AP Lang Vocab #4
Terms : Hide Images [1]
225819102 | Pragmatic | concerned with practical matters | |
225819103 | Quixotic | not sensible about practical matters | |
225819104 | Recondite | difficult to penetrate | |
225819105 | Sedulous | marked by care and persistent effort | |
225819106 | Tacit | indicated by necessary connotation though not expressed directly | |
225819107 | Vituperate | spread negative information about | |
225819108 | Acerbic | harsh or corrosive in tone | |
225819109 | Alchemy | a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times | |
225819110 | Anachronism | anything out of its proper historical time. | |
225819111 | Desiccate | remove water from | |
225819112 | Conundrum | a difficult problem | |
225819113 | Wistful | showing pensive sadness | |
225819114 | Embroil | force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action | |
225819115 | Contumacious | wilfully obstinate | |
225819116 | Surreptitious | conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods | |
225819117 | Malingerer | someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or incapacity | |
225819118 | Charlatan | a flamboyant deceiver | |
225819119 | Proclivity | a natural inclination | |
225819120 | Emaciated | very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold | |
225819121 | Nettle | cause annoyance in | |
225819122 | Whet | sharpen by rubbing, as on a whetstone |