AP English - List 10
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311962489 | imperturbable | adj. Calm | |
311962490 | paroxysm | n. A sudden outburst of any kind of activity | |
311962491 | increment(s) | n. something added or gained; addition; increase | |
311962492 | collusion | n. A secret agreement for a wrongful purpose | |
311962493 | dilettante | n. A superficial amateur | |
311962494 | acclamation | n. A lour shout or other demonstration of welcome, goodwill, or approval | |
311962495 | bucolic | adj. Of, pertaining to, or suggesting an idyllic rural life | |
311962496 | paltry | adj. Ridiculously or insultingly small; utterly worthless; mean or contemptible | |
311962497 | calumniate | v. To make false and malicious statements about; slander | |
311962498 | mandate | n. A command | |
311962499 | chary | adj. Cautious or careful; wary | |
311962500 | shibboleth(s) | n. A manner of speaking that is distinctive of a particular group of people; a favorite saying of a sect or political group | |
311962501 | refulgent | adj. Radiating or as if radiation light | |
311962502 | tyro | n. Someone new to a field or activity | |
311962503 | peregrination(s) | v. Traveling or wandering around | |
311962504 | redolent | adj. Smelling sweet and agreeable | |
311962505 | proffer | v. To offer to another for acceptance | |
311962506 | pedantry | n. An ostentatious and inappropriate display of learning | |
311962507 | profane | adj. Grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred | |
311962508 | unremitting | adj. Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing |