AP Spanish 15
Terms : Hide Images [1]
126579204 | postada | inn | |
126579205 | huésped | guest | |
126579206 | banco | bench | |
126579207 | siguiente | following | |
126579208 | lágrimas | tears | |
126579209 | entero | whole | |
126579210 | monja | nun | |
126579211 | fidelidad | loyalty | |
126579212 | procurar | to endeavor | |
126579213 | adivinar | to guess | |
126579214 | parecer que | to seem that | |
126579215 | murmurarse | to whisper, to gossip | |
126579216 | locura | craziness | |
126579217 | vanidosa | vain | |
126579218 | en suma | in conclusion | |
126579219 | juzgar | to judge | |
126579220 | sobrino | nephew | |
126579221 | sobrina | niece | |
126579222 | buen mozo | nice, handsome guy | |
126579223 | premio | award | |
126579224 | engañar | to trick or deceive | |
126579225 | hormigas | ants | |
126579226 | oír misa | to hear a mass (in Catholic church) | |
126579227 | perezoso | lazy | |
126579228 | doblar | to fold | |
126579229 | rato | a little while | |
126579230 | padecer | to suffer | |
126579231 | despegarse de | to tear one's self away | |
126579232 | mona | cute (girl) | |
126579233 | merecer | to deserve | |
126579234 | vergüenza | shame | |
126579235 | criatura | child | |
126579236 | conocimiento | knowledge | |
126579237 | acariciar | to caress | |
126579238 | dar de espaldas | to be at one's back | |
126579239 | hallazgo | discovery | |
126579240 | arrugado | wrinkled | |
126579241 | sordo | deaf | |
126579242 | criado | servant | |
126579243 | hablar niñerías | to talk of childish things | |
126579244 | atreverse | to dare | |
126579245 | apetecer | to feel like | |
126579246 | agradecido | thankful | |
126579247 | ensayar | to rehearse | |
126579248 | echar un mano | to lend a hand | |
126579249 | celoso | jealous | |
126579250 | disimular | to pretend | |
126579251 | enfadado | mad | |
126579252 | amante | lover | |
126579253 | jaqueca | migraine | |
126579254 | pesadumbre | grief, sorrow | |
126579255 | aborrecer | to loathe | |
126579256 | oprimir | to oppress | |
126579257 | peluquín | toupee | |
126579258 | desatino | blunder | |
126579259 | Enhorabuena | Congratulations | |
126579260 | Alguna novedad | Any News? | |
126579261 | delito | crime | |
126579262 | derretir | to melt or thaw | |
126579263 | enterado | well informed | |
126579264 | sin rodeos | to not beat around the bush | |
126579265 | inquieto | restless | |
126579266 | pícaro | crafty devil, mischievous or naughty one | |
126579267 | letra | handwriting, writing |