human diseases 10
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19672749 | agglutination | the clumping of antigens with antibodies or of the RBC's from one type of blood with the RBC's of another type | |
19672750 | aggregation | the coming together of entities such as platelets, blood cells, or diseases | |
19672751 | angioplasty | repair of a narrowed blood vessel through surgery or other angiographic procedures | |
19672752 | arteriosclerosis | group of diseases characterized by hardening of the arteries | |
19672753 | asystole | the absence of contractions of the heart/cardiac standstill | |
19672754 | atherosclerosis | thickening/hardening of the arteries, occurs when plaques of cholesterol and lipids form in the arterial tunica intima | |
19672755 | bradycardia | a slow heartbeat rate, usually less than 60 beats per minute | |
19672756 | bruit | abnormal sound heard in auscultation | |
19672757 | cardiomegaly | enlargement of the heart | |
19672758 | cardiomyopathy | defect of the heart muscle | |
19672759 | cellulitis | acute, diffuse, spreading infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue | |
19672760 | dyscrasia | pathologic condition/abnormal condition of the blood | |
19672761 | ecchymosis | discoloration of the skin associated with contusion | |
19672762 | embolism | the occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus | |
19672763 | hematopoiesis | pertaining to the production and the development of blood cells or a substance that stimulates their production | |
19672764 | hemolytic | destruction of RBC's with the release of hemoglobin | |
19672765 | hypovolemia | blood disorder consisting of a decrease in the volume of circulating blood | |
19672766 | hypoxia | low oxygen levels in the tissues | |
19672767 | ischemia | holding back/obstructing blood flow | |
19672768 | orthopnea | condition in which breathing becomes easier in an upright standing or sitting position | |
19672769 | perfusion | delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to the tissue by the blood | |
19672770 | petechiae | a tiny spiderlike hemorrhage under the skin | |
19672771 | phlebotomy | sugical puncture of a vein to withdraw blood | |
19672772 | plaque | a deposit of hardened material lining the blood vessel | |
19672773 | purpura | a red-purple discoloration of the skin caused by multiple minute hemorrhages in the skin or mucous membrane | |
19672774 | syncope | fainting/lightheadedness | |
19672775 | tachycardia | rapid heartbeat/more than 100 beats per minute | |
19672776 | tamponade | compression of a part by pressure or a collection of fluid | |
19672777 | thrombus | blood clot attached to the interior wall of a blood vessel, often causing vascular obstruction | |
19672778 | coronary artery disease/CAD | condition involving arteries supplying the myocardium | |
19672779 | angina pectoris | chest pain after exertion/result of reduced oxygen supply to the myocardium | |
19672780 | myocardial infarction | death of myocardial tissue caused by the development of ischemia | |
19672781 | cardiac arrest | sudden, unexpected cessation of cardiac activity | |
19672782 | hypertensive heart disease | result of chronically elevated pressure throughout the vascular system/most prevalent cardiovascular disorder in the U.S. | |
19672783 | essential/primary hypertension | condition of abnormally high blood pressure in the arterial system | |
19672784 | malignant hypertension | severe form of hypertension/life-threatening condition | |
19672785 | congestive heart failure | acute or chronic inability of the heart to pump enough blood throughout the body to meet the demands of homeostasis | |
19672786 | cor pulmonale | results in enlargement of the right ventricle as a sequela to primary lung disease/right-sided heart disease | |
19672787 | pulmonary edema | condition of fluid shift into the extravascular spaces of the lungs | |
19672788 | cardiomyopathy | noninflammatory disease of the cardiac muscle resulting in enlargement of the myocardium and ventricular dysfunction | |
19672789 | pericarditis | acute/chronic inflammation of the pericardium (serosa), the sac enclosing and protecting the heart | |
19672790 | myocarditis | inflammation of the muscular walls of the heart | |
19672791 | endocarditis | inflammation of the lining and the valves of the heart | |
19672792 | rheumatic fever | systemic inflammatory and autoimune disease involving the joints and cardiac tissue | |
19672793 | rheumatic heart disease | cardiac manifestations that follow rheumatic fever | |
