Ch 27 prokaryotes
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242751630 | peptidoglycan | A protein-carbohydrate compound that makes the cell walls of bacteria rigid | |
242751631 | gram stain | a staining technique used to classify bacteria | |
242751632 | gram positive | Describing the group of bacteria that have a cell wall that is structurally less complex and contains more peptidoglycan than the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria. Gram-positive bacteria are usually less toxic than gram-negative bacteria. | |
242751633 | gram negative | bacteria with a more porous cell wall, does not retain purple stain, appears red/pink/orange after Gram straining procedure | |
242751634 | capsule | a sticky, gelatinous substance around the cell wall; allows cells to stick together or to the host cell | |
242751635 | pili | short, hairlike protein structures on the surface of some bacteria | |
242751636 | taxis | a locomotor response toward or away from an external stimulus by a motile (and usually simple) organism | |
242751637 | nucleoid region | The region in a prokaryotic cell consisting of a concentrated mass of DNA. | |
242751638 | transformation | (genetics) modification of a cell or bacterium by the uptake and incorporation of exogenous DNA | |
242751639 | conjugation | In bacteria, the direct transfer of DNA between two cells that are temporarily joined. | |
242751640 | transduction | (genetics) the process of transfering genetic material from one cell to another by a plasmid or bacteriophage | |
242751641 | endospores | A thick-walled protective spore that forms inside a bacterial cell and resists harsh conditions | |
242751642 | antibiotics | medicines used to kill bacteria and other microorganisms | |
242751643 | phototautotroph | organisms that capture light to drive the creation of organic molecules | |
242751644 | chemoautotroph | organism that makes organic carbon molecules from carbon dioxide using energy from chemical reactions | |
242751645 | photoheterotroph | organism that is photosynthetic but needs organic compounds as a carbon source | |
242751646 | chemoheterotroph | Organism that must take in organic molecules for both energy and carbon. | |
242751647 | saprobes | organisms that obtain food from decaying organic matter | |
242751648 | parasites | an organism that lives in or on another organism, deriving nourishment at the expense of its host, usually without killing it | |
242751649 | nitrogen fixation | the assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by soil bacteria and its release for plant use on the death of the bacteria | |
242751650 | obligate aerobes | prokaryotes that need oxygen to live | |
242751651 | facultative anaerobes | bacteria that can live with or without oxygen | |
242751652 | obligate anaerobes | organisms that cannot live where molecular oxygen is present | |
242751653 | anaerobic respiration | Respiration in the absence of oxygen. This produces lactic acid. | |
242751654 | signature sequences | Regions of small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU-rRNA) that have unique nucleotide sequences acquired by the accumulation of mutations in the ancestor of that taxonomic group. | |
242751655 | methanogens | Archaebacteria that live in anaerobic environments and produce methane as a by-product of their metabolic process | |
242751656 | halophiles | "salt-loving" archaea that live in environments that have very high salt concentrations | |
242751657 | thermophiles | Organisms that are found in conditions hot enough that most organisms cannot tolerate them. | |
242751658 | proteobacteria | gram-negative bacteria include photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs, and heterotrophs, some are anaerobic, and others aerobic, ex. E-Coli: resides in the intestines of many mammals and is not normally pathogenic | |
242751659 | cyanobacteria | predominantly photosynthetic prokaryotic organisms containing a blue pigment in addition to chlorophyll | |
242751660 | spirochetes | spiral-shaped bacteria that have flexible walls and are capable of movement | |
242751661 | chlamydias | A group of very small Gram-negative bacteria; they live as intracellular parasites of other organisms. | |
242751662 | symbiosis | the relation between two different species of organisms that are interdependent | |
242751663 | host | an animal or plant that nourishes and supports a parasite | |
242751664 | mutualism | symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit from the relationship | |
242751665 | commensalism | symbiotic relationship in which one member of the association benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed | |
242751666 | parasite | an animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or plant) | |
242751667 | reservoir | anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies | |
242751668 | Koch's postulates | A set of four criteria for determining whether a specific pathogen is the cause of a disease. | |
242751669 | exotoxins | toxic substances that bacteria secrete into their environment | |
242751670 | endotoxins | toxic substances made of lipids and carbohydrates associated with the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria | |
242751671 | bacteriorhodopsin | A photosynthetic pigment found in halophiles. It is very similar to the visual pigments in the retinas of our eyes. |