Exercice 6, Unit 2 (Verbs I)
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228172812 | parler | to speak, to talk | |
228172813 | finir | to finish, to end | |
228172814 | rendre | to give back to, to render | |
228172815 | acquérir | to acquire | |
228172816 | aller | to go | |
228172817 | s'asseoir | to sit down | |
228172818 | avoir | to have | |
228172819 | battre | to beat | |
228172820 | boire | to drink | |
228172821 | conclure | to conclude | |
228172822 | conduire | to drive | |
228172823 | connaître | to know a person or a place, to be familiar with | |
228172824 | coudre | to sew | |
228172825 | courir | to run | |
228172826 | couvrir | to cover | |
228172827 | craindre | to fear (synonym: avoir peur de) | |
228172828 | croire | to believe | |
228172829 | cueillir | to pick (fruits, flowers) | |
228172830 | détruire | to destroy | |
228172831 | devoir | to have to, must | |
228172832 | dire | to say | |
228172833 | dormir | to sleep | |
228172834 | écrire | to write | |
228172835 | éteindre | to turn off, to extinguish | |
228172836 | être | to be | |
228172837 | faillir | to almost do something | |
228172838 | faire | to do, to make | |
228172839 | falloir | to be necessary (conjugated only with "il") | |
228172840 | fuir | to flee | |
228172841 | hair | to hate | |
228172842 | joindre | to join | |
228172843 | lire | to read | |
228172844 | mentir | to lie | |
228172845 | mettre | to put | |
228172846 | mourir | to die | |
228172847 | naître | to be born | |
228172848 | offrir | to offer | |
228172849 | ouvrir | to open | |
228172850 | paraître | to appear, to seem, to come out, to be published | |
228172851 | partir | to leave | |
228172852 | peindre | to paint | |
228172853 | plaindre | to pity, to feel sorry for | |
228172854 | se plaindre | to complain | |
228172855 | plaire | to please | |
228172856 | pleuvoir | to rain (only conjugated with "il") | |
228172857 | pouvoir | to be able to, can | |
228172858 | prendre | to take | |
228172859 | recevoir | to receive | |
228172860 | résoudre | to resolve | |
228172861 | rire | to laugh |