Nosotros Somos Dios Vocabulario Acto 1 - AP Spanish Lang, Soehngen
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36735027 | un deber | duty | |
36735028 | delito | crime | |
36735029 | pulgar | thumb | |
36735030 | arrancar | to pull out | |
36735031 | atentado | attack | |
36735032 | regar el chisme | to spread gossip | |
36735033 | vencer | to defeat | |
36735034 | entregar | to hand over | |
36735035 | destrozado | broken/ruined | |
36735036 | rastro | trail | |
36735037 | colgar | to hang | |
36735038 | terco | stubborn | |
36735039 | traicionar | to betray | |
36735040 | alba | dawn | |
36735041 | soltar | to release | |
36735042 | disparar | to shoot | |
36735043 | preso | prisioner | |
36735044 | fracaso | failure | |
36735045 | contar con | to count on | |
36735046 | avisar | to warn | |
36735047 | rasguño | scratch | |
36735048 | acariciar | to caress | |
36735049 | arrodillarse | to kneel | |
36735050 | engañar | to decieve | |
36735051 | porvenir | future | |
36735052 | asunto | issue | |
36735053 | tener que ver con | to have to do with |