AP Government Term List Two (Includes Cases)
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207877210 | Gideon v Wainwright | guarantees the right to legal counsel in non-capital cases | |
207877211 | Mapp v Ohio | incorporation of constitutionally-obtained evidence | |
207877212 | Bakke v Regents | race may be used as a factor but not as a means of quota | |
207877213 | Texas v Johnson | allowed for the symbolic expression of flag-burning | |
207877214 | Red Lion Broadcasting v Federal Communication Commission | disallowed words | |
207877215 | Coker v Georgia | rape does not warrant death | |
207877216 | Thomson v Oklahoma | minors cannot be put to death legally | |
207877217 | Gregg v Georgia | death penalty is not "cruel and unusual" | |
207877218 | Olmstead v United States | wire-taps are against Third and Fifth | |
207877219 | Roe v Wade | abortion is upheld by right to privacy | |
207877220 | Snyder v Phelps | picketing at military funerals is allowed | |
207877221 | Near v Minnesota | prior restraint is against the First in newspapers | |
207877222 | Lemon v Kurtzman | provided three conditions for federal aid to religious schools | |
207877223 | Zelmon v Simmons-Harris | vouchers may be used for religious schools | |
207877224 | Engel v Vitale | no teacher-led prayer | |
207877225 | School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvania v Schempp | no teacher-led Bible reading | |
207877226 | Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v Smith | laws may be passed against a religious practice if it is illegal | |
207877227 | Christian Legal Society v Martinez | religious groups may not ban individuals for sexual orientation | |
207931606 | Gitlow v New York | overturned Barron v Baltimore and provided for incorporation through the Fourteenth | |
207931607 | Fourteenth Amendment | provides for selective incorporation | |
207931608 | Incorporation Doctrine | the concept in which the Bill of Rights is incorporated into state legislature | |
207931609 | Wolf v Colorado | unreasonable searches and seizures are illegal (incorporation into states) | |
207931610 | Griswold v Connecticut | the right to privacy is incorporated | |
207931611 | Freedom of Expression | the freedom to express one's opinions and facts through speech, writing, or any symbolic expression | |
207931612 | Gag Order | a court order that prohibits media coverage of a case for possible corruption of results | |
207931613 | Actual Malice | real, negative intent with a reckless disregard for the truth | |
207931614 | Zurcher v Stanford Daily | a search may be conducted on a newspaper without violating freedom of the press | |
207931615 | Obscenity | a word or action that is considered offensive, without scientific, literary, or artistic merit | |
207931616 | Roth v United States | obscenity is not a form of protected expression | |
207931617 | Miller v California | defines obscenity: | |
207931618 | Libel | false statements in printed text | |
207931619 | Slander | false statements in expressed speech | |
207931620 | Defamation of Character | statements that insult another's character | |
207931621 | New York Times v Sullivan | public figures may sue newspapers if they can prove intent | |
207931622 | Symbolic Speech | expression of beliefs without use of writing or speech | |
207931623 | Commercial Speech | speech for the purpose of selling products | |
207931624 | Clear and Present Danger Test | freedom of speech may be restricted in the presence of a "clear and present danger" | |
207931625 | Miami Herald Publishing Company v Tornillo | newspapers cannot be required to publish replies from politicians they have criticized | |
207931626 | Freedom of Assembly | the right to peacefully come together | |
207931627 | NAACP v Alabama | the NAACP does not have to release its membership lists; affirms the freedom of assembly | |
207931628 | Probable Clause | reasonable cause for search or arrest | |
207931629 | Unreasonable Searches and Seizures | searches and seizures that are based on faulty reasoning | |
207931630 | Search Warrant | a legal document stating that authorities have the right to search for evidence | |
207931631 | Exclusionary Rule | prohibits evidence that is not constitutionally-acquired | |
207931632 | Fifth Amendment | prohibits self-incrimination, double jeopardy, and assures due process of the law | |
207931633 | Self-Incrimination | the act in which a person is forced to confess information | |
207931634 | Miranda v Arizona | established the Miranda Rights | |
207931635 | Sixth Amendment | provides the right to counsel and to a fair and speedy trial | |
207931636 | Plea Bargaining | the act of negotiating for a lower punishment by pleading guilty | |
207931637 | Eighth Amendment | no excessive bails or fines, and no cruel and unusual punishments | |
207931638 | Cruel and Unusual Punishment | punishments that are cruel or inappropriate for crimes, or punishments of public humiliation | |
207931639 | Gregg v Georgia | death punishment is not cruel or unusual because it is only applied to fitting crimes | |
