AP Lang Second Semester Vocab (Edwards) Part 1
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288365993 | abrogate | to repeal, to set aside, to nullify | |
288365994 | abscond | to leave quickly and secretively | |
288365995 | adjure | to command or urge solemnly and earnestly | |
288365996 | aggrieve | to distress, to mistreat | |
288365997 | ameliorate | to make better, to ease or improve | |
288370240 | bandy | to toss back and forth, to exchange, to use in a glib way | |
288370241 | cavil | to quibble, to raise trivial questions | |
288370242 | comport | to behave | |
288370243 | decimate | to kill or destroy a large part of something | |
288370244 | depredate | to prey upon, to plunder with violence if necessary | |
288370245 | dissipate | to break up, to squander, to indulge excessively in sensual pleasure | |
288370246 | enervate | to weaken, to sap the strength | |
288370247 | ensconce | to settle in snugly, to hide in a secure place | |
288370248 | fetter | to impede, retrain, hamper | |
288370249 | flagellate | to whip, or to punish as if by whipping | |
288370250 | foment | to stir up, to incite | |
288370251 | forswear | retract, renounce, or retcant | |
288370252 | gesticulate | to gesture, especially when speaking | |
288370253 | gird | to invest in authority, to brace | |
288370254 | impugn | to attack the integrity of something |