Edwards AP Lang Vocab 1
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79243063 | Abeyance | a temporary suspension of activity. | |
79243064 | Abstinence | voluntarily refraining from eating certain foods or drink or from doing something pleasant but not good for you. | |
79243065 | Abstruse | hard to understand or grasp. | |
79243066 | Adumbrate | to suggest partly, to give a hint of things to come, to foreshadow vaguely. | |
79243067 | Alacrity | cheerful readiness, liveliness or eagerness. | |
79243068 | Ambulatory | able to walk or move about. | |
79243069 | Apocryphal | false, spurious, of a doubtful origin. | |
79243070 | Arbiter | a judge, one who decides. | |
79243071 | Ascetic | hermitlike, self-denial, austere. | |
79243072 | Assiduous | hardworking, busy, diligent. | |
79243073 | Capricious | whimsical, fanciful, impulsive. | |
79243074 | Castigate | to punish, chastise, criticize severely. | |
79243075 | Chary | careful, cautious, wary. | |
79243076 | Chicanery | deception or trickery. | |
79243077 | Chimerical | wildly fanciful, absurd. | |
79243078 | Circumlocution | wordy language, an indirect, roundabout expression. | |
79243079 | Contentious | argumentative over a point, quarrelsome. | |
79243080 | Belie | to run counter to, to show something as false. | |
79243081 | Brook | to tolerate, to put up with something. | |
79243082 | Debacle | a disaster or violent breakdown | |
79243083 | Deleterious | harmful | |
79243084 | Descry | to discern, to see something, to catch sight of | |
79243085 | Desiccate | to dry out | |
79243086 | Discomfit | to confuse, deceive | |
79243087 | Doff | to take off ( usually clothing) as a sign of greeting. | |
79243088 | Doggerel | comic, sometimes crude, informal verse | |
79243089 | Dossier | a file of documents, letters and records | |
79243090 | Dulcet | having a nice, agreeable melodious sound | |
79243091 | Encomium | a eulogy or expression of high praise | |
79243092 | Endemic | native, belonging to a specific region | |
79243093 | Espy | to glimpse, to descry, to catch sight of | |
79243094 | Evanescent | vanishing, happening for the briefest moment. | |
79243095 | Exemplar | an excellent model, a typical example | |
79243096 | Exigent | urgent, demands prompt action | |
79243097 | Extirpate | to rip up by the roots, to abolish, to annihilate | |
79243098 | Facetious | humorous, joking in a somewhat inappropriate or clumsy manner. | |
79243099 | Fecund | fertile, productive, fruitful | |
79243100 | Fusillade | a rapid outburst, spray of gunfire | |
79243101 | Gainsay | to deny, to speak or act against | |
79243102 | Garrulous | talkative | |
79243103 | Halitosis | bad breath | |
79243104 | Irascible | hot tempered, cranky | |
79243105 | Leitmotif | a dominant or recurring theme | |
79243106 | Levee | an embankment designed to prevent a river from flooding | |
79243107 | Lope | to run at a steady, easy pace | |
79243108 | Macerate | to soften by soaking, to cause to waste away | |
79243109 | Malapropism | the humorous misuse of a word that sounds very much like the word intended | |
79243110 | Matriculate | to enroll, most particularly in college | |
79243111 | Maudlin | overly sentimental | |
79243112 | Mellifluous | sweetly flowing | |
79243113 | Mordant | bitingly sarcastic, incisive, caustic in manner | |
79243114 | Moribund | being in a dying or decaying condition | |
79243115 | Munificent | generous | |
79243116 | Neophyte | a beginner, a novice | |
79243117 | Officious | unnecessarily helpful, meddlesome, interfering | |
79243118 | Omnivorous | eating or absorbing everything, feeding on both animal and vegetable substances | |
79243119 | Oscillate | to swing back and forth | |
79243120 | Ossify | to become rigid, to become set in one's ways | |
79243121 | Palliate | to hide the seriousness of something with excuses or apologies, to ease without curing | |
79243122 | Pallid | lacking color, wan | |
79243123 | Panegyric | lofty praise, eulogistic writing | |
79243124 | Parsimonious | stingy | |
79243125 | Penury | extreme poverty | |
79243126 | Perfidious | faithless, untrustworthy | |
79243127 | Perfunctory | careless, unenthusiastic, done merely as duty | |
79243128 | Perorate | to make a long, formal speech, to sum up a speech | |
79243129 | Perspicacious | shrewd, astute, showing strong powers of discernment | |
79243130 | Petulant | cranky, ill tempered, irritable, peevish | |
79243131 | Piquant | pungent, charmingly provocative | |
79243132 | Prescient | having foresight | |
79243133 | Prevaricate | to deviate from the truth | |
79243134 | Profligate | corrupt, degenerate, wildly extravagant | |
79243135 | Propinquity | nearness in place or time, kinship | |
79243136 | Protean | readily assuming different shapes or characters | |
79243137 | Putrefy | to rot | |
79243138 | Recalcitrant | stubbornly defiant and resistant of authority | |
79243139 | Recondite | hard to understand, abstruse, over one's head | |
79243140 | Reprobate | a morally unprincipled person, a scoundrel | |
79243141 | Reticent | restrained, reluctant, uncommunicative | |
79243142 | Ribaldry | vulgar or indecent language | |
79243143 | Sagacious | wise, shrewd | |
79243144 | Salubrious | favorable to health | |
79243145 | Scotch | to put an end to | |
79243146 | Sinuous | winding, having many curves | |
79243147 | Striated | marked with thin lines or grooves | |
79243148 | Supercilious | arrogant, overbearing, condescending | |
79243149 | Surreptitious | sneaky, secret | |
79243150 | Sycophant | a flatterer, a self-serving yes-man | |
79243151 | Temerity | boldness, rashness, audacity | |
79243152 | Truculent | hostile, aggressive, savage | |
79243153 | Vacuous | empty, lacking intelligence | |
79243154 | Viscosity | thickness and consistency of a liquid |