207931640 | McCleskey v Kemp | death penalty is not discriminate towards minorities, and does not violate the Fourteenth | |
207931641 | Right to Privacy | the right to keep one's life private providing it is not illegal | |
207931642 | Planned Parenthood v Casey | reaffirmed Roe v Wade, and allowed for further restrictions on abortion | |
207931643 | Civil Rights | rights of being a citizen, granted equally under the law | |
207931644 | Scott v Sandford | an escaped slave does not have rights | |
207931645 | Plessy v Ferguson | allowed for "separate but equal" public facilities | |
207931646 | Brown v Board of Education | overturned Plessy v Ferguson, ruling that "separate but equal" is inherently unequal | |
207967048 | Civil Rights Act of 1964 | ensured that racial, gender and religious discrimination is illegal in hiring practices; allowed for the justice department to enforce this | |
207967049 | Suffrage | the right to vote | |
207967050 | Poll Taxes | taxes applied unfairly for voting | |
207967051 | White Primary | the ban of minorities from voting in primary elections | |
207967052 | Grandfather Clause to the Literacy Test | those who's grandfathers could vote would not need to take the literacy test | |
207967053 | Literacy Test | a test on voting applied unfairly at elections | |
207967054 | Twenty-Fourth Amendment | outlawed poll taxes in federal elections | |
207967055 | Voting Rights Act of 1965 | eliminated literacy tests as a way to block minorities from the electoral process | |
207967056 | Korematsu v United States | upheld Executive Order 9066 | |
207967057 | Nineteenth Amendment | granted the right to vote to citizens regardless of gender | |
207967058 | De Facto Segregation | segregation that happens due to situation | |
207967059 | De Jure Segregation | segregation that happens due to legislation | |
207967060 | Busing | an attempt to integrate schools through the use of busing African Americans to schools outside of their area | |
207967061 | Civil Disobedience | an act of protest in which protestors peacefully ignore or oppose laws they believe are unjust | |
207967062 | Equal Rights Amendment | bans discrimination based on gender; not ratified | |
207967063 | Reed v Reed | first case to uphold gender discrimination | |
207967064 | Craig v Boren | judicial branch has medium scrutiny for determining constitutionality of laws relating to gender discrimination based on constitutional argument and good reason | |
207967065 | Title IX of the Education Act of 1972 | women's sports should get as much attention as men's sports | |
207967066 | National Organization for Women | interest group of feminists | |
207967067 | Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 | prohibits discrimination based on race, origin, religion and gender in employment | |
207967068 | The Equal Pay Act of 1963 | the two genders should have the same pay for the same amount of work | |
207967069 | The Glass Ceiling | a conceptual barrier that allows women to see higher positions of employment, but not to reach them | |
207967070 | Comparable Worth | the issue of women holding traditionally female jobs and being paid less than men working at jobs with similar requirements | |
207967071 | Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 | an unfunded mandate stating that all public facilities must be accessible to all disabled people | |
207967072 | Affirmative Action | a policy that attempts to counter the contemporary racial discrimination by making minority status a factor in hiring and student admissions | |
207967073 | Regents of the University of California v Bakke | quotas may not be used for college admission | |
207967074 | Adarand Constructors v Pena | strict scrutiny on programs that use race as a basis for making decisions, even for the purpose of extending opportunities to minorities | |
207967075 | Gratz v Bollinger | Michigan University's points system that provided advantage to minority groups is too much like a quota | |
207967076 | Grutter v Bollinger | race can be used as a factor in student applications, so long as it is not a major factor | |
207967077 | Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 | prohibits age discrimination of citizens forty years or older in hiring | |
207967078 | Emily's List | interest groups to promote women in politics | |
207967079 | Civil Liberties | liberties in thought and most action that are available to all citizens | |
207967080 | First Amendment | freedom of expression, freedom of the press and freedom of religion | |
207967081 | Barron v Baltimore | the Bill of Rights do not apply to the states | |
207967082 | Establishment Clause | Congress shall not pass laws that enforce, benefit or damage religion | |
208796514 | The Bill of Rights | the first ten amendments to the Constitution; established the rights of the people | |
218821103 | Pollock v. Farmer's Loan and Trust Company | a SC case that declared the income tax of 1894 unconstitutional |