19672794 | valvular heart disease | acquired/congenitial disorder that can involve any of the four heart valves | |
19672795 | mitral stenosis | hardening of the cusps of the mitral valve that prevents complete and normal opening for the passage of blood from the left atrium into the left ventricle | |
19672796 | mitral insufficiency | mitral valve fails to close completely and allows blood from the left ventricle to flow back into the left atrium | |
19672797 | mitral valve prolapse | usually a benign condition, occurs when one or more of hte cusps of the mitral valve protrudes back into the left atrium during ventricular contraction | |
19672798 | arrhythmias | any deviation from the normal heartbeat or sinus rhythm/irregular heartbeat | |
19672799 | shock | collapse of the cardiovascular system, including vasodilation and fluid shift accompanied by inefficiant cardiac output | |
19672800 | cardiogenic shock | inadequate output of blood by the heart | |
19672801 | cardiac tamponade | compression of the heart muscle and restriction of heart movement caused by blood or fluid trapped in the pericardial sac/cardial compression | |
19672802 | emboli | clots of aggregated material (usually blood) that can lodge in a blood vessel and inhibit blood flow | |
19672803 | aneurysm | weakening and resulting local dilation of the wall of an artery | |
19672804 | phlebitis | inflammation of a vein, most often occuring in the lower legs, but any vein, including cranial veins, may be affected | |
19672805 | thrombophlebitis | result of inflammation of a vein with the formation of a thrombus on the vessel wall | |
19672806 | varicose veins | swollen, tortuous, and knotted veins that usually occur in the lower legs | |
19672807 | thromboangiitis obliterans/Buerger's disease | inflammation of the peripheral arteries and veins of the extremities with clot formation | |
19672808 | raynaud's disease | vasospastic condition of the fingers, hands, or feet, causing pain, numbness, and sometimes discoloration in these areas | |
19672809 | anemias | conditions in which there is a reduction in the quantity of either RBC's or hemoglobin in a measured volume of blood, reducing the blood's ability to carry oxygen to the cells | |
19672810 | agranulocytosis/neutropenia | blood dyscrasia in which leukocyte levels become extremely low | |
19672811 | polycythemia | abnormal increase in the amount of hemoglobin, the RBC count, or the hematocrit, causing an absolute increase in RBC mass | |
19672812 | acute lymphocytic leukemia/ALL | characterized by an overproduction of immature lymphoid cells (lymphoblasts) in the bone marrow and lymph nodes | |
19672813 | chronic lymphocytic leukemia/CLL | neoplasm that involves the lymphocytes/slowly progressive disease that results in accumulation of mature-appearing, but hypofunctional lymphocytes | |
19672814 | acute myelogenous leukemia/AML | rapidly progressive neoplasm of cells committed to the myeloid line of development. Leukemic cells accumulate in the bone marrow, peripheral blood, and other tissues | |
19672815 | chronic myelogenous leukemia/CML | slowly progressing neoplasm that arises in a hematopoietic stem cell or early progenitor cell, resulting in an excess of mature-appearing, but hypofunctional neutrophils | |
19672816 | lymphedema | abnormal collection of lymph, usually in the extremities | |
19672817 | lymphangitis | inflammation of the lymph vessels | |
19672818 | lymphoma | malignant neoplasms that arise from uncontrolled proliferation of the cellular components of the lymph system | |
19672819 | Hodgkin's disease | cancer of the body's lymphatic system, in which the involved cells proliferate and interfere with normal functioning by collecting in masses in various parts of the body. Tumor asrise in the tissue of the lymph nodes and spread to other lymph nodes, the spleen, the liver, and the bone marrow | |
19672820 | non-Hodgkin's lymphoma/NHL | a number of heterogeneous neoplasms of the lymphoid cells that exhibit a wide variety of clinical signs and symptoms, ranging from slow, indolent growth to rapidly fatal progression | |
19672821 | transfusion incompatability reaction | results when the blood or blood products transfused has antibodies to the recipient's RBC's or the recipient has antibodies to the donor's RBC's | |
19672822 | classic hemophilia | hereditary bleeding disorder resulting from deficiency of clotting factors | |
19672823 | disseminated intravascular coagulation | condition of simultaneous hemorrhage and thrombosis |