AP - contaminación
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5382076 | durar | to last | |
5382077 | habitable | inhabitable | |
5382078 | sucio | dirty | |
5382079 | desperdicios | waste | |
5382080 | tóxico | toxic | |
5382081 | monóxido de carbono | carbon monoxide | |
5382082 | bióxido de carbono | carbon dioxide | |
5382083 | derrame | spill | |
5382084 | ruido | noise | |
5382085 | compuestos | composites | |
5382086 | químicos | chemicals | |
5382087 | sobrevivir | survive | |
5382088 | ecosistema | ecosystem | |
5382089 | vehículo | vehicle | |
5382090 | granja | farm | |
5382091 | digamos | let's say | |
5382092 | tirar / arrojar | to throw | |
5382093 | no hay forma | there is no way | |
5382094 | mezclarse | to mix | |
5382095 | acarrear | to transport/to carry | |
5382096 | arroyo | creek | |
5382097 | suponer | to imagine | |
5382098 | fábrica | factory | |
5382099 | cortadora de césped | lawn mower | |
5382100 | leña | fire wood | |
5382101 | asadores | grills | |
5382102 | servilletas | napkins | |
5382103 | común | common | |
5382104 | botellones | big bottles | |
5382105 | demasiados/as | too many | |
5382106 | calentamiento | heating | |
5382107 | letrero | sign | |
5382108 | porta servilletas | napkin holder | |
5382109 | desagüe | drain pipe | |
5382110 | tratamiento | treatment | |
5382111 | toneladas | tons | |
5382112 | filtrados(as) | filtered | |
5382113 | clarificado(a) | clarified | |
5382114 | aireado(a) | aired | |
5382115 | devolver | to give back(to return) | |
5382116 | desembocar | to flow into | |
5382117 | drenaje | drainage | |
5382118 | fluir | to flow(to run) | |
5382119 | bahia | bay | |
5382120 | procesar | to process |