | |
224967167 | Submission of Clergy | Placed canon law under royal control and thereby clergy under royal jurisdiction | |
224967168 | Oath of Supremacy | Only the King is above all | |
224967169 | Six Articles | Rules for clergy to not step out of line | |
224967170 | Paul III | Pope who called council of Trent and appointed a reform commission | |
224967171 | Council of Trent | Met over the course of 18 years to reassert church doctrine | |
224967172 | Ignatius of Loyola | Leader of Jesuits, believed daily religious exercise would bring you close to God | |
224967173 | Jesuits | Most successful counter-reformation group | |
224967174 | Baroque Art | Presented life in a grandiose 3-D display of raw energy | |
225042219 | Wars of Religion | French wars of Protestant and Catholic religions (1562-1570) | |
225042220 | Philip II | Heir to Habsburg kingdom, very powerful and intelligent, catholic, strong political and military power | |
225042221 | Cardinal Granville | Antoine Perrenot, head of special council in Netherlands, hope to check Protestant gains by internal church reforms | |
225042222 | Duke of Alba | Was dispatched to the Netherlands to suppress revolt by Philip II | |
225042223 | Council of Troubles (Blood) | A special court of justice that ruled over the Netherlands | |
225042224 | Battle of Lepanto | (1571) Don John's fleet engaged Ottoman navy under Ali Pasha, battle over Mediterranean ending with Spanish victory | |
225042225 | Division of Habsburg Empire | dynasty split between Austrian and Spanish Habsburgs | |
225042226 | William of Orange, The Silent | Led opposition to Spanish overlords, placed political autonomy and well-being of Netherlands above religious creeds, member of council of State of Netherlands | |
225042227 | Union of Arras | Compromise in between the southern provinces (1579), served cause of Counter-reformation | |
225042228 | Union of Utrecht | Northern provinces formed compromise in response to Union of Arras | |
225042229 | United Provinces | The provinces in the Union of Utrecht met and formally decided Philip no longer their ruler, but instead the French duke of Alencon | |
225042230 | Twelve Years' Truce | Gave northern provinces virtual independence | |
225042231 | Spanish Netherlands | began with Spanish king being a Habsburg and ended with French invasions | |
225042232 | Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots | Very French and Catholic, established international French court culture in Scotland, executed by Elizabeth I | |
225042233 | Spanish Armada | 130 ships bearing 25000 sailors and soldiers set off for England from Spain, but English had stunning victory | |
225042234 | Henry II | Established new measures against Protestants (Edict of Chateaubriand) | |
225042235 | Catherine de Medici | Queen Mother, Catholic, but allied with Protestants, cunning, ruthless | |
225042236 | Francis II/Charles IX | Only reigned one year because of illness and was a minor when King died, had many trusted advisors | |
225042237 | Huguenots | Great number in France, powerful Protestant group | |
225042238 | Admiral Coligny | leader of Huguenots in 1568, good military strategist, Charles IX's most trusted adviser | |
225042239 | Henry III | sought to steer a middle course in between Huguenots and a radical Catholic League | |
225042240 | Henry of Bourbon/Henry of Navarre/ Henry IV of France | Huguenot, enacted Edict of Nantes, King of France | |
225229482 | Guise Family | (Catholic League) powerful French Family dominant in Eastern France, could control kings, name associated with militant, reactionary Catholicism | |
225229483 | St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre | (August 22, 1572) Coligny was shot but not killed (Catherine behind plot), 20000 Huguenots were killed by French Military across France | |
225229484 | Politiques | Rulers tended to subordinate theological doctrine to political unity, urging tolerance, moderation, and compromise in religious matters | |
225229485 | Resistance Theory | beliefs taken up by Protestants influenced by books | |
225229486 | "Paris is well worth a mass" | -Henry IV after abandoning the Protestant faith and taking up traditional Catholic beliefs | |
225229487 | Edict of Nantes | (1588) religious settlement that recognized minority rights but Catholicism was official religion | |
225229488 | Elector Palatine (Frederick V) | Made Calvinism official religion of his domain | |
225229489 | Protestant Union | Alliance that received support from Spain's 16th century enemies (France, England, and Netherlands), lead by Frederick V | |
225229490 | Catholic League | organized bu Maximilian I to counter Protestant alliance | |
225229491 | Maximilian of Bavaria | Established Catholic League, duke of Bavaria | |
225229492 | 4 Phases of War | -Bohemian (1618-1625)- war between Ferdinand and Protestants -Danish (1625-1629)- Christian IV invaded Germany to resist Protestantism -Swedish (1630-1635)- Gustavus Adolphus II, very Lutheran, good army, vs. Wallenstein -French (1635-1648)- killed 1/3 of German population, just for sake of warfare | |
225229493 | "Defenestration of Prague" | Protestant nobility threw Ferdinand's regents out a window in response to the revocation of religious freedoms | |
225229494 | Ferdinand II | Ferdinand of Habsburg, became Holy Roman Emperor in 1619, Bohemians hated him, declared Frederick V King | |
225229495 | Christian IV, King of Denmark | Lutheran, eager to extend Danish influence, entered Germany, humiliated | |
225229496 | Edict of Restitution | the ruler of a land determines official religion of land | |
225229497 | Albrecht von Wallenstein | Powerful mercenary general who was paid by the emperor to fight for the HRE, he won many important battles against the Protestants. | |
225229498 | Gustavus Adolphus | Very Lutheran controlled by French Minister Cardinal Richelieu and the Dutch, military genius | |
225229499 | Peace of Westphalia | Ended Swedish-French war that killed 1/3 of Germany's population | |
225229500 | Mary Stuart | Queen of Scots, devoutly Catholic, chased from Scotland (1560), accused of plot against cousin Queen Elizabeth, executed (1587), son James VI | |
225229501 | Elizabeth I | Queen in 1558, Protestant, intelligent, powerful | |
225229502 | Bloody Mary | (r. 1553-1558) Tudor, married Philip of Spain, Catholic, many Protestants killed, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon | |
225229503 | Babington plot | Plot against Elizabeth, cousin Mary Stuart accused of being behind it | |
225229504 | Thirty-nine Articles | A revision of Thomas Cranmer's original 42, made a moderate Protestantism official religion of English church | |
225229505 | Presbyterians | 16th century Puritans, worked through Parliament to create alternative national church of semi-autonomous congregations governed by representative presbyteries | |
225229506 | Congregationalists | Most extreme Puritans, wanted every congregation to be autonomous | |
225229507 | Sir Francis Drake | Circumnavigated the globe between 1577 and 1580 | |
225229508 | Treaty of Nonsuch | An agreement between England and the Netherlands. England gave money and troops to Netherland in exchange for land. Philip saw this as a declaration of war by England, prompting the Spanish Armada. |