Vocab de Los Chicos
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30470573 | el alojamiento | lodging | |
30470574 | el andrajo | rag, tatter | |
30470575 | la cueva | cave | |
30470576 | la chabola | shack, shanty | |
30470577 | el desgarrón | rip, tear | |
30470578 | la empalizada | fence, palisade | |
30470579 | la gentuza | riffraff, mob, common people (derogatory) | |
30470580 | el golpe | blow | |
30470581 | el huerto | vegetable garden | |
30470582 | acercarse | to come close, to approach | |
30470583 | apedrear | to throw stones at | |
30470584 | arrastrar | to drag | |
30470585 | atrapar | to trap, to catch | |
30470586 | cojear | to limp | |
30470587 | empapar | to drench, to soak | |
30470588 | esconderse | to hide | |
30470589 | escudriñar | to scrutinize, to scan | |
30470590 | adosado(a) | placed back-to-back, embedded | |
30470591 | calloso(a) | callous, hard | |
30470592 | crujiente | creaky | |
30470593 | descalzo(a) | barefooted | |
30470594 | desnudo(a) | naked | |
30470595 | entrecortado(a) | broken, faltering | |
30470596 | fanfarrón | braggart | |
30470597 | harapiento(a) | in rags | |
30470598 | torcido(a) | twisted, crooked | |
30470599 | dar media vuelta | to do an about-face, to turn half way | |
30470600 | echarse encima | to throw oneself at | |
30470601 | en tropel | in a mad rush | |
30470602 | entablar relación | to establish relations, to begin a friendship | |
30470603 | lo suyo | one's share | |
30470604 | parecer mentira | to be hard to believe | |
30470605 | tener buena puntería | to be a good shot | |
30470606 | tener por | to consider, to take for | |
30470607 | el jornal | day's wage | |
30470608 | el pantano | swamp | |
30470609 | el pavor | fear, terror | |
30470610 | la pena | penalty, punishment | |
30470611 | el polvo | dust | |
30470612 | el prado | meadow | |
30470613 | el preso | prisoner | |
30470614 | el puño | fist | |
30470615 | el terraplén | embankment | |
30470616 | huir | to run away | |
30470617 | latir | to beat, to throb | |
30470618 | morder (ue) | to bite | |
30470619 | pisar | to step on | |
30470620 | retroceder | to move back | |
30470621 | revolverse (ue) | to toss and turn | |
30470622 | silbar | to whistle | |
30470623 | trepar | to climb, to creep |