SHS AP Bio Quiz 2
Terms : Hide Images [1]
81045147 | cell- | storeroom; chamber | |
81045148 | -cene | new; recent | |
81045149 | centi- | hundredth | |
81045150 | centr- | center | |
81045151 | cephal- | head | |
81045152 | cervic- | neck | |
81045153 | chem- | referring to chemistry | |
81045154 | chlor- | green | |
81045155 | chrom-;-chrome | color | |
81045156 | chym- | juice | |
81045157 | -cide | killing | |
81045158 | circum- | around; about | |
81045159 | cirru- | hairlike curls | |
81045160 | co- | with; together | |
81045161 | cocc- | seed | |
81045162 | coel- | hollow | |
81045163 | coli- | glue | |
81045164 | com- | with; together | |
81045165 | con- | with; together | |
81045166 | coni- | cone | |
81045167 | contra- | against | |
81045168 | corp- | body | |
81045169 | cosmo- | world; order; form | |
81045170 | cotyl- | cup | |
81045171 | counter- | against | |
81045172 | crypt- | hidden | |
81045173 | -cule; -culus | added to nouns to form diminutive | |
81045174 | cucmul- | heaped | |
81045175 | cuti- | skin | |
81045176 | cyan- | dark blue | |
81045177 | -cycle; cyci- | ring; circle | |
81045178 | cyst- | bladder; pouch | |
81045179 | cyt-; -cyte | cell; receptacle | |
81045180 | dacty- | finger | |
81045181 | deca- | ten | |
81045182 | deci- | tenth | |
81045183 | deliquesc- | become fluid | |
81045184 | demi- | half | |
81045185 | dendr- | tree | |
81045186 | dent- | tooth | |
81045187 | derm- | skin | |
81045188 | di- | two; double | |
81045189 | dia- | through; across | |
81045190 | digit | finger; tow | |
81045191 | din- | terrible | |
81045192 | dis- | apart; out | |
81045193 | dorm- | sleep | |
81045194 | dors- | back | |
81045195 | du-; duo | two | |
81045196 | -duct | lead | |
81045197 | dynam- | power | |
81045198 | dys- | ill; bad | |
81045199 | ec- | out of; outside | |
81045200 | echin- | spiny; prickly | |
81045201 | eco- | house |