Imagina Ch.8 Ciencia y Tecnologia
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61335577 | buscador | search engine | |
61335578 | cámara digital | digital camera | |
61335579 | cederrón | CD-ROM | |
61335580 | ciberspacio | cyberspace | |
61335581 | computadora portátil | laptop | |
61335582 | contraseña | password | |
61335583 | corrector ortográfico | spell check | |
61335584 | dirección electrónica | email address | |
61335585 | herramienta | tool | |
61335586 | informática | computer science | |
61335587 | red | (the) web | |
61335588 | reproductor de DVD | dvd player | |
61335589 | teléfono celular | cell phone | |
61335590 | borrar | to erase | |
61335591 | descargar | to download | |
61335592 | guardar | to save | |
61335593 | quemar un CD | to burn a CD | |
61335594 | avanzado | advanced | |
61335595 | innovador(a) | innovative | |
61335596 | intrigante | intriguing | |
61335597 | revolucionario | revolutionary | |
61335598 | ADN | DNA | |
61335599 | avance | advance (noun) | |
61335600 | célula | cell (biology) | |
61335601 | desafio | challenge | |
61335602 | descubrimiento | discovery | |
61335603 | experimento | experiment | |
61335604 | gen | gene | |
61335605 | genética | genetics | |
61335606 | invento | invention | |
61335607 | novedad | new development | |
61335608 | patente | patent | |
61335609 | teoría | theory | |
61335610 | alcanzar | to reach, to attain | |
61335611 | clonar | to clone | |
61335612 | comprobar | to prove | |
61335613 | contribuir | to contribute | |
61335614 | crear | to create | |
61335615 | inventar | to invent | |
61335616 | bioquímico | biochemical | |
61335617 | especializado | specialized | |
61335618 | ético | ethical | |
61335619 | poco ético | unethical | |
61335620 | espacio | space | |
61335621 | estrella | star | |
61335622 | estrella fugaz | shooting star | |
61335623 | extraterrestre | alien | |
61335624 | gravedad | gravity | |
61335625 | ovni | UFO | |
61335626 | supervivencia | survival | |
61335627 | telescopio | telescope | |
61335628 | aterrizar | to land | |
61335629 | explorar | to explore | |
61335630 | astronauta | astronaut | |
61335631 | astrónomo | astronomer | |
61335632 | biólogo | biologist | |
61335633 | científico | scientist | |
61335634 | ingeniero | engineer | |
61335635 | investigador | researcher | |
61335636 | matemático | mathematician | |
61335637 | químico | chemist |