Triángulo Capítulo 1
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203336522 | guardar cama | to stay in bed | |
203336523 | gozar de | to enjoy | |
203336524 | probar | to try | |
203336525 | probarse | to try on | |
203336526 | sobrar tiempo | to have time left over | |
203336527 | las sobras | left overs | |
203336528 | dar de comer | to feed | |
203336529 | agradecer | to appreciate | |
203336530 | apretar | tight fitting | |
203336531 | me da/dan asco | to disgust | |
203336532 | rincones | inside corner | |
203336533 | esquinas | outside corner | |
203336534 | agujeros | holes | |
203336535 | grietas | cracks | |
203336536 | hoyos | holes | |
203336537 | la etiqueta | price tag | |
203336538 | de etiqueta | formal | |
203336539 | las paredes | inside walls | |
203336540 | muros | ouside walls | |
203336541 | la cerca | fence | |
203336542 | rebanada | bread slice | |
203336543 | lonja | slice of ham | |
203336544 | tajada | slice of other meats | |
203336545 | rodaja | slice of cold cuts | |
203336546 | raja | slice of everything else | |
203336547 | el suelo | floor (standing on) | |
203336548 | el piso | floor (level) | |
203336549 | empleado/a | employee | |
203360918 | un piso amueblado | a furnished apartment | |
203360919 | una sala amplia | a large room | |
203360920 | una oficina climatizada | an air-conditioned office | |
203360921 | una cocina limpia | a clean kitchen | |
203360922 | la privacidad de la propiedad | private property | |
203360923 | un baño sucio | a dirty bathroom | |
203360924 | un jardín urbano | an urban garden | |
203360925 | una vista al mar | an ocean view | |
203360926 | una vivienda de lujo | a life of luxury | |
203360927 | barrer el suelo | to sweep the floor | |
203360928 | cepillar las alfombras | to brush the carpets | |
203360929 | cortar la leña | to cut wood | |
203360930 | cuidar de los niños | to babysit | |
203360931 | fregar las ollas | to scrub the pots | |
203360932 | limpiar los cristales | to clean the windows | |
203360933 | planchar los pañuelos | to iron the handkerchiefs | |
203360934 | sacudir las almohadas | to fluff the pillows | |
203360935 | secar los platos | to dry the dishes | |
203360936 | quitar la mesa | to clear the table | |
203360937 | estufa | stove | |
203360938 | lavadora | washing machine | |
203360939 | ordenador | computer | |
203360940 | asados | roasted, roast | |
203360941 | bullabesa | fish soup | |
203360942 | caldo | broth | |
203360943 | guisado | stew | |
203360944 | paella | rice dish | |
203360945 | pastas | pasta | |
203360946 | yogur | yogert | |
203360947 | servilleta | napkin | |
203360948 | tenedor | fork | |
203360949 | cuchillo | knife | |
203360950 | cuchara | spoon | |
203360951 | fécula | starch | |
203360952 | grasa | fat | |
203360953 | hierba | herb | |
203360954 | sacarina | sugar | |
203360955 | bombones | chocolates | |
203360956 | conos | cones | |
203360957 | galletas | cookies | |
203360958 | merengue | meringue | |
203379292 | nata | cream | |
203379293 | tarta | cake | |
203379294 | torta | cake/tart | |
203379295 | albahaca | basil | |
203379296 | cebolleta | chive | |
203379297 | comino | cumin | |
203379298 | menta | mint | |
203379299 | perejil | parsley | |
203379300 | romero | rosemary | |
203379301 | tomillo | thyme | |
203379302 | cucharada | tablespoon | |
203379303 | ración de gambas | serving of shrimp | |
203379304 | trozo de torta | piece of cake | |
203379305 | tamaño | size | |
203379306 | talla | size (clothing) | |
203379307 | granos | grains | |
203379308 | alcoba | bedroom | |
203379309 | alcachofas | artichokes | |
203379310 | retrete | bathroom | |
203379311 | requesón | cottage cheese | |
203379312 | recetas | recipes | |
203379313 | hiedra | ivy | |
203379314 | agrio/a | sour | |
203379315 | alimenticio/a | nutritious | |
203379316 | apetecible | appetizing | |
203379317 | culinario/a | culinary | |
203379318 | dietético/a | dietary | |
203379319 | esponjoso/a | spongy | |
203379320 | hidrogenado/a | hydrogenated | |
203379321 | apio | celery | |
203379322 | frijoles | beans | |
203379323 | escabeche | pickle | |
203379324 | hebras de azafrán | threads of saffron | |
203379325 | hongos | mushrooms | |
203379326 | manteca | lard | |
203379327 | mantequilla | butter | |
203379328 | muslo | thigh | |
203379329 | pavo | turkey | |
203379330 | pechuga | breast | |
203379331 | trucha | trout | |
203379332 | azúcar | sugar | |
203379333 | coco | coconut | |
203379334 | cerezas | cherries | |
203379335 | fresas | strawberries | |
203379336 | cerdo | pork | |
203379337 | cochinillo | suckling pig | |
203379338 | cordero | lamb | |
203379339 | res | beef | |
203379340 | salchicha | sausage | |
203379341 | ternera | veal | |
203917201 | comedor | dinning room | |
203917202 | salón | living room | |
203917203 | zaguán | entrance hall | |
203917204 | bombachas | baggy trousers, pants worn by gauchos | |
203917205 | botas | boots | |
203917206 | falda | skirt | |
203917207 | gorro | cap | |
203917208 | traje | suit | |
203917209 | archivo | file cabinet | |
203917210 | armario | wardrobe, cupboard | |
203917211 | banco | bench | |
203917212 | ropero | wardrobe, closet | |
203917213 | sillón | easy chair | |
204315846 | taza | cup | |
204315847 | copa | wine glass | |
204315848 | tazón | bowl |