AP World History ch. 1 Flashcards
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320350283 | Homo Sapiens Sapiens | the first form of humans who lived over 100,000 years ago. They didn't have many tools and did not have a developed language | 0 | |
320350284 | B.C. | Before Christ | 1 | |
320350285 | B.C.E | Before common era | 2 | |
320350286 | A.D. | In the year of the Lord | 3 | |
320350287 | C.E. | Common Era | 4 | |
320350288 | Neolithic Age | New Stone Age. 8,000 B.C.E. In this time, people developed agriculture and started to stay in one place. During this time, people also started to develope religions and gender division. This started the inequality of genders | 5 | |
320350289 | Neolithic Revolution | Development of agriculture | 6 | |
320350290 | Hunting and Gathering | societies that would live off resources taken direclty from the land including animals and plants. They also practiced nomadism | 7 | |
320350291 | Bronze Age | People began to use metal to make tools instead of stone. 3,000 B.C.E. | 8 | |
320350292 | Civilization (what are the parts and definition) | Social orginizations of higher order, marked by advancements in the arts and sciences -economic system capable of surpluses and premiting the specialization of labor -government that provides political and millitary leadership -social higherarchy -moral or ethic code, based on religion -discoveries in sciences -written language | 9 | |
320350293 | Cuniform | form of writing founded in the Middle East. Based on wedge-like characters | 10 | |
320350294 | nomads | un-civilized people who moved from place to place in search of food and other necesities | 11 | |
320350295 | Mesopotamia | a fertial area in present day Iraq. It was where Sumer was located. Wheel was invented here | 12 | |
320350296 | Sumarians | people wo invaded Mesopotamia and made the first uniform alphabet | 13 | |
320350297 | Ziggurat | a temple used by sumarians. It is located at the top of another huge temple | 14 | |
320350298 | Babylonians | people who captured mesopotamia after the Akkadians and brought civilization to the Middle East | 15 | |
320350299 | Hammurabi | ruler of Babylon and established the first set of laws | 16 | |
320350300 | Hammurabi's Code | first unified law code | 17 | |
320350301 | Pharaoh | name for a king of Egypt | 18 | |
320350302 | Pyramids | burrial sights of a pharaoh | 19 | |
320350303 | Kush | a place that interacted with Egypt and took over it at some point | 20 | |
320350304 | Indus River (location and characteristics of the civilization) | Located in India; had running water, traded with Mesopotamia, urban like | 21 | |
320350305 | Harappa and Mohenjo Daro | Two cities that originated by the Indus river. both were destroyed by unknown causes | 22 | |
320350306 | Huanghe River (location and characteristics of the civilization) | located in China; isolated but traded some with India and Mesopotamia | 23 | |
320350307 | Ideographic Symbols | a form of writing. scratches and knots on bones= Chinese writing | 24 | |
320350308 | Phoenicians | People who lived on the Mediteranian sea. Best known for developing and shortening the alphabet. 22 letters | 25 | |
320350309 | Mandate of Heaven | the god-like source that Chinese poloticians used to convince the people that they were meant to be the rulers. Established by Zhou to justify overthrowing the Shang | 26 | |
320350310 | Monotheism | the belief in one god | 27 |