Fr AP - le Petit Nicolas (first set)
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215696621 | aimer assez | to like fairly well | |
215696622 | amadouer | to coax, cajole | |
215696623 | discuter | to discuss | |
215696624 | donner des coups de poing | to punch | |
215696625 | enlever un enfant | to kidnap a child | |
215696626 | être déçu | to be disappointed | |
215696627 | être privé de | to be deprived of | |
215696628 | éviter | to avoid | |
215696629 | faire croire que | to make (someone) believe that | |
215696630 | faire les guignols | to clown around | |
215696631 | mettre la puce à l'oreille | to give someone an idea; to start the wheels turning | |
215696632 | plaisanter | to joke | |
215696633 | taquiner | to tease | |
215696634 | trainer | to drag | |
215696635 | une bande | a gang | |
215696636 | une bêtise | a stupid thing | |
215696637 | un bottin téléphonique | a phone book | |
215696638 | le chouchou | the teacher's pet | |
215696639 | l'entreprise | the business, company | |
215696640 | une façon de | a way, means of | |
215696641 | le goûter | the snack | |
215696642 | la maîtresse | the elementary school teacher | |
215696643 | un malentendu | a misunderstanding | |
215696644 | un moyen | a means | |
215696645 | un patron | a boss | |
215696646 | une poussette | a stroller | |
215696647 | la récré | recess | |
215696648 | un sifflet à roulette | a whistle | |
215696649 | un surveillant | a supervisor, guard | |
215696650 | il s'agit de | it has to do with | |
215696651 | être cadre | to be a middle manager | |
215696652 | être mère au foyer | to be a stay-at-home mom | |
215696653 | des tas de choses | tons of things | |
215696654 | plein de | lots of | |
215696655 | il y a du monde | there are people (guests at the house) | |
215696656 | auparavant | before, previously | |
215696657 | aussitôt | immediately, straight away | |
215696658 | de la part de | on behalf of | |
215696659 | afin de | in order to | |
215696660 | celui-ci | the latter | |
215696661 | ce dernier | the latter | |
215696662 | alors que | when, while | |
215696663 | alors | so | |
215696664 | suite à | following | |
215696665 | au jour J | on the big day | |
215696666 | tout est bien qui fini bien | all's well that ends well |