AP: Language: Week #4 Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
212197866 | inclement | adjective; lacking mildness; severe; harsh | 0 | |
212197867 | sedentary | adjective; characterized by sitting; settled | 1 | |
212197868 | braggadocio | noun; act of swaggering or boasting; cocky | 2 | |
212197869 | secular | adjective; not connected with church or religion; worldly, as opposed to spiritual | 3 | |
212197870 | transgression | noun; violation of law or custom; sin | 4 | |
212197871 | voracious | adjective; greedy; gluttonous | 5 | |
212197872 | animosity | noun; ill will; hostility | 6 | |
212197873 | transitory | adjective; lasting for a short time | 7 | |
212197874 | coalesce | verb; to merge; to unify | 8 | |
212197875 | hyperbole | noun; extravagant exaggeration | 9 | |
212197876 | misanthropic | adjective; hating mankind | 10 | |
212197877 | remorse | noun; self-reproach; regret | 11 | |
212197878 | remuneration | noun; payment for a service | 12 | |
212197879 | anomaly | noun; an apparently absurd or self-contradictory situation | 13 | |
212197880 | didactic | adjective; with the purpose of teaching; instructive | 14 | |
212197881 | eschew | verb; to avoid, to shun | 15 | |
212197882 | vociferous | adjective; shouting loudly; noisy | 16 | |
212197883 | perfunctory | adjective; performed in a routine or indifferent manner, as a duty to be gotten over with | 17 | |
212197884 | fortuitous | adjective; occurring by chance | 18 | |
212197885 | antipathy | noun; feeling of intense dislike; aversion | 19 |